
Explore your sign’s 2024 horoscope predictions to learn what is in store for you this year in love, career, and more. Check out the love compatibility of each sign to learn more about zodiac pairings and all things compatibility.

This summer holds immense potential and supportive energy towards your dreams. There are a lot of gifts many will be receiving during this time, and financially, a new beginning is coming to fruition. We begin the season the same way we do every year, and that is with the Sun entering Cancer. Cancer Season is always a more emotional time, but it’s also a time of deep insight, focus, and passion. We are gaining clarity of the heart, and with two Full Moons in Capricorn happening at the beginning of summer, we are also gaining clarity within money matters as well right now. Summer 2024 is a season of new beginnings, opportunities, patience, and blessings.

Saturn and Neptune will both be retrograde in Pisces this summer, Saturn going direct in November and Neptune going direct in December; and we are moving through a transformative time in mind, body, and soul. Saturn retrograde in Pisces allows us to reexamine our perspective, our spirituality, and the emotional connections we have been building. Neptune retrograde in Pisces reminds us to take the blindfold off and to fully live in the present moment rather than in the fantasies that can cloud our vision. With all the water sign energy presenting itself at the start of summer, it’s about taking your time with what your heart is telling you and allowing things to settle in before taking action.

Leo Season officially begins on July 22, and this Leo Season is about encouraging yourself and others and allowing yourself to live up to who you want to be. Having a little extra confidence is needed this Leo Season as Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 5 until Aug. 14 and then retrograde in Leo from Aug. 14 until Aug. 28. This Mercury retrograde is a time of giving yourself more grace and not allowing self-doubt to cloud your vision or make things worse than they need to be. The Super Blue Moon in Aquarius, happening on Aug. 19, will be the perfect opportunity to let go of what you deem unworthy or too weird for the world and to fully step into your authentic self.

Virgo Season comes to fruition on Aug. 22, closing out the summer, and this Virgo Season is one of transformation and manifestation. The summer begins a little slow and it’s all about the baby steps that come with progress, but by the time Virgo Season comes around, everything is going to be happening a lot quicker. The New Moon in Virgo on Sep. 2 is a New Moon of harvest, and the things you have been building and working on this summer will be coming forth in a big way. A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse is happening in Pisces on Sep. 17, which is bringing positive changes within love and creating space for the new life that you are bringing to fruition. Patience is needed this summer, but there is also so much room for growth that progress is inevitable along the way. It’s all about a fresh start right now.

Read for your sun and rising sign below to see how summer 2024 will be for you.



This summer is about nurturing your world, Aries. Your patience is needed during this time as you allow your manifestations to come to fruition and let go of what you can’t control. You are in a good space to receive, and there is a lot of love, receptivity, and peace in your life over the next few months. With Saturn going retrograde in your 12th house of closure as the summer begins, you are walking into it in a space of healing and are going to be experiencing culminations that help you move on and create a new beginning for yourself.

On July 27, Chiron goes retrograde in Aries until Dec. 29, further enhancing the restorative energy that is apparent in your life this summer. You are learning from where you have been and setting yourself up for future success by doing the work, going within, and giving yourself some more self-love. On Aug. 14, Mercury goes retrograde in your house of romance until Aug. 28, and your idea of love is shifting. Through the emotional cleanse you have been through this summer, what you want and what you need looks a little different now. Mars enters Gemini and moves into your 4th house of home, foundations, and stability on Sep. 4, and you are leaving this season ready to rebuild and grow after a time of release.



You are entering an insightful season, Taurus. This summer is all about abundance, growth, allowing more love in, and trusting your intuition. With Venus in your 4th house of foundations from Jul. 11 until Aug. 4, you are finding a lot of happiness and love in the home and when it comes to the stability and security you are building in your life right now. Mars, the planet of passion, action, and energy, is also in your 2nd house of income for most of this summer, and you have more potential to make a lot of money or increase your earnings in some way. It’s all about the way you see and value yourself and asking for what you want.

The Super Blue Moon on Aug. 19 is when you are going to find more clarity within career matters and when some important achievements or projects are coming full circle. You are working on letting go of self-sabotage or judgments and owning the person you are and the intentions you have manifested for yourself. Uranus goes retrograde in your sign from Sep. 1 until Jan. 30, 2025, and life can feel more exciting, but also a little more chaotic during this time. The more you can balance going with the flow with putting the work in this summer, the better you can use the opportunities that are presenting themselves to your best advantage.



This is a fun, passionate, and exciting summer for you, Gemini. You have a lot of energy at your disposal over the next few months with Mars in your sign from Jul. 20 until Sept. 4. With Mars being in your 1st house of Self, you are going through some major transformations and could be changing your image, style, or personal goals. This summer is when you are going after the things you want and not letting insecurities or self-doubt get in the way of the personal growth you are seeking right now.

On July 26, Chiron goes retrograde in your 11th house of friendship and community, and there is a sense of feeling like you have to do more things alone. It could be difficult to feel that healing and supportive energy within some social connections, and you are moving through this so you can see how powerful you are whether there are people by your side or not. Mercury goes retrograde this summer and will be retro in your house of communication from Aug. 14 until Aug. 28, and it’s best to not be impulsive with the things you want to get across right now. Before the summer ends, there is a Supermoon Lunar Eclipse on Sep. 17, and the things you have been working on in your life and within your career over the past six months are coming full circle for you now.



Summer begins on the first day of Cancer Season, and you are shining, living in your truth, and feeling more excited about the future. This summer is about patience with communication, opening your mind to a new perspective, and getting inspired. You have your vision set on the things you want and the words you need to speak, but you are also being guided to take your time with everything right now. Saturn goes retrograde in your 9th house of travel, adventure, and spirituality from Jun. 29 until Nov. 15, and extra precaution should be taken while traveling or exploring, as plans may change a little more unexpectedly during this time.

There is a lot of hope in your life right now, and you are finding your balance between having faith and taking action. The first New Moon of the summer is in Cancer on July 5, enhancing the energy of new beginnings, progress, and self-confidence you are feeling and opening up to now.

As you move through this new season, take a look at your intentions, write down what you wish to see through, and manifest from a space of inner clarity and patience. Venus enters your 3rd house of communication from Aug. 4 until Aug. 29, and you feel more support when it comes to your message and unique perspective. On Sep. 4, Mars enters Cancer until Nov. 3, and this is when you will see more immediate progress and success with your personal goals and the things you are going after.



This summer is about growing new foundations, building a new sense of family, and feeling more support and stability in your life, Leo. You are focused on the things that make you feel secure and fulfilled in your life, and on July 2, when Mercury enters Leo, you are better able to communicate that. Summertime is always a more abundant and special time for Leos, as this is your season. Venus enters Leo from July 11 until Aug. 4, and you are not only feeling more love for yourself but you are also receiving this same energy back from others as well. Leo Season officially begins on July 22, and the Sun is shining on you as you shine on the world and your intentions.

The Mercury retrograde of the summer will briefly enter your sign from Aug. 14 until Aug. 28 and will then be direct in Leo until Sept. 9. So, for a few weeks, some extra patience will be needed when it comes to your personal goals and communication with others, and you are learning how to express yourself and take up space while building a bridge for others to do so as well. There is a Supermoon Lunar eclipse on Sep. 17, and the transformations you have been through this summer are coming full circle for you now. This Lunar Eclipse is helping you grasp all you have been through while letting go of all that is no longer serving you or what you are building in your life right now.



Dreams are coming true for you this summer, Virgo. This is a time of manifestation, showing up, and making connections. Some pleasant surprises are in store for you over the next few months, and you are fully immersing yourself in the good energy that is flowing through your world right now. On July 11, Venus enters your 12th house before it enters your sign on Aug. 4, and you are going to be emotionally healing and finding closure as you begin this summer. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, and goes retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 5 until Aug. 14. You are finding your balance between owning what is inspiring you right now and leaving room for new information and insight to enter as well. It’s about being okay with not always being understood but making sure you get the vision you are bringing forth.

Virgo Season begins on Aug. 22, and you enter a time of self-love and romantic love during this time. With Venus and the Sun both in your sign now, you are feeling the nourishment, harmony, and new beginnings in your life, and the things you have been hoping for are coming true for you. On Sep. 2, there is a New Moon in Virgo, and this is the perfect time to manifest and focus on your dreams and abundance. Know that you deserve to have it all, Virgo. Mercury moves back into Virgo from Sep. 9 until Sept. 26, signifying the importance of communication, networking, and perspective for you this summer.



This summer for you, Libra, is about choosing your peace and walking away from your past. You are in a space of emotional contemplation and healing, and you are learning a lot from the people around you and the things you have been through. The Full Moon at the start of the summer on Jun. 21, is going to be a good time for you to nourish your world, relax, and get back to the basics. You are working on letting go of the heavy stuff that has been restricting you from feeling more freedom and empowerment in your life. Once Venus enters your 11th house of hopes and dreams from Jul. 11 until Aug. 4, you are going to be feeling more supported and inspired by what is transpiring for you now.

On Sep. 1, Pluto retrograde moves into the same area of your chart as the Full Moon was at the beginning of the Summer, and you are finding your power in the details. While Pluto is in retrograde in your 4th house until Oct. 11, deep emotional experiences from your past or that have been pushed to the side, are going to arise for you to fully heal and let go of. Venus, your ruling planet, enters your 2nd house of income on Jul. 22 before summer ends, and you are leaving this season with abundance on your mind and with a new perspective on how valuable and worthy you are of love and prosperity.



This summer is a time of love, balance, and partnership, Scorpio. You are coming together with others and feeling a good emotional reciprocity in your life that is changing a lot for you moving forward. The New Moon on July 5 is a good time to start manifesting your dreams for the summer, especially when it comes to travel and what adventures you want to get into over the next few months. It’s all about having a positive and open perspective right now, and with Venus entering your 10th house of career on July 11 until Aug. 4, you are ready to show up for your blessings and are more open to allowing others to support you and cheer you on along the way.

Mars, your ruling planet, will be in your 8th house of transformation, intimacy, and shared finances for most of the summer, and you are not only feeling the emotional intensity, passion, and sensuality in your love life right now, but you are also feeling more financially supported within your partnerships as well.

On Sep. 17, there is a Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in a fellow water sign, and you are flowing well with the energy of this Eclipse as love comes full circle for you and blesses your relationships in the process. Venus enters your sign on the last day of summer, where it will be until Oct. 17, and you are taking the emotional growth and blessings you have been through in love these past few months into the fall season.



You are connecting, rebuilding, and collaborating this summer, Sagittarius. This time for you is all about putting the work in, owning and developing your skills, and creating something beautiful in your world. You begin the summer with Saturn going retrograde in your 4th house of home, family, and foundations on Jun. 29 until Nov. 15, and you are going to be focusing on rebuilding some structures in your life, healing your relationship with family or the past, and giving yourself time to find your way. Once Mars enters your 7th house of love on July 20, you are going to feel more of the emotional support and clarity you are looking for right now and will have more energy to connect with others as well.

On Aug. 19, a Super Blue Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, and some important messages are getting across to you right now. The conversations you are having this summer are giving you the closure you didn’t know you needed. Pallas enters your sign on Sep. 8 where it will be until Nov. 30, and Pallas will be opening your mind to new insights. You are coming up with some transformative and powerful ideas right now and it’s a good time to express them and connect with those you get your vision from. The Lunar Eclipse happening on Sep. 17 will be giving you closure in the home, and you are ready to let go of unstable foundations that don’t align with what you are trying to be or manifest right now.



This summer is about taking action without being too impulsive, Capricorn. You have a lot of great ideas and the passion to see them through, but you are being guided to consider all options before fully committing to something. The first Full Moon of the summer is in your sign on Jun. 21, signifying the closures and culminations you are moving through now. The way you see your goals, yourself, and your vision are changing right now, and that’s okay. Saturn, your ruling planet, goes retrograde at the start of summer until Nov. 15 as well, and this Saturn retrograde for you is going to be helping you in communication matters and when it comes to getting the answers you have been looking for.

The second Full Moon of summer is also occurring in Capricorn and will be on July 21, giving you another opportunity at closure and a new beginning. You are working on letting go of how you thought things would be and seeing the gifts and purpose of where they are now. Pluto retrograde will be entering your sign from Sep. 1 until Oct. 11, and then will be direct in Capricorn until Nov. 19. Pluto will be reminding you that true power is in your patience rather than your pressure, and to not force the things that are unfolding on their own time. The Lunar Eclipse, happening on Sep. 17, will be an opportunity to close a chapter of your life of miscommunication or misrepresentation and give you clarity on your true purpose and inspirations.



This summer, you are owning your power in life and stepping up to the plate, Aquarius. You are feeling the success, achievement, and development in your life over the next few months, and you are in a really good position in life. With Saturn being retrograde in your 2nd house of income this summer, extra precaution should be taken when it comes to your finances, contracts, and what you are building financially for yourself, but with the right patience, you will still succeed. On Aug. 19, there is a Super Blue Moon in your sign, and you are experiencing the gifts that come from personal transformation. You are showing up and showing out, and something is compelling and magnetic about your energy this summer.

Uranus, one of your ruling planets, goes retrograde on Sep. 2 until early 2025, and a lot of changes are going to be happening in the home for you during this time. You could be moving, changing the dynamics with family, or overall feeling a little more excitement and, at times, chaos in this area of your life. Before summer ends, a Supermoon Lunar Eclipse is happening in your 2nd house of income, and you are making powerful strides and can take in the financial blessings that are coming full circle for you. Lunar Eclipses aren’t the time to manifest, but they are a time when you can gain the guidance needed to make some important decisions in your life.



You are opening your heart, healing, and living in love this summer, Pisces. This is an emotionally fulfilling and heartfelt summer for you, but you are also learning the lessons and doing the inner work. Saturn will be retrograde in your sign for the entirety of the summer and you are rebuilding not only your foundations but the vision you have of yourself as well. You are seeing where some past insecurities are getting in the way of your progress, and you are taking more time to give yourself the love, support, and nourishment you need right now. Neptune will also be retrograde in your sign this summer, and it’s about confronting the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel at times.

With Mercury going retrograde in your 7th house of love for a few weeks at the beginning of August, remember that if the past comes up for you or tries to re-enter your life, sometimes it’s better to leave the door closed rather than bring up old emotions you have already healed from. On Aug. 19, the Super Blue Moon will be in your 12th house of closure, and this is a good time to let go of all the past emotional experiences that keep coming up for you. With the Super Lunar Eclipse happening this summer, occurring in your sign on Sep. 17, you are being positively received and supported. There are more opportunities for emotional connection as the summer ends, and you feel like you can finally take a breath of fresh air.

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There’s just something about HBCU Homecoming that just hits different. Whether it’s your first time stepping onto the yard since graduation or you’re a regular at every Homecoming tailgate, HBCU pride is undeniable. It’s a vibrant celebration that unites the legacy of excellence and tradition with the energy and resilience of Black culture.

Overcome Seasonal Affective Disorder With These 5 Soothing Sounds

Autumn is here, and while many of us enjoy the cooler weather and seeing the leaves change colors, others struggle during this time of year. According to a 2019 Boston University article, 10 million Americans deal with SAD (seasonal affective disorder), a form of depression caused by the changing seasons.

Some of the symptoms include fatigue, decreased sex drive, feelings of hopelessness, trouble sleeping or oversleeping, and more. The article also reveals that women are four times more likely than men to experience SAD.