
Many of us have been conditioned to be "lack-minded" or "broke-minded" without even realizing it. This propensity toward being overpowered by the thought of not having, is a hard habit to break.

To be broke-minded, or to have a broke mindset, means to live your life with the constant fear and acknowledgement that you don't have enough or that you will run out of something. This usually correlates to how you make and spend your money, but even deeper than that lies a fundamental fear of loss and being without.

Related: The 5 Money Myths That Are Keeping You Broke, Sis

Constantly being worried about money or being afraid to spend it energetically tells the universe that you are afraid to make it, and can result in a lack of abundance. Here, we will break down what it means to be lack-minded, and ways in which you can reverse this thinking in order to invite abundance into your life.

Below are a few tips to help reverse your broke-minded consciousness.

Money Is Source Energy Manifested

Monetary transactions are not only physical, everything we do is attached to an energetic exchange. When you dread paying your bills, you are sending into the universe fear, resentment, and anger, which are all negative and low vibrational feelings. Once you tune in and focus on this energy, every time you spend money, you will associate your energy with these vibrations, which will in turn attract more bills and unsavory experiences to you.

Every time you sit on the bill, because you don't want to pay it, it piles up. In some instances, you even incur more debt with fees and interest built up. Your negative energy around paying something that you have in fact used, creates more debt for you to be even more irritated about.

Related: I Cleared $35,000 Worth Of Debt While Making $12 An Hour

If you view money, as you view energy, wouldn't you want to vibe positively? Money is what you make it. According to Dr. Anadi Sahoo, "Money itself has no energy. It is a piece of paper or a piece of metal, but it is the energy behind money that creates so much happiness and so much sorrow...this means that your physical world is inevitably affected by your mental reality. Money is energy!"

The Law of Attraction has everything to do with this truth. The more negative energy you harbor around spending money, the more negativity and lack you will experience. You must change your money energy consciousness into a positive one.

Remove Fear From Manifesting Money


"It takes money to make money."This age-old mantra is very true. When starting a new business, or endeavor, in order for someone to get it off the ground, they must have some kind of seed or capital. In the capitalistic world we live in, this is just how it works.

Money draws money. My mother used to always say, "Follow the money." Investing your money in something is always wise if you know there is a high probability of making a return. In fact, that is the only reason that you start a for-profit business to begin with! Money is source energy manifested, and should always be put to good uses, and kept in circulation. Basically, you must spend your money in order to make more money.

If you remove the fear of spending your money, you effectively increase the possibility of gaining it. Fear and lack go hand-in-hand. Again, being afraid to spend money is telling the universe that you are afraid to make it, which again leaves you broke.

If you are interested in starting a new business, you must relinquish the fear around starting it by raising your vibration. You must feel worthy of someone investing in you, in order to gain the money you need to start. Energy reacts off of energy. You must wholeheartedly stand behind what it is you have to offer. If there is any type of education or startup costs needed to start your journey, taking that leap of faith lets the universe know that you are not afraid of doing the work, and ultimately making that moola.

Abundance Comes From Gratitude

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." – Oprah Winfrey

Being grateful for what you already have is a magnet for gaining more. Take it from one of the richest people in the world. Expressing gratitude is like having a golden ticket. It energetically opens you to achieving more than you ever asked for. Since everything we do is energetic, by showing appreciation for what you do have, you attract more of what you want.

Related: 4 Ways To Attract & Manifest More Abundance Into Your Life

In our materialistic society, we are conditioned to want more and more. If you are constantly in the attitude and vibration of gratitude, feeling thankful not only for what you have, but also having faith and trust that whatever you need will be constantly and endlessly provided, you will begin to magnetically attract abundance. I know that this sounds like a fairytale, but you must surrender to gratitude everyday that you are alive. Be thankful for running water. Be thankful for the roof over your head. Be thankful for clothes on your back, and shoes on your feet. Be thankful for having loving people in your life. Be thankful for even being able to read this article. If you are thankful for all the basic needs of survival, you will be blessed with an excess.

The more you remain in a vibration of gratitude, your bag will draw more and more abundance.

Visualize Yourself As A Money Machine

Meditation and positive affirmations are a great way to reverse broke mindedness. The words that we utter act as a boomerang, and come right back to us. No word returns to you void. If you want to manifest more money, you have to ask for it.

If you constantly say, "I am broke," broke you shall be. Practice reversing the rhetoric you spew around money. I personally use the affirmation, "I am a walking money machine. Whatever I spend, comes right back threefold."

Repeating some of the positive affirmations below from Prolificliving.com, will send the universe a message that will materialize into tangible cash money:

  • I am a magnet for money.
  • Prosperity is drawn to me.
  • Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
  • I move from poverty thinking to abundance thinking.
  • I am worthy of making more money.
  • I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
  • I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
  • I release all negative energy over money.
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  • Wealth constantly flows into my life.
  • My actions create constant prosperity.
  • I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
  • I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
  • My finances improve beyond my dreams.
  • Money is the root of joy and comfort.
  • Money and love can be friends.
  • I am the master of my wealth.
  • I can handle massive success with grace.
  • Money expands my life's opportunities and experiences.
  • Money creates positive impact in my life.

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