
I’ve never really been big on New Year’s Resolutions — not in the classic sense, anyway. A part of the reason is because Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) is what I observe and that transpires in the fall. Another reason is that I have long known what research says about January 1 resolutions: that they usually don’t work.

Experts say that it’s mostly because an unrealistic amount of expectation is put on the first day of each year because it is new when the reality is that only 25 percent of folks actually stick to their resolutions, even a month after making them. Besides, as I oftentimes say, if you really want to change or do something, you’ll start today — not wait until January 1. To me, that sounds like nothing more than low-key procrastination sprinkled with a bit of superstition.

Now, what I am all about, is taking seasonal inventory. That’s why I’ve written articles for the platform before like, “Love Recommitted: 7 Promises That Every Spouse Should Make This NYE,” “10 Questions To Ask Your Close Friends Before The New Year Begins,” “Stay Together Or Break-Up? The Dilemma That Must Be Discussed…Before NYE.” and “The Conversation You Need To Have With Yourself Before The New Year Begins” (for example).

Since the holiday season is oftentimes when many of us lean into a profound sense of self-reflection, it can be good to ask yourself (and/or folks you are in a relationship with) a few questions for clarity’s sake, if nothing else. Plus, there’s a project that I like to do with my own friends where I ask them to express what I bring into their lives with one word (check out “Texting Your Friends This One Question Will Reveal A Lot About Your Relationship”); it too can shed quite a bit of light.

And so, along the lines of applying a one-word formula for the sake of improving the quality of life, I spent some time thinking about a word that I could encourage you to use in 2025 — now that we are very much so a whopping quarter of a century into the year 2000 (crazy, right?). I did indeed come up with one, and while it might seem rather simple on the surface, as I unpack it just a bit, I think you will get that it can keep you quite focused (and centered) for the next 12 months…if you choose for it to.

Take the Pressure Off. Choose to EVOLVE.


Another reason why top-of-the-year resolutions fail? It’s because, let’s be real, they are stressful as hell. All of a sudden, folks who never ate healthy want to go without ice cream for six months straight, people who’ve never had a budget before are cutting off all of their streaming services and banning Etsy, and individuals who can’t seem to shake their ex (check out “Stop Being In Relationship Purgatory With Your 'Kinda Ex'”) are out here declaring that they will never speak to them again.

Meanwhile, you know what else intel says about why resolutions tend to crash and burn? It’s because they simply aren’t a part of our lifestyle, routines, or habits. And here’s the thing: 40 percent of what we do every day are considered habits — things that we do without even thinking about them.

Resolutions on the other hand? Oh, they require almost damn near being obsessed with them because they are oftentimes so far off of the mark from our daily norm. And here’s the thing about stress and pressure — they can lead to overthinking, which can cause you to panic, which can either drain you or paralyze you completely.

Then, before you know it, you’ve quit your resolution, which leaves you feeling defeated, which means that you’re right back into your usual habits…almost as a form of comfort (even if you know that they are counterproductive as all get out). A hamster wheel, indeed.

So, what are you saying, Shellie? That we should take the “eff it” approach and do nothing during this time? Nooo…not at all. Actually, what I recommend is that you toss out the word “resolution” and replace it with “evolve” instead.

Evolve:to come forth gradually into being; develop; undergo evolution; to gradually change one's opinions or beliefs.

Synonyms:emerge; expand; mature; grow; advance; increase; open up; result; make progress; move forward; transform; unfold; adapt; adjust; release; advance; blossom; materialize; forge and play out.

Y’all, there are some cool quotes out here that speak about what comes with choosing to evolve. Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake once said, “I love to be free to explore, research, and evolve.” Evolution is freedom.

Japanese artist Miyavi once said, “My philosophy is my learning process. Until you die, you must evolve and improve.” Evolution is a lifelong process of self-improvement.

Cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond once said, “You can't just stick with what you know, you have to evolve.” Hmph. This makes me think of another favorite quote: “…re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book and dismiss whatever insults your own soul.” Walt Whitman said that.

Canadian artist Sarah McLachlan once said, “Change and growth is so painful. But it's so necessary for us to evolve.” Change and growth can be painful. You cannot evolve without discomfort.

And, even though he moves in ways that earn him side-eye much of the time, Amazon executive Jeff Bezos once said, “What's dangerous is not to evolve.” And he’s right. Stagnation? There are few things that are more hazardous than that, chile.

And you know what? The cool thing about all of these statements about evolution is they are reminders that in order to evolve as a person, you must DO SOMETHING, and some of those things aren’t going to be easy. Know what else? To evolve is not some instantaneous thing. Remember, the definition of the word uses “gradual” and gradual means “taking place, changing, moving, etc., by small degrees or little by little.”

This speaks to having the mindset that setting short-term goals is a great form of evolution, taking baby steps is a great form of evolution, and committing to the fact that even if you don’t “sprint forward,” you will definitely not turn back — that is also a great form of evolution.

And when you do these things, consistently so, in time, without pressuring yourself or stressing yourself out, you will notice maturation, growth, results, progress, and personal transformation. PRESSURE DOESN’T DO THIS…CONSISTENCY DOES.

There’s one more thing that I want you to catch before closing this out…

Do Your Best in Your Steps…Then Wait to See How It All Turns Out


A word that I’m personally applying in 2025: RELAX.

I have a sweatshirt that salutes Whitley Gilbert and the saying that she actually got from her therapist, which was played by Debbie Allen: “Relax. Relate. Release.” One of my favorite verses in Scripture is the Message Version of Jude 1:2: “Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!”

And, in the Book of the Bible one of my favorite characters in the Bible, Ruth, there is something that her mother-in-law Naomi says that fits in really well with all of this too: “Naomi said, ‘Sit back and relax, my dear daughter, until we find out how things turn out; this man isn’t going to waste any time. Mark my words, he’s going to get everything wrapped up today.’” (Ruth 3:18 — Message) This is what Naomi said after Ruth did all that she could to protect and provide for her and Naomi — after doing her part, Naomi instructed Ruth to RELAX and let Boaz do his part. And he did.

“Relax” is such a wonderful word because it means to be less tense, to loosen up, to stop worrying, to rest more, and to be open to making some modifications from time to time. Relaxation is calming. Relaxation helps you to be in the moment. Relaxation also helps you to be flexible and to adapt — and y’all, if you’re serious about evolving, you need all of that in your psyche to make that happen as well.

As I used to say fairly often: once all of the ingredients have been put into making chocolate chip cookies and you put them into the stove, like it or not, you’ve got to let the stove do its job. And y’all, like it or not, time plays a huge role in evolution — and so, once you’ve done your part and your best, the best thing that you can then do is relax: release who or what is hindering your evolution. Chill out, so that you can receive love from a healthier place.

And, as Bruce Lee once said, “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

Do you see how evolution and relaxation are BFFs? Taking gradual steps (evolution) is a form of self-compassion (check out “12 Ways To Be Far More Self-Compassionate Every Day”) because it teaches you to be gentle, realistic, and patient with yourself while on your life’s road. Relaxation is a form of self-love because it reminds you to pause and refuel so that you can continue on your life’s journey. And both of them work together to remind you that, after doing your part, you need to allow other people, places, things, and ideas to come into play. Beautiful.


And that is why, instead of driving yourself, unnecessarily up the wall with resolutions, I recommend just purposing in your mind, heart, and spirit to EVOLVE this year. If you take it seriously, if you do it daily, and you add some intentional and consistent relaxing along the way, by the end of this 2025 cycle…you may be mind-blown by how much you have grown…matured…blossomed. How much progress was made, how much you released, and what ended up materializing.

How much you absolutely did, in some ways, without even noticing it…EVOLVE.

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Featured image by CoffeeAndMilk/Getty Images




Letting go is a gift we are given and a strength that we find throughout our lives. There are times when we want to grab ahold of what we are experiencing and sensing, and times when we need to let go of something that was once everything to us or what we wanted for ourselves. The moment you conclude that you need to let something go in your life is the moment that your brain fights to make that happen for you.

7 Sex Resolutions Every Single Woman Should Make For The Rest Of This Year

Where does the damn time go? It literally seems like just yesterday, that “Did We Just Become Best Friends? Ulta commercial was playing incessantly on the television and now, we’re “looking over the fence” at Valentine’s Day. Goodness.

Anyway, if you took out some time to check out “Resolve To Evolve In 2025. That's It.” which was published earlier this month, you already know what kind of headspace I’m encouraging us all to be on until holiday commercials come back on the tube at the end of this year.