
It's fine time to light some candles, let go of your worries, and soak all of your anxieties away.

Detox baths help strengthen immune systems, boost wellness, and regulate the body's processes. It can replace your monthly spa visit in these social distancing times. As busy babes, we don't always have time for a bath, but we ain't got nothing but time now. More than ever, it is crucial to set aside time for yourself whether you're still going to an active workplace, working from home, or homeschooling your kids. Detox baths can be a trouble-free gateway to relaxation.

For all of these detox baths, remember to drink lots of fluids before enjoying your soak. These baths are flushing out all of the toxins in your body, so they can leave you dehydrated if you aren't up on your fluid intake.

Get ready to create your version of the Calgon commercial as these detox baths take you away:

Epsom Salt Detox Bath


Epsom salt is the original gangster of detox baths, and you'll find that many include this key ingredient. The power of epsom salt is unmatched because it draws out all of the toxins in your body. It also supports weight management, relieves sore muscles, and creates relaxation. Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt is a crowd favorite if you're looking for a reliable product.

To make an Epsom salt detox bath:

  • Pour 2 cups of Epsom salt in your bathtub with warm water.
  • It's best to pour the salt under the water spout so that it dissolves faster.
  • Jump in and soak in the tub for at least 12 minutes. If you're looking for softer skin, soak for 20 minutes.

Bentonite Clay Detox Bath


Medicinal clay has proven to have healing powers for centuries. The clay is a derivative of volcanic ash and it reduces inflammation while also improving hydration. Aztec Secret Healing Clay works wonders, and I highly recommend it.

To make a bentonite clay detox bath:

You have two options.

1. Take 3/4 cup of bentonite clay and rub all over your body creating a head-to-toe mask. Let it dry for five minutes, then, soak in the tub for 20 minutes.


2. Use the biggest cooking spoon you have to swirl 1 cup of bentonite clay in your tub and soak for 20 minutes.

Green Tea Bath Detox


Green tea is the ultimate detoxifier and antioxidant. This detox bath is also great for relaxation and rejuvenation. You probably also already have these ingredients in your pantry. For a successful green tea bath, you will need 6 green tea bags and 1 cup of Epsom salt. Moisturizing and exfoliating after this bath is essential as it keeps your skin smooth and moisturized.

To make a green tea detox bath:

  • Add the Epsom salt in the bath first. Make sure it has dissolved.
  • Add the tea bags and allow them to steep for at least 15 minutes. You will also need to run your water hotter than normal so that it's warm when you hop in.

Lavender Detox Bath


Our homegirl lavender has been relieving stress and anxiety for as long as we can remember. The essential oil is all-inclusive as it can aid in soothing many ailments like psoriasis and eczema. It can even help you get a good night's rest. To unwind, the ingredients for this bath include 10 to 20 drops of lavender oil, 3/4 cup of Epsom salt, and 1/4 cup of dried lavender.

To make a lavender detox bath:

  • Add Epsom salt to warm water.
  • Add dried lavender.
  • Add 10-20 drops of lavender oil.
  • Mix ingredients in the tub, and then soak for 20 minutes.

Mustard Detox Bath


Did you know mustard detox baths are a thing and they are intensely detoxifying? Dr. Singha's Mustard Bath is one of the a popular product that includes other ingredients like eucalyptus and thyme. "Mustard baths have been traditionally used for detoxification and purification," Dr. Singha told Ayurvedic Medicine. "In many parts of the world mustard is well-known for its therapeutic value when used in a bath, helping to increase circulation, oxygenation, and the elimination of toxins. The outward application contributes to general well-being by activating the largest organ of elimination in the body: THE SKIN and helping to reduce the toxic load stored in tissues throughout the body."

Heads up: This detox will make you sweat A LOT! You may literally sweat all of your sins away.

To make a mustard detox bath

  • Dissolve 2 oz. of Dr. Singha's Mustard Bath in your tub.
  • Try to soak for 20 minutes.
  • Take a cold shower after the detox bath.

Did you know that xoNecole has a podcast? Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to join us for weekly convos over cocktails (without the early morning hangover.)

Featured image via Shutterstock



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