
Explore your sign’s 2024 horoscope predictions to learn what is in store for you this year in love, career, and more. Check out the love compatibility of each sign to learn more about zodiac pairings and all things compatibility.

July is a month of connection, hope, planning, and rejuvenation. The energy begins to settle more this month after a somewhat dramatic June. This is when new relationship developments will be taking place, and when the power of love, understanding, and connectivity prevails. We enter July in Cancer Season, and when the Sun is in Cancer emotions are high, but so is the love. There is more nurturing and caring energy flowing through the world this month and you will feel it strongly as you move through it.

The month begins with Neptune going retrograde in Pisces from July 2 until December 7. Neptune retrograde makes things a little foggy for now, and inner clarity may feel more challenging to grab ahold of. Overall, Neptune moving into retrograde motion tells us our dreams have the power to become a reality, but make sure you balance your realistic goals with the hope you have for it all. Mercury moves into Leo on the same day, and Mercury in this fire sign brings the heat into communication matters. Mercury in Leo wants to perform. Conversations are more drastic and intense for the time being, and this transit will allow you to feel more confident in what you have to say while giving space for others to do so as well.

The Month Ahead: Your July 2024 Horoscopes

On July 5, the New Moon of the month occurs. This New Moon will be in Cancer, joining the Sun. This is a good New Moon to set your intentions for your emotional world and to not only visualize what you want in your life right now but to take the time to truly feel into it. Take a relaxing bath, go to the beach, light a candle of intention, and do what feels soothing and nurturing to your life during this time.

On July 11, Venus moves into Leo, and Venus in Leo is a proud lover. Venus, the planet of love, being in this bold fire sign brings passion to romantic and relationship matters. Don’t be afraid to put yourself first right now and to go after the love you want, while knowing you deserve the best for yourself. This is a time of recognizing your desires in love.

Mars leaves Taurus and enters Gemini on July 20, and this is bringing a little chaos to the emotional waters of Cancer Season. Mars in Gemini is proactive but can also be reactive, and we are being asked to think things through before acting on them. The day after, there is a Full Moon in Capricorn, and this is the Strawberry Moon of the year. This Full Moon is all about letting go of self-sabotage and recognizing the growth, skills, and achievements you have created in your life thus far.

This Full Moon is about checking in, doing the work, and letting go of old belief systems that don’t serve you. Don’t underestimate yourself right now.

Leo Season officially begins on July 22 this year, and this Leo Season will be interesting as Mercury will be going retrograde later in August. On July 25, Mercury moves out of Leo and enters Virgo, and Mercury feels more powerful here. Mercury will be in Virgo until August 14, and communication is more clear, direct, and thoughtful. Mercury in Virgo asks all the right questions, and your power is in the details right now.

Before July comes to an end, Chiron goes retrograde in Aries from July 26 until December 29, and healing takes priority right now. While Chiron is retrograde, this is a good time to be proactive with your healing and the things that matter to you and to focus on renewing your inner power and living a confident life. Overall, July is about doing what is best for you, your heart, and your peace of mind.

What July 2024 Has In Store For Your Zodiac Sign

Read for your sun sign and rising sign below to see what the month has in store for you.


Aries-July-2024-monthly-horoscopesAriesKyra Jay for xoNecole

Your guidance for the month is to take your time with what you are developing and to consider all options, Aries. The Sun is in your 4th house of home and family for most of the month, and you need more time to decompress right now. You are moving through July with a sense of purpose but also with more of a need to emotionally regulate and understand your inner world better. Venus will be entering a more romantic area of your birth chart on July 11, and this is going to be spicing things up for you in life and love.

On July 21, there is a Full Moon occurring in your 10th house of career, reputation, and achievement, and this is a good time to take a look at how far you have come. Work matters are culminating and some important projects are seeing completion now. Before the month ends, Chiron goes retrograde in your sign until the end of the year, and you are going to be learning more about what it means to love yourself, heal, and ask the tough questions.


Taurus-July-2024-monthly-horoscopesTaurusKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is all about getting the right head space and heart space, Taurus. A lot is developing for you right now, but it may be hard to notice your progress because things are moving as quickly as you have hoped. With a New Moon happening on July 5, in the area of the birth chart having to do with communication, you are receiving some important divine guidance as the month begins.

Set your intentions for mental clarity and allow yourself to be heard right now as you never know what may spark the right conversations that need to be had.

Venus, your ruling planet, enters Leo and moves into your 4th house on July 11. This transit for you will be all about bringing love and compassion into the home and feeling a stronger support system in your life. Find your people and connect more with the people you resonate with and feel safe with. Before the month ends there is a Full Moon happening in an adventurous area of your birth chart, and the things you took a leap of faith on over the past month, are coming full circle for you now.


Gemini-July-2024-horoscopesGeminiKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is about creating boundaries and putting your well-being first, Gemini. Gemini Season is over, but there is still a lot on your plate as your responsibilities accumulate. With the Sun in your 2nd house of income for most of the month, you are focused on your financial world right now and are creating new plans for your growth here. The New Moon on July 5, will be helping you set the right intentions for your abundance and will be showing you what has been blocking your flow here.

Venus enters your 3rd house of communication on July 11, and this is bringing in more connection and understanding in your life. Mid-July you are feeling more of the coming together with others that you have been looking for this month. On July 20, Mars enters your sign where it will be until September 4, and you have more energy, charisma, and direction with you now. This summer is going to be very active for you, and you are going to be having a lot of fun.


Cancer-zodiac-sign-July-2024-horoscopesCancerKyra Jay for xoNecole

July is all about opportunity, Cancer. It’s officially Cancer Season, and it’s your time to be bold, be confident, and go after your heart’s desires. The month begins with a New Moon in your sign on July 5, and this is a good time to set intentions for your personal goals, self-love, and self-care. This New Moon is all about getting back to you and giving yourself the love and nurturing you so often give to others.

On July 21, there is a Full Moon in your opposite sign, Capricorn, and this Full Moon is bringing things full circle when it comes to love and finances.

You have been working on your personal development this month and have been putting yourself first more, and towards the end of July, you are seeing the benefits this has brought to your close relationships and your financial reality. Cancer Season ends on July 22, the Sun moves into your house of income, and you are putting your financial goals more to the forefront. While the Sun is in Leo, your abundance increases and you are going to be seeing growth here over the next month.


Leo-July-2024-horoscopesLeoKyra Jay for xoNecole

July is a healing month for you, Leo. You are learning more about your heart this month, and are healing through understanding and acknowledging your past. The month begins with Mercury moving into your sign on July 2, and more clarity and understanding are coming in for you now. Mercury in Leo makes matters of the mind more prominent for you, and you are coming up with some good ideas and perspectives right now that are helping you through what is thrown your way this month.

On July 11, Venus enters Leo and love takes a turn for the better. There may have been some challenges of feeling the love in support in your life recently, and you are moving away from this energy now as you recognize the need to give yourself the love you have been seeking. Leo Season officially begins on July 22, and it’s time to shine in your truth. This Leo Season will have some ups and downs as Mercury will be going retrograde in your sign for two weeks so overall, this is your month to renew, and gain clarity.


Virgo-July-2024-horoscopesVirgoKyra Jay for xoNecole

July is all about having fun, Virgo. You are in high spirits this month, and there is a lot to celebrate in your life. You are feeling more friendship, connection, and overall joy this month, and this energy is more prevalent for you with the Sun in your 11th house of hopes, dreams, and manifestations for most of July. Mercury will be in your house of closure and endings as we enter the month, however, and you are experiencing a big letting go in your life as well.

The Full Moon of July is happening in a fellow earth sign, Capricorn, and romance is high for you during this time.

This Full Moon is giving you clarity on matters of the heart, and love feels more stable and secure right now. On July 25, Mercury enters your sign where it will be until August 14, and Mercury is your ruling planet and loves being in your sign. You are going to be learning a lot through communication matters over the next few weeks and will be taking more time to consider how you want to communicate and come across.


Libra-July-2024-horoscopesLibraKyra Jay for xoNecole

July is about creating abundance in your life, Libra. This is an active month for you as you take on new opportunities and thrive in what you are working towards. With the Sun in your 10th house of career for most of July, you are focused on making your goals a reality and taking on more responsibilities here. Venus moves into your 11th house of hopes, dreams, and friendship on July 11th, and this is going to help you navigate the new direction this part of your life is headed in this month.

The Full Moon of the month is a fortunate time for you and will be occurring on July 21st. This Full Moon is bringing things full circle for you in the home, and creating an emotional clarity that makes you feel safer with where you are in life and who is by your side. Before July ends, Chiron goes Retrograde in your sister sign Aries, and your love life is going to be moving through a transformation for the rest of the year. Chiron Retrograde is going to be helping you overcome any issues with codependency.


Scorpio-July-2024-horoscopesScorpioKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is all about patience and communicating effectively Scorpio. The Sun is in an adventurous and transformative area of your birth chart for most of the month, and this is a good time to travel or to think about the things you want to do in life. There is a New Moon in this same area of your chart on July 5, and it’s all about setting your intentions for adventure, inspiration, and spirituality as you start the month.

On July 11, Venus enters your 10th house of career, and you are going to be receiving more recognition, love, and support on the job.

How you are coming across to others is being received more favorably during this time, and it’s your time to show up and show out. There is a Full Moon occurring at the end of the month on July 21, and this Full Moon will be giving you some significant divine guidance. Important messages are coming in as you end the month, and you are making your voice heard.


Sagittarius-zodiac-sign-June-2024-horoscopesSagittariusKyra Jay for xoNecole

You are moving through a personal awakening this month, Sagittarius. The month begins with a New Moon in your 8th house of transformation on July 5, and this New Moon is all about setting intentions for your path in life and your important commitments. Look at where you are and where you want to be, and if you are receiving the same type of energy you want to be given. You are finding your balance as you enter the month overall, and you are going to be moving through a lot of changes this month as you find your way and gain some clarity.

Venus moves into a fellow Fire Sign, Leo from July 11 until August 4, and love is a source of happiness and adventure for you during this time. You are going to be feeling the love when you step out of your comfort zone more, approach things with confidence, and keep an open mind. On July 26, Chiron goes Retrograde in Aries, and this is going to change the pace for you romantically. While Chiron is retrograde in your 5th house, you are going to be defining and redefining your happiness in life.


Capricorn-zodiac-sign-July-2024-horoscopesCapricornKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is all about moving on and moving forward Capricorn. You are moving through a time of clarity, love, and also personal healing, as you recognize what is no longer serving you or your heart anymore. The New Moon happening on July 5, will be a good time for you to set your intentions for the heart, and for the relationships that feel right for you and that you want to continue to develop over the next month.

The Full Moon of the month will be happening in your sign on July 21, and all eyes are on you right now. This Full Moon is bringing all things to do with your personal goals, health, and self-image, to the forefront. Let go of perceiving yourself with anything less than love, confidence, and support during this time. Before the month ends, Chiron goes retrograde in your 4th house of home, foundations, and inner world, and you are going to be moving through a time of deep healing and emotional renewal for the rest of the year.


Aquarius-zodiac-sign-July-2024-horoscopesAquariusKyra Jay for xoNecole

July is a big month of growth for you, Aquarius. You are feeling courageous and energized when it comes to your goals, daily life, and the progress you are making right now. The Sun is in your 6th house of work and health for most of the month, and you are really working hard in July and taking care of some important responsibilities and duties. Venus moves into your opposite sign on July 11th, and you are receiving more support mid-month, and are feeling the love in your life.

There is a Full Moon happening on July 21, and this Full Moon is a time of closure and endings for you. You are letting go of what once was, and creating space for the new to enter your life. You have been through a journey of self-growth this month and you are bringing this energy into your inner world and inner harmony as well. On July 22, the Sun moves into Leo and enters a romantic and loving area of your birth chart. You are ending the month in high spirits and with love on your side.


Pisces-July-2024-horoscopesPiscesKyra Jay for xoNecole

July is an eye-opening month for you, Pisces. You are moving through a lot of transformations this month and are focused on creating more clarity in your life. Neptune goes retrograde in your sign from July 2 until the end of the year, and you are entering a time of taking the rose-colored glasses off and seeing the truth of what’s been hidden. On July 5, there is a New Moon in your 5th house of romance, and it’s time to set your intentions for love, but also for what will make you personally happy in life and make you feel like you are living in your authentic truth.

On July 21, the Full Moon in Capricorn brings clarity regarding your hopes and dreams in life and your community. You are recognizing more of a need to be around like-minded souls and people who have similar goals as you, and you are going to be seeing new ways how to get there. Overall, there are a lot of growth moments happening for you in July, and you are learning through the inner awakening that is taking place for you now.

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Featured image by Kyra Jay for xoNecole




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