
Ready for the New Moon in Sagittarius on Saturday, December 4? Ready or not, it’s coming for you. Fortunately, it promises to bring good tidings and positive blessings just in time for the holidays! This month’s New Moon features a total solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are extremely significant events that usher in new beginnings and bright new opportunities.

Inevitably, when something new begins, something old comes to an end. Whatever is outdated or that no longer holds a relevant place in your life is likely to be eclipsed out of it during this time. Whatever leaves your life now wasn’t intended to remain with you on the next stage of your journey. Let it go with grace, gratitude, and peace of mind.

The energy of an eclipse doesn’t exist only on the actual day of it. Instead look at the five days preceding and five days following the date of this eclipse for any significant messages, occurrences, or epiphanies. You may experience something as significant as moving to a new place, or something as small as a casual remark from a family member or friend that delivers a startling wake-up call to you.

As significant or as insignificant as these experiences may seem, they are likely to have a long-standing impact on the way you approach your life moving forward.

Examples of experiences that eclipses often bring are:

  • News of a birth
  • Marriage
  • A proposal
  • A new job opportunity
  • The establishing of a business
  • A home purchase
  • A breakup
  • The loss of a friend, family member, or pet
  • Graduation
  • Divorce
  • Surgery
  • Sudden epiphanies

Eclipses mark a major turning point in your life and this one is no different. The Sagittarius energy of this eclipse amplifies and expands this energy even further, providing you with the courage and boldness to go after what you need in your life at this time and the bravery and decisiveness to let go of what’s no longer relevant, despite how painful and reluctant you would normally be.

Eclipses provide the energy, drive, and reassurance for you to accomplish things you normally would avoid or be too timid to pursue. They also bring experiences that speed up decisions that the universe knows are inevitable for you - whether you choose to remain in denial about that or not!

Eclipses often bring the blatant and inescapable truth about a person, place, or situation right to your doorstep and psyche. Trust any hunches or gut feelings that you receive during this time, even if they come in the form of something as insignificant as gossip or social media posts, the messages that you receive and that resonate with you on or near an eclipse are extremely significant.

Lean into them.

The energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius is optimistic and positive. Because it features a solar eclipse, this energy will feel especially strong and hopeful. Carry or meditate with an empowering sacral chakra crystal, like Carnelian, or an intuition-strengthening crystal, like Amethyst, in order to make the most of this powerful energy.

If you are a Sagittarius or Gemini, you will be particularly affected by this eclipse. This is especially true for those born between November 30 and December 9, and between May 31 and June 9.

Here’s what you can expect for your sign amid the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius:

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1. Aries

Expect new beginnings and gut instincts as it relates to the way you approach child-rearing, dating, flirtation, sexual and/or creative expression. You are likely to receive insights about your kids and potential lovers, Aries.

2. Taurus

Don’t be surprised if you receive revelations about your health or your job during this time, Taurus. Picking up a new lifestyle habit, exercise routine, or diet is favored by this eclipse.

3. Gemini

Are you looking to take things to the next level in your relationship, Gemini? You may find yourself falling in love. Expect to begin a significant new chapter in your relationships and with those closest to you.

4. Cancer

Your intuition will be at its height during this Moon phase, Cancer. Lean into any hunches or gut instincts that you experience during this time. Sexual experiences are likely to be deeply transformative under this influence. You may unexpectedly receive money and/or find yourself reflecting on mortality a bit more than usual. Take time with yourself and allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions that you are inevitably going to experience.

5. Leo

It’s time to expand those horizons, Leo! Lean into your natural-born courage and boldness. Whether you’re contemplating a trip to an exotic locale, registering for college courses, or exploring a discipline you don’t know much about, don’t be surprised if you decide to finally check something off of that bucket list this week!

6. Virgo

New job opportunities are highlighted for you during this period, Virgo! You may finally receive that job offer or promotion, otherwise, you’ll decide that the career you’re in actually isn’t the one for you after all. Check-in on a father figure of your life during this time.

7. Libra

Any revelation that you receive about a friend should be taken seriously now, Libra. If you’ve wanted to know who, when all is said and done, will have your back until the very end, you are likely to find out for sure now.

8. Scorpio

The time you spend alone, in contemplation or in meditation, will be especially valuable to you during this time, Scorpio. Take time to journal, introspect, or enjoy a spiritual bath. The insights you receive now, while alone, will be significant and potentially life-altering.

9. Sagittarius

You are in the spotlight during this eclipse, Sagittarius! You are likely to make a significant decision or to experience a strong epiphany ushering you in a brand new direction regarding the way you approach and experience your life. Any conservatism that may have hindered you from pursuing your truest dreams and deepest desires will be unveiled and released now.

10. Capricorn

Your focus will be on fine-tuning the elements of your life that make you feel valued and secure - or the complete opposite of that! Whatever is getting in the way of you being your best self at work or in relationships are likely to feel intolerable to you right now, Capricorn. This eclipse will give you the decisiveness and drive to go after what builds your confidence or to remove the aspects of your life that tear down your self-esteem.

11. Aquarius

Expect significant news and messages via text, social media, or from siblings and neighbors. Take whatever information you receive now seriously, Aquarius.

12. Pisces

Your family arrangement or living space is likely to be spruced up or changed altogether, Pisces. Home purchases, signing a new lease, a new roommate, or a new addition to your family are highlighted during this eclipse.

Here’s to bold moves and fresh new beginnings this December!

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Your February 2025 Horoscopes Are All About Self-Love & Soulful Alignment

Explore your sign’s 2025 horoscope predictions to learn what is in store for you this year in love, career, and more. Check out the love compatibility of each sign to learn more about zodiac pairings and all things compatibility.

February is a coming together, as a culmination of community and abundance is evident. Some significant planets go direct this month after being retrograde since this past year, and we can finally take a deep breath. We walk into the month in Aquarius season, and the focus during this time is on coming together with the people you resonate with on a soul level, opening your heart to love, and gaining perspective in the process. When the Sun is in Aquarius, everything feels more electrified and inspiring, and this is one of the best months of the year to manifest and set your intentions.
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A lot of us have been there. You're vibing with someone new, things feel promising, and then one night, you're out to dinner, and it happens. The moment that changes everything.

He calls the waiter over to ask a seemingly innocent question about his order because something isn’t quite right with his meal. Okay, fair enough. But instead of just listening to the explanation the waiter gives, he decides to prove how wrong the order is. He goes through his plate piece by piece, making the waiter watch as he dissects his food like a game of Operation. The waiter, clearly biting his tongue, picks up the plate of food and promises to bring him a new menu item that would be more to his liking. Despite the resolution, the entire exchange reeks of entitlement, and suddenly, you can’t unsee it.