Your February 2022 Horoscopes Are All About Aligning With Your Soul Purpose

Your February 2022 Horoscopes Are All About Aligning With Your Soul Purpose

The month of love is here, and the universe is throwing in some exciting surprises in February. February is a time of forward movement, progress, and following your soul's purpose. Moving through Aquarius Season this month, the collective is more connected than ever -- and inspiration is flowing through the world. The month begins with a New Moon in Aquarius on February 1 and this is a powerful New Moon for setting intentions. Aquarius rules the house of hope and dreams, good fortune, and friendships, and it’s about believing in your dreams and the support you can receive on the way to reaching them. With Mercury going direct after being Retrograde since January 14, there are fewer roadblocks and more developments taking place now and anything is possible.

Mercury moves into Aquarius on Valentine’s Day this year, and sometimes friendships, your community, and social media memes are all you need for a magical day. The energy of the day is that of progress, excitement, and authenticity, and it’s about saying YES to new opportunities. On February 16, the Full Snow Moon of the year arrives and is occurring in the fiery sign of Leo. This is a passionate, creative, and powerful Full Moon and we are being called to step up and lead. February is a month of aligning with your soul purpose and intentions and this Full Moon highlights their development of them.

On February 22, 2022, the United States’ infamous first-ever Pluto Return occurs, and you can expect some major transformations taking place in the world during this time. Pluto is currently moving through Capricorn, breaking down outdated and unstable systems of the world, and building new and more empowered ones, and these are generational changes that are taking place at this time. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, the wheels of karma are turning. By the end of the month, Pisces Season begins on February 18, and spiritual renewal is taking place.


AriesKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is a month of transformation for you, Aries. This is the month to flow with change rather than fight it, and to see the gifts of a new day. There is a New Moon at the beginning of the month in your house of friendships and good fortune, and you are entering February with your soul tribe by your side. This New Moon is a good time to set your intentions for the year, and also to think about what new experiences you want to see within your community, friendships, network, and soul purpose.

The energy of the month is turning thoughts into manifestations, and there are fewer roadblocks on the way to your goals with Mercury officially moving out of retrograde and going direct on February 3. The clarity is coming in, and you are tapping into your power of healing, creation, and transformation. With a Full Moon in fellow fire sign before the month ends on the 16th, you are seeking some closure in regards to romantic matters and pleasure pursuits, and are redefining what happiness means to you. February is your month to decide for yourself where you go from here, Aries.


TaurusKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is a month of love, and this energy flows well with your Venusian soul, Taurus. February is all about dancing with life, changing things up, and letting your spirit feel the passion and possibilities of life. With your ruling planet Venus officially direct after being retrograde since December 2021, you are feeling more freedom and emotional ease when it comes to your relationships and resonance with them. You are seeking your new beginnings this month and with a New Moon in your house of career, reputation, and goals. Success is yours to claim right now.

If you’ve been feeling any stagnation or stuck in the usual routine, February is the month to break out of this and do something to change the energy. Let your attachments to outcomes go, and faith come in. You are ready for something new this month, Taurus. The Full Moon on the 16th is a time to unwind, connect with family and close loved ones, and nurture your inner world. Time in your safe spaces is calling as the month ends, and there is a sense of contentment, groundedness, and success with you in February.


GeminiKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is a month of contemplation, insight, and answering the callings of your soul, Gemini. With your ruling planet Mercury going direct this month on February 3 after being retrograde since January 14, the fog is lifting, and insights abound. There are a lot of opportunities for connection, collaboration, and communication this month and you are exploring your options right now. The New Moon in Aquarius on the 1st is occurring in your house of adventure, travel, spirituality, and the higher mind, and this is a good time to set some intentions for future vacays and spiritual journeys.

With fewer communication mishaps happening this month, you get some real opportunities to see with an open perspective and to make decisions on things that have felt up in the air for you until now. Moving through air sign energy until the 18th flows well with your soul, and you are moving through February in synergy. You are connecting to your soul purpose, life intentions, and how to make them happen this month. The Full Moon on the 16th is transiting your house of communication, and you are receiving some important messages, phone calls, and insights before the month-end.


CancerKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is a time of rebirth, release, and empowerment for you, Cancer. February is a month of releasing what no longer serves you, and being around healthy and supportive environments. There is a New Moon in your house of transformation on the first day of the month, and you are ready to dive deep into what has been serving you and your emotional world, and what has been weighing you down. You are releasing some old ties and bonds this month and renewing your spirit. February is your time of letting go and moving forward with your empowerment.

Although this is only the second month of 2022, you have already been through a few different major cycles this year. You have been gaining a deeper understanding of the depths of your being, and going through a spiritual awakening this year. There is a Full Moon in Leo on the 16th, and this Full Moon is going to be highlighting your value systems and how you’ve been implementing them in your relationships, commitments, and time. This Full Moon is a time of clarity when it comes to your foundations and sense of security. Self-love affirmations are medicine this month, Cancer.


LeoKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is a month of change, setting your intentions, and moving into new environments, Leo. Breakthroughs are occurring for you this month and with a New Moon in your opposite sign on the 1st; your emotional world, relationships, and sense of balance are where you are looking to see these new beginnings take place. There is a strong focus on love for you this month, Leo and it’s about breaking down outdated perspectives and beliefs in love and nurturing new ones that support your self-worth, love, and identity.

When you can honor the cycles of change, accept that everything needs its time for transformation, and move with your faith, you can obtain your victories this month, Leo. One of the most important Full Moons of 2022 for you is happening on February 16th, and it’s occurring in your sign. This Full Moon is the Full Snow Moon of the year and is a time of deep personal revelations and insight for you. With a Full Moon transiting your 1st house of self at the end of the month, you are leaving the doubts and concerns of the past behind, and moving forward with your courage, Leo.


VirgoKyra Jay for xoNecole

You are moving forward with inspiration and passion this month, Virgo. February is a month of creativity, spirituality, and connecting with your dreams in life. There is a New Moon in your 6th house of daily routines on the 1st of the month, and you are entering the month getting things in order like the Virgo you are. With your ruling planet Mercury going direct on February 3rd after being retrograde since January 14, you are ready to move forward with the clarity you have found in regards to what feels best for you in life and your self-expression.

February is the month to birth your dreams and to focus on what you want to create and express to the world. You are aligned with your soul purpose, and seeing some important intentions through this month, Virgo. Show up for yourself by being your biggest cheerleader and advocate right now, and have your back on your ideas and intentions. At the end of the month, there is a Full Moon in your house of closures, culmination, and healing, and you are closing one chapter and dreaming a new one into being. Trust that you are on the right path, Virgo.


LibraKyra Jay for xoNecole

Life is unfolding for you in new ways this month, Libra. Magic is in the air, and your inner source of love is shining. February is a journey and it’s one of untangling any confusion of what has been and finding understanding. With your ruling planet Venus officially direct, love is working for you right now. There is a New Moon in fellow air sign Aquarius as the month begins, and you are seeing new opportunities and experiences unfold for you in love, romance, and happiness. Flow with your joy, and don’t fight it, Libra.

Moving into February, you are expressing more of what has been going on within and experiencing new connections and developments within your relationships and friendships in life because of this. There is a sense of vulnerability with you this month, Libra, and you are letting go of anything that’s been holding you back from fully living in your freedom and self-expression. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16th is your time of connecting with those that inspire, honoring your soul purpose in life, and seeing some dreams and manifestations come full circle. Shine your light, Libra.


ScorpioKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is about trusting the divine timing of life, Scorpio. You are already there, it’s about believing in who you are and what you can do right now. As the month begins there is a New Moon on the 1st occurring in your house of home and family, and you are seeing new beginnings within your foundations and safe spaces are being renewed during this time. February is about following your inner compass and not overthinking things. Connect with your higher self, live out your purpose, and pave your path, Scorpio.

With Venus officially direct and moving through your house of communication this month, February is a time of soul expression and letting your voice be heard. Allow your ideas, thoughts, and perspectives to be spoken this month, and trust your power in doing so. You are being called to speak up and show up this month. The Full Moon on February 16 is moving through your house of career, and you are seeing past hard work, efforts, and intentions coming full circle right now. The spotlight is on you at the end of the month, what do you want the world to see, Scorpio?


SagittariusKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is an enlightening month for you, Sagittarius. You are rising above and seeking your new beginnings right now. With a New Moon in your house of communication and the mind at the beginning of the month, you are moving through communication breakthroughs, and questions are being answered that change a lot for you moving forward. The insights you are gaining as you enter February are significant for you. Set your intentions for connection, expansion, and clarity, and communicate from the heart.

This month is a time of development and spiritual awakening, and you are reaching new heights in February, Sagittarius. Energy is everything, and you understand this and are making sure your vibe is right before anything else. There is a Full Moon in fellow fire sign Leo towards the end of the month, and you are seeing the culmination of some journeys and developments you have been through this month. This Full Moon is giving you a new perspective and reminding you of the gifts of your unique mind. It’s about releasing your hold on what was, nourishing what is, and getting excited about what’s to be.


CapricornKyra Jay for xoNecole

2022 has been an active year for you so far with two retrogrades (Venus and Mercury) moving through your sign. The gifts of February are that Venus is officially direct, Mercury goes direct on February 3rd, and there is less pressure to have it all together or to be someone or something to others that you no longer relate to. February is about aligning with who you are, what you want, and what you see for your future, and creating boundaries where necessary. Everything hasn’t always been the easiest for you this year, but that doesn’t mean that things aren’t changing for you.

There is a Full Moon in your house of transformation on February 16, and what’s been hidden is coming to light for you at this time. Your emotional world is highlighted, and you are getting the full picture right now. Align mind, body, and soul. There has been a lot to process, and you are rising from what’s been and reclaiming your power. With Venus direct in your sign for the entire month love and support will be there for you, Capricorn, allow it in.


AquariusKyra Jay for xoNecole

You are moving into new territory this month, Aquarius. February is about taking things one day at a time and honoring your new beginnings. With a New Moon in your sign on February 1, these new chapters of life are coming quickly, and they are positively serving your progress. Mercury retrograde moved into your sign at the end of January and goes direct on February 3 after being retrograde for a few weeks, and fewer misunderstandings having to do with yourself and how others are perceiving you are possible now.

Balance is key in February as you move through your intentions in life, and those having to do with the relationships in your life as well. With a Full Moon moving through your house towards the end of the month, romance is highlighted for you and you are moving beyond what has been here. Relationship/partnership matters come full circle and you are seeing some endings, closures, and clarity happening now that leads you to new experiences in love. Trust the process and don’t be afraid to take risks this month, Aquarius. You are crossing the threshold from what’s been into what’s to be.


PiscesKyra Jay for xoNecole

February is a month of reflection, balance, and self-expression, Pisces. You are balancing the need for rest and nourishment, with your need to move forward with your new ideas and intentions this month. This is the time to come out of your cave a little bit more, and express what’s been needing to be said. When you can allow yourself to fully be and express who you are, you can meet more like-minded individuals who love what you have to say. The New Moon this month is moving through your house, and you are feeling renewed and focused on your healing and emotional well-being right now.

This month is reflecting the importance of feeling aligned and taking time out for yourself and your personal life. When it feels like there is too much to do and not enough time, check-in and remind yourself the biggest priority should be your peace of mind right now as well. You don’t have to get it all done at once, and the Full Moon later in the month happening in your house is giving you clarity on how to improve a system, daily routine, health habits, or working situation for you.

Featured image by Kyra Jay for xoNecole



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This article is sponsored by Hulu.

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Check-in for one.

“Just you?” was the question that followed me throughout the trip. There’s something about traveling alone that sparks a lot of queries and even more curious eyes.

“Just me,” I said with a confident smile as I slid my AMEX across the counter.