These 8 Scriptures Are Spiritual Game-Changers For Single Women
Back around the turn of the century, I used to date a Muslim (if you can call it that; it was actually more like I used to have sex with a bestie). I could write an entire book on the lessons that I learned from that experience, both good and horrifying. On the silver lining tip, something that I appreciate is that he introduced me to a collection of sayings from Muhammed known as hadith. As far as other spiritual content goes, I make it no secret that some of my absolute favorite proverbs are Buddhist ones; in fact, one of my all-time favorite parables is a popular one in the Buddhist faith (you can check it out here). Yet out of all of the spiritual books and readings that I have come across, I firmly and unapologetically prefer the Bible over them all.
There is something about that book, in particular, that is both timeless and multi-dimensional. I say that because, I don't know about you, but I can read one verse on Monday, come back to that very same one on Wednesday, and it will speak to me totally differently. Plus, books like Ecclesiastes and Proverbs are chalked with so much common sense that if most of us heeded those two alone, there's no telling how much the quality of our lives would improve. Yeah, the Bible is dope. Extremely so.
At the same time, I must say that I didn't really see the Good Book as a great single woman's manual until I started learning Hebrew (Christ was a Jew so, why not?) and really studying the Word for myself (2 Timothy 2:15—AMPC). Once that happened, can't nobody tell me that the holy Scriptures aren't true lifesavers!
If you're a single woman and bible reader, but you've been having a difficult time finding how to merge the two in a truly powerful and applicable way, I'll share with you some of the verses that have made me feel like God truly gets me—even, and some ways especially, as a single woman.
1. "So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man."---Genesis 2:21-22 (NLT)
Some people are gonna want to give pushback on this and that's fine. But personally, I've never been big on it being a requirement that men pursue women. It also makes me cringe whenever I hear that it should be expected because "men are hunters" (I'm not a deer in the woods; I am a daughter of the Most High). Am I saying that men shouldn't be chivalrous? Of course, they should be. But the whole chase a woman down thing? I mean, if I am a gift from God, why does a man have to kill himself to have me? Gifts are less taxing than that. Besides the whole "He who findeth a wife" back-up take (Proverbs 18:22)? Look up the definitions of find one day. They are pretty enlightening.
Anyway, when I decided to ask God to show me how he desires relationships to go, I "took a stroll" through the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:22 is a total game-changer. Adam did not pursue his wife. In fact, he didn't even decide when it was time to be with her. GOD DID. While God was creating who was a perfect complement for Adam, ole' boy was asleep the entire time. Then, when God was done, he brought the Woman to Adam. Some translations use the word "presented".
This is dope on a few levels. One, because for the Woman (Eve's name in the Garden) to be brought, it gives me the impression that she had to have had her own time to God before being in Adam's life. Two, since God did all of the work, Adam couldn't insert his ego into the situation. He didn't "acquire" his wife; she was a gift given to him. She was all God's doing. Besides, Adam was a gardener, not a hunter. Gardeners cultivate, just as all good husbands should. See why I think Genesis 2:22 is so on point?
2. "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."---Psalm 139:13-14 (NKJV)
This verse right here shows that God doesn't become a part of our lives the day we are born. From this, it looks like he's totally invested and involved from the moment of conception (an article all on its own). Yet the reason why these verses make the list is because it's a reminder that one of the best ways to honor God is through praise. And while we're in the process of thanking him for thinks like food, water, shelter, family and friends, we should also thank him for all of the effort and energy that he placed into making each and every one of us.
James 5:16 says that we are to confess and be healed, right? Something that I used to struggle with is what I call "pretty girl syndrome". No, I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about all of the women that I used to be surrounded by who I thought were stunning; stunning to the point where I envied them. One day, my mother (who is on that list) said, "So, when people say you look like me, what do you think they mean?" Check. Then when I really let these verses sink it, it became a checkmate.
Some of us could stand to repent, right here and right now, for thinking that God spent more time designing the women around us than us. Can you imagine how insulting that is to our Heavenly Father to think or feel that way? More than that, how much it hurts his feelings?
God is excellent in all He does. You are no exception. Since His works are marvelous and you are one of them, don't you think it's time that you gave Him some heartfelt praise for all He put into you? All that He put in that no one else has quite like you? Amen? Amen.
3. "Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready."---Song of Solomon 2:7 (Message)
Now this is a good one. Hands down, Song of Solomon is one of my favorite books of the Bible because it reminds us that God is all about sex and intimacy. According to Scripture, His standards are high (you can read between the lines there), but He is all for love and passion. At the same time, He is also a great source of common sense (Proverbs 2:6-8—Message); that's why this one resonates with me so.
If you're not familiar with the Shulamite woman who is featured in this book of the Bible, she's a dark sistah (yep) who has enough wisdom and insight to basically tell her friends, "It's best to love someone when the time is right. When things line up in such a way where you are ready and he is ready."
Can you imagine all of the drama that would be spared if we all thought this way? If, instead of one of our friends getting a DM from some ex and us telling her that it's a sign that he's the one, that we encourage her to wait before responding and to pray and process if it truly is a good idea to reach back out or not?
Again, Song of Solomon is filled with passion. All good. But this verse right here complements something that Benjamin Franklin once said—"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." Yup.
4. "My darling, everything about you is beautiful, and there is nothing at all wrong with you."---Song of Solomon 4:7 (NCV)
Only an ego-maniac or totally self-delusional individual believes that the person who is meant to be their significant other should never challenge them (that reminds me, when you get a chance, check out the awesome points found in the videos "7 Signs This Man Might Be for You" and "7 Signs This Might Be from the Devil"). If you want to grow, you're gonna need to hear about yourself sometimes, whether you want to, like it or not.
At the same time, this verse right here is a reminder that your man will be your biggest fan. He will not be out here dropping hints about how much prettier you would be if you lost weight, had a bigger butt or changed your hair. He's gonna be like what a husband once said to me about his wife—"I love that when God made her, he had me in mind."
We are all human. This means that we ALL have something to work on and improve upon. But when this man said that there was nothing wrong with this woman he loved, while a good relationship improves us, what he was essentially saying is there was nothing that he wanted to change.
Women deserve to hear this. Men do too. So ladies, if you're currently seeing someone and you're already plottin' and plannin' ways to change him after marriage, I'll just say that if both of you can't say this verse to one another, perhaps you're not meant for one another. At least, not right now.
5. "God will create a new thing in this land: A transformed woman will embrace the transforming God!”---Jeremiah 31:22 (Message)
Back when I was going through a bit of a life transition that was wearing me all the way out, God led me to this Scripture right here. Whew. Not only was going through so much because he was doing something new (sometimes, in order to get the right "house", the foundation has to be demolished too), but the transition was all about transformation.
To be transformed is "to undergo a change in form, appearance, or character". This is why I wrote the article "5 Signs That You Really Know A Person". If we're all taking this thing called time seriously, many of us are not the same person we were six months ago, let alone five years ago (so know, everyone should not be able to say that they "know" you). And if we are as "spiritual" as we claim, we definitely should be doing some transforming; we definitely should want God to transform us.
The other thing that I like about this particular verse is it says that while the woman (which is Israel in this case) got to a place of transformation, God was still transforming! It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by evangelist Oswald Chambers—"Never try to make your experience a principle for others, but allow God to be as creative and original with others as He is with you." Why? Because since God changes his form or appearance (not really his character; Malachi 3:6 [NKJV] says, "For I am the Lord, I do not change"), we should let God come to us (and others) how He chooses. We shouldn't "box Him in" as it relates to how or when He decides to transform us and our lives.
6. "And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him."---Matthew 6:7-9 (NKJV)
Yeah buddy. A lot of church leaders could stand to read—and reread—those first two sentences, but I digress. The reason why this is so important is because of the last line. Although a lot of life consists of learning the difference between what we want and what we need (especially what we want in correlation to what God says that we need), if we really do believe that our Heavenly Father has our best interest at heart, we've got to trust that He doesn't need us reminding—or worse, instructing—Him about how our lives should go. Although it's truly an epidemic, how many people feel like they can pick or choose what part of the Bible is applicable and right, if you claim to be a follower of the Scriptures, this is not one that can or should be omitted.
Prayer is fine. Biblically-encouraged too. But whatever it is that you are going through right now, no matter how big the need may be, know that you are totally on God's radar. He saw the "requirement" or "urgent want" well before you did.
And, as my favorite quote from Pastor John Piper states, "God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them." Trust and believe that your needs are somewhere on that list ("Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."—Luke 12:6-7—NKJV)
7. "There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, 'The two become one.' Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever—the kind of sex that can never 'become one.'"----I Corinthians 6:16-17 (Message)
I have shared before that I'm a firm believer that we all should be able to explain our purpose in three words or phrases. Mine are centered around sex, marriage and the Sabbath—all of which are biblical covenant principles. Believe you me, it's an odd combo and sometimes I catch heat for it. I mean, how can I profess to be a bible follower and talk about sex as much as I do (gasp!)?
You can read articles of mine like "We Should Really Rethink The Term 'Casual Sex'" and "10 Wonderful Reasons Why Consistent Sex In Marriage Is So Important" to know that I don't take sex lightly; I find it to be extremely sacred (after all, I'm a marriage life coach not a sex therapist). At the same time, I know that different people come into different insights about sex in their own way and time. I also know that the Church, overall, has done a horrific job addressing sex and sexuality. It's like something I read that a man by the name of Don Schrader once said—"To hear many religious people talk, one would think God created the torso, head, legs and arms, but the devil slapped on the genitals." Indeed. Indeed.
So yes, sex should be discussed. Not just discussed but celebrated. It's nothing to be hush-hush or ashamed about. At the same time, if you take Scripture seriously, verses like this one shouldn't be overlooked. Sex is about a heck of a lot more than gettin' your rocks off and there are spiritual ramifications that go deep, deep, DEEP. Always keep that in mind with the choices that you make—even as a single woman.
8. "Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!"---Jude 1:2 (Message)
I don't know about you, but I think that sometimes people underestimate what we go through as single women. We're responsible for so much on our own that it can be overwhelming, right? That's why one of my favorite "anchor Scriptures" is this one.
Once upon a time, after a heartbreak that I experienced, someone sent me this. I had never seen it before and it totally blew my mind because I felt like it was customized and heaven sent just for me. Sometimes, all we need to hear in our spirit is, "Relax, my child. It's all going to work out for your good." Plus, the "love is on the way" part speaks to me on two different levels. One, I haven't been brought to my husband-king yet, but another Message Version verse that I totally dig is, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business" (Acts 1:7).
This verse reminds me that I can't force the Universe; that I need to let things flow. And two, God is love; the Word tells us that in I John 4:7-16 tells us that. So, in the meantime, while I am awaiting my future beloved, Love is on the way to bring me so many other manifestations of his Love. And really…does it get better than that?
Like I said earlier, Scriptures present themselves differently to us all. But I do hope and, also believe, that if you spend a little time meditating on these eight, they can speak volumes and work miracles in your life, just as they did for me. Be blessed, sis.
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Different puzzle pieces are creating bigger pictures these days. 2024 will mark a milestone on a few different levels, including the release of my third book next October (yay!).
I am also a Professional Certified Coach. My main mission for attaining that particular goal is to use my formal credentials to help people navigate through the sometimes tumultuous waters, both on and offline, when it comes to information about marriage, sex and relationships that is oftentimes misinformation (because "coach" is a word that gets thrown around a lot, oftentimes quite poorly).
I am also still super devoted to helping to bring life into this world as a doula, marriage life coaching will always be my first love (next to writing, of course), a platform that advocates for good Black men is currently in the works and my keystrokes continue to be devoted to HEALTHY over HAPPY in the areas of holistic intimacy, spiritual evolution, purpose manifestation and self-love...because maturity teaches that it's impossible to be happy all of the time when it comes to reaching goals yet healthy is a choice that can be made on a daily basis (amen?).
If you have any PERSONAL QUESTIONS (please do not contact me with any story pitches; that is an *editorial* need), feel free to reach out at A sistah will certainly do what she can. ;)
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UnPrisonedhas returned for its highly anticipated second season, delving deeper into the complex dynamics of the Alexander family.
The series premiere comes a year after its debut season garnered rave reviews from fans and critics and earned record-breaking ratings for Hulu's Onyx Collective brand. UnPrisoned's success can be attributed to its raw, relatable themes and comedic appeal.
Inspired by creator Tracy McMillan's life, the show follows Paige (Kerry Washington), a therapist and single mother whose life takes an unexpected turn when her father, Edwin (Delroy Lindo) --who was released from prison-- moves in with her and her teenage son, Finn (Faly Rakotohavana).
Throughout UnPrisoned's first season, viewers witnessed how Edwin's incarceration deeply affected Paige's life and relationships. In the series, Paige unpacks her trauma through interactions with her inner child and her online followers. Meanwhile, Edwin is overcoming specific struggles with his own past that led to his life of crime, including a dysfunctional upbringing and his mother's arrest. As the Alexanders attempt to reconcile, new challenges arise.
This new season promises to further explore their unconventional family dynamic. Here are several compelling reasons why season two of UnPrisoned should be on everyone's watchlist.
The Alexander Family Life Is Still In Shambles
UnPrisoned's second season resumes where the series left off, with Paige grappling with the fallout from her troubled therapy practice and Edwin navigating life independently after moving out. Meanwhile, Finn faces his own challenges. The teenager is battling anxiety and seeking information about his father—a topic Paige avoids discussing.
The Alexander Family Are Attending Therapy To Resolve Their Underlying Issues
Amid the chaos in their lives, the Alexander family decides to mend their bond by confronting their past traumas. They seek professional help and attend therapy sessions with a “family radical healing coach,” played by John Stamos, a new cast member. This collective effort aims to unravel the complexities of their shared history and strengthen their relationships.
The process of unraveling each character's internal conflicts and their potential impact on future relationships may clash with Paige's textbook therapy approach. While Paige is used to being in the therapist's seat in both career and family, this forces her into the unfamiliar role of a patient during therapy sessions. This shift would compel her to look in the mirror and try a radically different approach.
The Alexander Family Learned A Big Lesson During A Therapy Session
In therapy, the Alexanders are tasked with addressing their individual traumas to salvage their remaining relationships. One of the family therapist’s eccentric suggestions was an exercise involving a family wrestling match. During this session, Paige faces tough questions about her refusal to share information about Finn's father.
While it's unclear whether this scene is reality or fantasy, the image of the family duking it out in the ring certainly makes for hilarious yet compelling television.
Paige Tries Dating Again Following Failed Relationships
Amid her life's chaos, Paige decides to step back into the dating field. However, her many attempts have left her with mixed results. The dating apps have turned out to be a fail, and an outing with her ex Mal (Marque Richardson), who is also her father's parole officer, doesn’t go quite as expected after he brings an unexpected guest – his new girlfriend.
The situation takes an awkward turn when Mal's new partner learns why the former couple split, partly due to Paige's self-sabotage.
UnPrisoned Is A Perfect Balance Of Comedy And Drama
As a dramedy, UnPrisoned takes a comedic approach to its heavy subjects. The show takes us on a ride with Paige's dating misadventures and navigating a friendship with her ex.
Other lighthearted moments include Edwin's attempts at CPR based on online videos and, of course, the antics of the Alexander family's unconventional new healing coach.
The second season of UnPrisoned is now available on Hulu.
UnPrisoned | Season 2 Trailer | Hulu
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This Is How Tonight's Rare Super Blue Moon Will Impact Your Sun & Rising Sign
Once in a Blue Moon, we have a Blue Moon. This year, however, this celestial body is at its largest capacity, as the Super Blue Moon in Aquarius emerges on August 19, at 2:26 p.m. EST. This is the first of the four Supermoons occurring back-to-back in 2024, and it’s time to feel all the feels.
What Does the Super Blue Moon Mean?
With this Blue Moon happening in the air sign of Aquarius, themes of friendship, community, purpose, destiny, and alignment come into play, and this Supermoon is here to bring things into a better place. Aquarius is all about progression and forward-movement energy, but amid Mercury retrograde, we are being asked to slow down, think about it, and listen to what our intuition is telling us about the path ahead.
When is the Super Blue Moon of 2024?
On August 19, the day of the Super Blue Moon, Jupiter in Gemini forms a square to Saturn retrograde in Pisces and any limitations you have been feeling in your life when it comes to connection, spirituality, freedom, and a deeper understanding of where you want to evolve are coming into clear view. Full Moons are a time to focus on where you need to let go a little more and let divine timing do its thing.
This Full Moon is no different, and we are being put in a position for self-growth, improvement, healing, and letting go of the past to create room for our future.
Aquarius is a sign that also rules politics and rebellion, and we could see some shifts happening in the political sphere during this Blue Moon. What’s been hidden is coming to the surface, and where the collective needs to improve or move on will be brought to the world’s attention as well. It’s about nurturing your dreams and insights right now, connecting with like-minded souls, self-reflection, and growth.
Balance the head with the heart, and pay attention to what’s been brought to your attention during this Blue Moon.
Read below for your sun and rising sign to see how this Super Blue Moon will be for you.
What the Blue Super Moon of 2024 Has in Store for Your Sign
This Blue Moon for you is a process, Aries, and you are healing. There is a lot that is coming to the surface during this time, and not all of it may be a comfortable awakening at first. Your friendships, community, and group associations are going through a stage of reflection, and there is more you are learning about this area of your life.
You are opening up to the idea of connecting and doing the things that matter with the people around you, instead of pushing people away too much. There is a lot for you to work on letting go of at this time, most importantly however, you are letting go of old pain and hurt that has been preventing you from connecting with new people, perspectives, and experiences.
The Super Blue Moon in Aquarius is asking you to slow down, Taurus. You are getting an opportunity to grow in stability, and to build a nice life for yourself through your purpose and dedication. You are reflecting on the areas of your life in which you feel the most stable and grounded and are finding gratitude in the little things.
It’s important to find a balance between career responsibilities and personal responsibilities right now and to prioritize what is worth your time and what aligns most with your future goals. Overall, you are evaluating your long-term goals during this time, and thinking about the big picture of what is going to serve you in the long run.
This Blue Moon, for you, is about protecting your energy and allowing karma to balance its scales on its own. You have had to go through some combative energy recently with your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde, and this Blue Moon is about taking your peace more seriously. You need space to grow, develop, and gain the full picture, and you are taking that time right now.
This Blue Moon is reminding you of the importance of creating boundaries in your life, and not feeling like you have to be everywhere at once when you don’t have the energy to. Life is opening up to you and you have a lot of opportunities to think about and ponder over right now, Gemini.
The Super Blue Moon is here, and you are reflecting on what is worthy of your heart, time, and focus Cancer. Emotionally, you could be feeling a lot right now, and are being reminded to reach out for support, talk about things with someone you trust, and not take on all of these emotions alone. There is significance in being able to be vulnerable with another, and you are opening up to a deeper understanding of that right now.
It’s time to let go of focusing so much on what isn’t working out or coming to fruition for you and to bring your attention to the beauty and growth that has been surrounding you the whole time. Do the rituals and self-care routines that make you feel safe and loved today.
This Super Blue Moon is a big awakening moment for you, Leo. With the Blue Moon happening in your opposite sign, Aquarius, there is a lot to reflect on right now, especially in matters of the heart. Love is coming full circle, and the culminations you are seeing now may be difficult to grasp. Remember your power and your strength, and remember that whatever is being brought to your attention was meant to be shown for you at this time and place.
If you can look at obstacles or challenges that present themselves as learning moments right now, you can prove to yourself how much you have evolved from the way things were. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and allow your relationships to move into a space of growth and understanding without forcing it too much.
The Super Blue Moon is here, and you are being asked to move on and move forward, Virgo. This Full Moon is reflecting to you how much you have been holding in emotionally, and how this could be disrupting your health and overall well-being in life. It’s about moving forward with less weight on your shoulders right now and about understanding that you deserve the best for yourself on all levels.
The more negativity you let go of, the more room you have for positive experiences to enter your life, and you are cleaning house right now. You are ready to rewrite your story and let go of the past. Make your health and well-being the priority, and choose yourself, Virgo.
This Blue Moon is an opportunity for you, Libra. You are letting go of what has been disrupting your happiness and sense of confidence, and you are putting your intentions and joy first. It’s about recognizing your unique gifts, skills, and talents and about putting yourself and your needs out there more.
New doors are opening for you, but you need time to reflect on what it has taken to get here, where you want to see these new doors lead you, and how to best live up to your full potential. This is overall, a more favorable Full Moon for you with it occurring in a fellow air sign, and you are flowing well with the energies in the sky during this time.
Happy outcomes are coming to fruition for you during this Super Blue Moon, Scorpio. You finally see the full picture you have been looking for, and you are breathing some more fresh air right now. There is a lot of hope, opportunity, stability, and compassion filling your world, and you are secure in what you have built for yourself and what options you have for your future.
There is so much to look forward to in life right now, and this Blue Moon is an opportunity to see it all right in front of you, Scorpio. Overall, this Aquarius Blue Moon is showing you how magical life can get and is helping you let go of doubting yourself or your potential in life.
On the day of the Blue Moon, you are being asked to look for the hope and the glimmers of love in your life. It’s time to let go of being too hard on yourself, your growth, or where your relationships have been and to have more faith in it all. This Blue Moon is showing you what is possible through a strong faith in yourself and is reflecting to you just how much your heart has grown.
Some important conversations are being had right now, and the clarity may be disheartening at first. Allow time to heal, and remember that you deserve to be heard, too, Sagittarius. Take the time to reflect on how you can feel more happy with life and how you can give yourself some more grace and compassion right now.
This Blue Moon is beaming with clarity for you, Capricorn. You are processing, communicating effectively, and moving through a major growth spurt in your life. You have been working a lot on your finances as of late, and your stability here, and new ideas and perspectives are coming into bloom for you now.
Although you still need more time to get all the details, especially financially, the inspiration you are gaining now and the communications you are having are creating a breakthrough in your life overall. Remember that to obtain something; you have to believe that you are worthy of it first and that it all starts with that belief. Start believing in yourself and your value more, Capricorn.
The Super Blue Moon is happening in your sign, Aquarius, and it’s your time to shine, be, and be loved. There is a lot of favorable energy surrounding you during this Full Moon, and you are overall letting go of what hasn’t been working in your life. The past is coming up a lot for you right now, but you are really taking this opportunity to heal, let go, and understand yourself a little better.
You deserve space to just breathe, move forward, and become, and you are seeing that path more clearly now to do so. Focus on the heartfelt connections in your life during this Blue Moon, and remember that things aren’t what they were in the past. You have new experiences ahead of you and to create for yourself, and this Super Blue Moon is a chance to thank where you have been and honor your energy.
Rest, recuperation, and rejuvenation are what this Blue Moon is all about for you, Pisces. You are in a deep mode of healing, and there is a lot to process in your life right now. There is a sense of feeling like things have been at a stalemate, but all that’s required to move out of this energy right now is patience and self-understanding. Consider all options and avenues, but remember that at the end of the day, making no decision is still a decision.
Be confident in what your intuition is telling you, pay attention to the signs, and gain some spiritual guidance. This Blue Moon is helping you let go of misunderstandings and confusion and gain the clarity needed to make some new decisions for yourself that better align with who you are today.
Explore your sign’s 2024 horoscope predictions to learn what is in store for you this year in love, career, and more. Check out the love compatibility of each sign to learn more about zodiac pairings and all things compatibility.
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