In This Pandemic, It Is Okay To Focus On Just Surviving

In This Pandemic, It Is Okay To Focus On Just Surviving

I must admit that I am a busy-body by nature. I am often listening to someone's podcast, a YouTube video, working on a blog, re-visiting my fitness goals for the week, attending someone's virtual event geared to personal development and the list can go on and on. While being busy has its advantages, it is critical to point out the disadvantages that come with it.

Since the start of the pandemic, I have noticed an influx of conversations urging individuals to be productive during this quarantine and I admit, I was one of them. But over time, my beliefs towards that push has drastically changed. While I still believe that being in quarantine is a great time to launch new ventures, build or grow a business, write a book, pay off that debt or work on that website, it is important to normalize the focus on surviving in the midst of the pandemic.

Survival may look different for various individuals. It may be going back to therapy or distancing yourself from that project to just breathe; and for others, it may be to take each day at a time. We must remember that the cause of the quarantine is due to COVID-19 and as a result, we must be sensitive that this is not an easy time for everyone. In fact, my personal theme during this time period has been to extend myself grace and I implore you to do the same with yourself.

During this unprecedented time, many of us are trying to survive so if you have not produced a book, paid off your debt(s), launched a business or checked an item off from your 'to-do' list, it is OK.

Social media has created an unrealistic expectation of what it means to thrive during this pandemic. That has caused many individuals to fall deep in depression and grow in their insecurities because they are overly focused on thriving when the goal should be to survive. 2020 was not just consumed with COVID-19 cases, there has been a heightened amount of unplanned deaths, murders and racial tension this year. All of which has been extremely taxing on many of our mental health. Therefore, it is essential that people are continually reminded that it is OK to focus on your sanity.

If you are struggling in the area of investing in your mental health and overall well-being, I suggest that you do the following:



  • Find a therapist. Therapy For Black Girls is an excellent place to start.
  • Go on a walk.
  • Journal.
  • Read a fun or thought-provoking book.
  • Try new recipes to cook.
  • Connect or reconnect with loved ones.
  • Turn off the news and/or deactivate your social media platforms.
As you can see, the investment of self may not always birth an item or venture of some sort but in the end it can birth a healthier you.

Now, I am not saying that the production of books, businesses, websites, promotions and more are bad things. Those achievements are amazing and I salute those who have accomplished those things. However, I equally salute those who have successfully made the decision to get through each day alive. That is the biggest achievement that I believe that any person can make during this time.

For many of us, we have grown up hearing the saying, "You cannot pour from an empty cup." Could it be that this pandemic has forced many of us to take a pause from our busy lives to rest and refill our cup?

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Featured image by Stratford Productions/Shutterstock



5 Things To Tap Into For 'UnPrisoned' Season 2

This article is sponsored by Hulu.

UnPrisonedhas returned for its highly anticipated second season, delving deeper into the complex dynamics of the Alexander family.

The series premiere comes a year after its debut season garnered rave reviews from fans and critics and earned record-breaking ratings for Hulu's Onyx Collective brand. UnPrisoned's success can be attributed to its raw, relatable themes and comedic appeal.


Everywhere you go, there you are. It’s one of those popular sayings (kind of like “It is what it is”) that I find myself using a lot, especially when I’m in sessions with my clients. Why? Well, it’s kind of likean article that I once read that pretty much said our culture likes to play the toxic game of blaming other people because it’s an easy way to deflect from personal accountability (check out “What It Actually Means To 'Hold Yourself Accountable'”). So true, so true,