The Signs You’re Settling For A "Good Enough" Relationship
Love & Relationships

The Signs You’re Settling For A "Good Enough" Relationship

I've seen a few of my girlfriends do this over the years: they settled for a very stable but totally passion-less relationship, as a response to being burned in the past. They did the whole tumultuous-but-exciting thing one too many times. They became tired and fragile. I hear some of them say things like, "Well, this is a more mature relationship" or "It was time to grow up."

Damn. What a, um, thrilling way to discuss your romantic relationship. Sounds like they're purchasing an insurance policy.

I do agree that it's important to have mature, stable relationships, but they don't need to be void of passion and fun. Some of my friends talk about their relationship in a way that sounds like, "Well, it was time for me to give up my freedom, so I turned in my belongings and am happily going to prison now. The warden is very nice here." Look, I get it, hanging in there until you find someone who both makes you feel safe and excited isn't easy. It isn't for the meek of heart.

But being hurt a few times is no reason to give up a lifetime of happiness, all in the name of feeling "safe". You can have both. You can be with someone who makes your heart race but also puts you at ease.

Not everyone is willing to wait to find that, though...

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Rebranding is an intricate process and very important to the success of businesses that want to change. However, before a business owner makes this decision, they should determine whether it's a rebrand or an evolution.

That's where people like Lola Adewuya come in. Lola is the founder and CEO of The Brand Doula, a brand development studio with a multidisciplinary approach to branding, social media, marketing, and design.

Is Having A 'Sex Craving' A Legitimate Thing? If So, What Causes It?

Not too long ago, while in a session with one of my clients, they were talking to me about having strong sex cravings that seemed to have come out of nowhere. After asking some questions for clarity’s sake, I got that the reason why they used the word “craving” is because it’s not like they are hornier than usual all of the time. Nah, it’s more like the urge creeps up at some pretty random and/or unexpected moments. What they wanted to know from me was if I thought that it was normal.

The short answer is “yes.”