Mental Health Mantras To Help You Navigate Dark Moments

Mental Health Mantras To Help You Navigate Dark Moments

Times have never been more turbulent and the unknown has never been more terrifying. This means that it's very important that we nurture our mental health. Dark times tend to open our minds to receive any and all information as a means of validation. Unfortunately, that validation is temporary and precarious. Pay attention to what you're paying attention to because everything doesn't deserve your mindfulness.

In navigating these times, we have to go deeper and connect to the stillness inside of us. One self-empowering activity that helps us go deeper is speaking mantras that keep us grounded and rooted in grace. Historically, mantras have been used in meditation to keep distractions at bay. The truth is, when you're aligned, revelations come and you're able to move forward with wisdom. Ahead, find seven mantras you'll want to add to your notes and speak on the daily.

1."Failure is part of the road to success."


In 2021, we are using failure as a success-launcher. Society has made us believe that failure is negative and that we should be fearful of it. Using this mantra, you will begin to look at the word 'fail' differently. F-irst A-ttempt I-n L-earning.

2."Everything happens right on schedule."

As much as we plan, we have to learn to trust that God and the universe are working in our favor. Your steps have already been ordered so the trick is trusting that everything will work out. Walking by faith and not by sight can lead to boundless opportunities.

3."This is only a paper tiger."

I think this is what Daniel said to himself before slaying Goliath. A paper tiger is a person or thing that appears threatening but is ineffectual. 80 percent of the mountains we create in our heads are really molehills. When you're feeling overwhelmed, try creating a mental movie where everything works in your favor and then speaking this mantra.

4."Look how far I’ve come."


It's time we honor ourselves. Right now, think of one thing you've accomplished this week and honor that success. Self-care can manifest as taking your power back from your dark thoughts.

5."No one can take my joy."

Joy is happiness on steroids because it is linked to emotions like bliss and pleasure. It's easier to let other people control your emotions but we believe that this is the time that you take control. And by taking control, you choose yourself and what you deserve.

6.“The Sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while is here is up to us.”

This mantra is actually a quote by the ever-talented author Alex Elle. As annoying as it is, we need the darkness to really value the light. By realizing you are light, you'll recognize that you radiate peace. No matter the circumstances, it's up to you to create the life you want. It's your journey so it's essential that you make wise choices that serve you. Let go of unnecessary weight and burdens that aren't yours to carry. Choose yourself even when it's the last thing you feel like you need to do – that's actually when you need you the most.

7."I am in control of how I think, feel, and behave."


One of my favorite mantras is the Serenity Prayer because it requires us to surrender. "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." The art of surrender isn't easy. Surrender is not failure; surrender is acceptance. It's accepting that you don't know what you don't know. This specific mantra is interrelated because it forces you to hone in on your power.

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