5 Ways To Detox Your Mind For A Mental Reset

5 Ways To Detox Your Mind For A Mental Reset

As we say goodbye to 2020 and gracefully move into 2021, it's only right we say goodbye to our thought patterns that no longer serve us. I started my healing journey in December of 2018 after a toxic relationship. At the time, my mind was filled with broken thoughts of all men, love, and relationships. This toxic frame of mind eventually carried into my lifestyle and confidence in new relationships.

I decided to adopt a mindful detox practice to heal and attract more positivity into my life. During my detox journey, I eventually discovered the law of attraction. The idea is that our mind is the gateway to our reality. It was that moment your girl became woke! In my experience, when I was comfortable in my toxic thought patterns, I eventually developed a lack mindset. A lack mindset is the idea of living in scarcity. A few examples are: "I can't", "I'll never have", or "I'm not good enough."

I unknowingly manifested more lack into my life rather than abundance.

Since adopting a detox practice for myself, I have noticed a huge difference in my aura, stress levels, relationships, self-esteem, and overall mental health. Detoxing your mind is essential if you want to find love, manifest more opportunities, and change your life, period! Here are 5 ways to detox your mind.

Embrace The Power Of The Pause


A great way to detoxify the mind is by pausing. Adopting a meditation practice is one way to embrace the power of the pause. There is so much clarity that can be found in silence. Take a moment to be with yourself and your thoughts. You can do this by sitting up straight and closing your eyes. Focus on five to 10 deep breaths inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Dedicating as little as five minutes every day can give us awareness of our thought patterns and help us see the beauty in the lessons life is teaching us. It also allows us to put our past experiences at rest and allows us to embrace the present moment.

Give Yourself Permission To Feel

As women of color, we are rarely permitted to feel. We are raised to be strong. To be the foundation of the home. To nurture our families and loved ones before we nurture our hearts. We lend our ears to those who need to be heard, our hearts for those who need to feel love, and our bodies to create more life. Women of color are valid in their feelings. Permit yourself to feel every single emotion. There is beauty in the flow of your tears, pain, and frustration. Allow yourself to feel and have a rebirth.


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I am a huge fan of journaling. I love writing out my thoughts when I am triggered, having an ordinary day, or am overdue for a good mental detox. To detox is to release our body from any toxicities that no longer serve us. It's important to release the negative words we associate ourselves or situations with. Writing our thoughts down allows us to get it all out without the fear of judgment.

Our journal is a free space for us to be loud, unapologetic, and feel empowered through our words. We need to express exactly how we feel, it's how we become free.

Learn To Identify Your Toxic Thoughts 

I'm going to keep it real with you all, this is an ongoing developing skill. When learning to identify your toxic thoughts, you have to work at it every single day and you won't be perfect at it. Learn to catch your negative thoughts in the moment and turn them around. A great example is turning a phrase like "I'll never love again" to "I will accept love into my life again when it is the right time for me." The more you practice this skill, the more likely you are to reprogram your brain and have a better outlook on life situations.

Forgive Yourself


We all make mistakes. We all have toxic thoughts, have taken it too far or said too much, and have been hard on ourselves as a result. Forgive yourself, as you would forgive anyone you love. To forgive ourselves is also giving our mind permission to be at peace. Give yourself full permission to find self-acceptance and heal from the toxic thought patterns that have crowded your mind. You are human, still developing and growing in your flow. Embrace and love all of the characteristics that have made you into the beautiful divine feminine woman that you are. Detox your mind and be bold, loving, and forgiving towards yourself.

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