Here's The Real Reason You Aren't Manifesting

Here's The Real Reason You Aren't Manifesting

What I know for sure, is that you cannot make it to the next level without appreciating your current level. It took me a while to understand this concept. I have always been the type of person who says things like, "If only I lose twenty pounds, I will feel amazing." Or, "Once, I'm out of corporate America, then I'll be happy."

Never once did I ask myself, what if this never occurs? Does that mean I have the right to hate my life forever? The thing about statements like that is that they only reinforce the belief: I'm not happy. It only validates that I'm overweight. Neither of those things is going to make me feel better. Neither of these things is going to help me change my current state.

Like many people, I've watched The Secret and Oprah's specials on the 'Law of Attraction'. Each time, I would walk away excited to change my life. Each time, nothing changed. I was vision boarding, affirming, hoping and praying but nothing was "changing". One afternoon, I was explaining my struggles with my spiritual teacher; she turned to me and said, "You have to believe it. There's a difference between understanding and knowing."

See, I was doing all this work to better myself, all while focusing on what wasn't changing. My actions said one thing, but my beliefs said another.Have you ever wanted something so badly, that it was all you thought about? The gift and the curse of the universe are that that is exactly how it works. So, in my situation, the more I focused on how badly I wanted out of corporate America, all the universe heard was: want corporate America.

If you're ready to shift your thinking and manifest the life of your dreams, keep these tips in mind:

What You Give Your Attention To Will Grow 

Now, I know what you're thinking: Are you saying I must stay 100% positive? No, that's not even possible.

I am saying, you must learn to control your vibration by learning to control your mind. The mind is like a magnet to the universe. Anything that you project out, by universal law, you're going to get back. So, if you're in a funk, or thinking about how crappy your life is; all your doing is magnifying more negativity into your life.

For my church folks, this is not just limited to us crystal-loving hippies. In the Bible, Philippians 4:8, says: ".... whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things." I say all this to say, you cannot constantly be negative and pray for a positive outcome.

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