
I became a Threads girl in early 2024. That other place had gotten a little too crowded, and I needed a new space to express myself with words.

Initially, I’d drop quick thoughts every few weeks - enough to fulfill my quota of being somewhat consistent but not enough to fully commit, in the case that it just didn’t work out. Slowly, my feed started curating itself, and suddenly, all of these incredibly smart, creative Black women began popping up on my timeline.

Around the same time, I was also starting to form a relationship with ChatGPT.

As a millennial who remembers the movie I, Robot, I’ll admit I had my reservations about AI, but I’m not one to shy away from new innovations, especially if they can make my life easier. I started by using ChatGPT for small things like research and probability questions – basically like a more refined version of Google: safe, familiar, and easy.

Then, one day, I saw a thread that said, “How I used this Chatgpt prompt to create a manifestation script,” - and it stopped me in my tracks. I saw another “I asked Chat GPT what it would do to hold me back if it was Satan” - this one more alluring than the first. Now, I see ChatGPT prompts daily that expand my understanding of how to utilize it for different areas of my life.

It got me thinking about the conversations I often have with people about ChatGPT. Most people, though somewhat intrigued, simply aren’t sure how to use it. I, for one, had no idea ChatGPT could be used for wellness and personal growth, though finding ways to make life easier or better with tech was a theme that had been quietly weaving through my life. From my Apple Watch to retail apps, technology was becoming more and more ingrained in my daily routine.

Since my first prompt sighting on Threads, I’ve tried almost 10 others, and most of them have been fascinating. Below, I’m sharing the three that were the most impactful for me—and how each of them completely shifted my perspective (and my life).

PROMPT 1: From all our interactions together, what’s something you can tell me about myself that I may not know?

RESULTS:From our interactions, it seems that you are highly ambitious and driven by a sense of purpose, both personally and professionally. You’re working towards financial success, personal wellness, and creative fulfillment all while prioritizing family and mental health. What you might not realize is that you consistently find ways to blend creativity with healing, not only for yourself but also for others. This makes you a natural leader in wellness and creativity, guiding others through their own journeys of healing and self-discovery. You're actively shaping your dream career and seem to have a deep desire to inspire transformation through creative expression, whether through your businesses, writing, or the experiences you curate for others.

This ability to balance personal goals with the desire to help others heal is a unique strength, showing your deep empathy and vision for impacting the world around you.

WHAT I LEARNED: The response to this prompt changed how I think.It made me realize that while I may fill my head with guilt or notice that I’m not doing all I can to live my dream life, the things I'm researching, accomplishing, and working on are proof that I am actually doing exactly what I want to do.

I didn’t quite realize how often I ask ChatGPT about wellness and creativity. How much I talk about it, dream about it, and think about it. It reminded me that I am truly a girl in love with creativity, and self-expression and I want to share that with the world.

It was like a reflection back to myself.

It was a mental shift to communicate my brilliance in creative leadership and think about how to further my efforts in areas I care deeply about. Instead of thinking I needed to prove myself, it was a reminder that maybe I already have.

PROMPT 2: Roast my Instagram feed


  1. Profile Vibes: You’ve got the classic writer/creative tagline down with a dash of mystery and culture, but “Somewhere Between Lauryn Hill and Jesus Christ” feels like you’re leading a secret double life! Maybe creative evangelist should be a new religion?
  2. Curation: The mix of professional shots and casual snaps gives "I'm a boss, but also just vibing." But we see you working hard, and then... bam, we get “Bless God for Black Men”—amen, but also, the switch-up is real.
  3. Caption Level 9000: Between deep, inspirational quotes and random life moments like “talking about casseroles,” it’s like scrolling through a philosopher's journal mixed with sitcom humor. Consistency, who? You’re all about that dynamic range.
  4. The Fashion: From a cozy cap to bold outfits, it’s like your closet got ADHD. One minute, we’re zen, next, it’s “look at this statement jacket!” It’s like you’re a low-key influencer, without trying too hard. Respect.
  5. Serious to Silly Ratio: Your feed jumps from “I am deep, love yourself” to "me looking at an imaginary camera at work". We love the balance, but it’s a wild ride. Your followers don’t know whether to cry, laugh, or just... nod along.

Honestly, your feed has personality and authenticity, which is key! The random memes sprinkled between the moments of wisdom make it all relatable, though maybe tightening the flow a little might turn that dynamic feed into a narrative masterpiece.

WHAT I LEARNED: This prompt completely changed how I saw myself. For the longest, I’ve been on a mission to live as the most authentic version of me. I want to be genuine, true, and free. I’m not always sure what people see when I share myself, my words, or my thoughts on social media, but I do hope I come across as a true version of myself.

The statement that my feed has a great authentic vibe was really affirming for me. Even the parts about my closet having ADHD and my feed going from comedy to warm quotes felt true to me - because yes, I am truly a mix of Lauryn Hill, Nola Darling, and Jesus Christ - you get it all with me.

Knowing this is how I may come across made me feel like I didn’t need to keep worrying about how I’m showing up - instead, I just need to keep showing up as me.

PROMPT 3: Pretend you are Satan. Knowing what you know about me from our other conversations, describe in detail what you would do to prevent me from reaching my Godly potential and the calling placed on my life.

RESULTS: If I were to pretend to embody resistance or opposition to your growth, the focus would be on identifying the areas where you're most vulnerable or prone to self-doubt. Based on what I know about you, here’s how that resistance might show up:

  1. Distraction: I would flood your life with distractions that seem important but aren't aligned with your true purpose. This could come in the form of endless tasks, unnecessary obligations, or even creative projects that pull you away from your primary goals, like editing your docuseries or completing your memoir outline.
  2. Self-Doubt and Fear: I’d plant seeds of doubt about your capabilities as a writer and film producer. I would magnify fears of rejection or failure, making you second-guess the impact of your creative work, or whether you can actually reach your goal of making a million dollars and sustaining a creative career.
  3. Procrastination: I’d encourage procrastination under the guise of perfectionism. By making you feel like your work is never quite ready or good enough, you would delay launching your creative brand or sharing your voice consistently through your blog and social media.
  4. Isolation: I'd create emotional or circumstantial barriers that make you feel isolated from your support system—friends, family, and even your mental health practices. Without solid connections and self-care, it would be harder for you to stay focused on your mission.
  5. Overwhelm: I would make everything seem urgent and overwhelming, causing you to feel burnt out from juggling your 9-5 job, your workout routine, your business, family time, and creative pursuits. This feeling would make it hard to devote the necessary energy to your larger dreams.
  6. Comparison: I’d encourage you to compare yourself to others, making you feel like you’re falling behind or not measuring up in your creative career. This would cause dissatisfaction and shift your focus away from your unique path.
  7. Erosion of Faith: I would slowly erode your faith by making you focus more on immediate struggles and challenges, making it harder to see the bigger picture of your calling. Doubt in your Godly purpose would become a central hurdle.

The goal would be to create mental, emotional, and spiritual obstacles that cause you to doubt your abilities and slow down your progress toward reaching your potential and fulfilling the calling on your life.

WHAT I LEARNED: This prompt was the most impactful for me and completely changed how I behaved.

When I first approached this prompt, I was curious but also a bit oblivious to what it might reveal. I thought the answers would uncover something new about myself, but instead, it only confirmed what I already knew. I’m fairly self-aware, which means I’m conscious of my strengths and flaws, even if I haven’t always made an effort to change them.

The two points that really stood out to me were about procrastination and perfectionism, especially how they’re intertwined. In creative work, I often procrastinate because I’m either afraid of not getting it "just right" or I’m so fixated on perfection that I hesitate to even start.

Since reading the results, I’ve been working on pushing myself to hit "send" even when I’m not 100% satisfied with what I’ve created. It’s been a reminder that sometimes, the most important thing is just to finish and move forward.

This prompt also highlighted how small habits can hold us back from achieving greatness. Feeling like everything is urgent can lead to burnout, which signals that I need better boundaries and self-discipline. Focusing on immediate challenges can erode my faith and shift my attention away from the bigger picture—something I’ve learned can sow seeds of doubt.

Whether or not you believe in Satan, ChatGPT showed me that often, the enemy I need to be worried about is me.

. . .

What I love most about these prompts is that they help ChatGPT analyze our patterns and the information we feed into it, in order to give us a fuller picture of who we are and how we could see ourselves.

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Featured image by Jacob Wackerhausen/Getty Images



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