The Personality & Love Compatibility Of A Cancer, Explained.

The Personality & Love Compatibility Of A Cancer, Explained.

Often misconstrued as the cry baby of the zodiac, this cardinal water sign is not one to play with which is why their symbol is the crab. Born between June 21st and July 22nd, Cancer season carries us into the summer months. Ruled by the Moon, this zodiac sign is notorious for its changeable emotions that seem to synchronize with the lunar phases themselves. As sensitive as they can be, more often than not, the emotions that they express are not always their own.

Due to their sponge-like nature of absorbing other people's energies, Cancerians easily run the risk of becoming an unknowing host to energy vampires—a.k.a. emotionally incompetent individuals. Throughout their lives, people with strong Cancer placements eventually learn the art of strengthening their energetic boundaries which ultimately protects their tender hearts and even their physical vessel.

Associated with the fourth house of the astrological wheel, Cancerians strive to create security for themselves—both emotionally and physically. Oftentimes, these individuals are found tending to their quaint abode or caring for their family members and close friends. Generally, their nature is pretty calm which is why they typically prefer enjoying the peace of their home unlike some of the more extroverted zodiac signs.

Given their empathic nature, it's vital for those with strong Cancer placements to prioritize solitude so they can recharge their energy after being in an overly-stimulating environment. Once they rejuvenate themselves, they're back to being the supportive caregiver to the ones they love the most.

The Cancer Zodiac Sign: An Overview

Cancer rules the chest, breasts, and stomach which is how they received the reputation of being the Mother of the zodiac. Their keen ability to just know what someone needs makes them thoughtful and devoted partners whether in romance, friendship, and even business. It is thanks to their ruling luminary, the Moon, that they are deeply intuitive and, for some, even psychic. If a Cancerian is under any stress, however, their intuitive hunches can easily be misinterpreted and muddled by their own suppressed emotional wounds.

There's no coincidence that they're associated with the crab who has the ability to relentlessly latch on to whatever it gets its claws on. The same goes for these sensitive souls who don't have the easiest time letting go. Once they experience some pain or heartache, it can take a while for them to bounce back given their nostalgic nature.

Although this zodiac sign isn't typically viewed as the most adventurous of the bunch, they're far from the wet blanket that are often labeled as. Initially, Cancerians can be cautious but once they feel secure within a relationship or environment, you'll see a whole other side to them that radiates. As the first water sign of the zodiac, these individuals actually have a very youthful demeanor about them when they're not busy playing mommy or daddy for those around them.

Keep in mind that they can be a bit unpredictable at times due to their lunar influence; however, their malleable energy will keep you mesmerized just like the light of the Moon.

Cancer Best & Worst Personality Traits

Best Cancer Traits:

  • Empathetic
  • Nurturing
  • Intuitive
  • Protective

Worst Cancer Traits:

  • Vindictive
  • Clingy
  • Indirect

The Cancer Zodiac Sign in Career 

Fueled by their big hearts, Cancerians can often be found working in caring professions or charity. Their instinctual desire to support and nurture others makes them excellent nurses and childcare providers. Whether they want to have their own children or not, these individuals are motivated by the idea of passing the baton off to the next generation which makes sense as to why their astrological house is also associated with our ancestors.

In addition to them working in fields that require their compassion and devotion, Cancerians are naturally creative as well. Their ability to tap into the collective unconscious allows them to put words to emotions that most can't. Channeling their feelings into music, poetry, or some form of art can be extremely therapeutic, and even lucrative, for these talented water signs.

Given their homebody nature, their artistic abilities are often utilized in their home. Interior design, architecture, and real estate are all supportive avenues for them to explore. This zodiac sign embodies the ability to turn a house into a home.

The Cancer Zodiac Sign in Love

When it comes to love, Cancerians seek security. They are also attracted to people with strong family values. Best believe, they will definitely judge you by the way you treat your mother. You'll get some extra brownie points if you make an effort to connect with their parents as well. If a Cancer allows you into their precious space trust that, in due time, you will become an extension of their own family. It may take a little time for these cautious lovers to warm up to you but once they put down their guards, you can trust that you'll have a devoted partner for life.

Like most Cancerians, they've gone through their fair share of heartache so don't let their hard exterior fool you. At the core, they're as soft as a pillow.

They just don't allow any ol' body to access that part of themselves. Given their indirect—and sometimes passive-aggressive—nature, it's important for a Cancerian's partner to be just as perceptive as their crabby lover. They may not always tell you when something is wrong and more often than not, they hope you'll just "get it" like they often do. Once you start to learn the changing rhythms of their lunar energy, you'll be able to navigate their moodiness with ease and grace.

In love, these sensitive lovers are generally compatible with other water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) as well as Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Famous Celebrity Cancers

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For a more in-depth look into what is in store for your zodiac sign each month, read our monthly horoscopes.

Featured image by Taylor Hill/Getty Images



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