5 Habits You Need To Delete From Your Life To Increase Productivity
Workin' Girl

5 Habits You Need To Delete From Your Life To Increase Productivity

For most women, achieving productivity is an ever-changing goal. While you may have rituals and routines that you believe are supporting that goal,every now and then it is important to revisit the things you give your energy to.

Ultimately, productivity is defined by your energy, time, and focus. Keep in mind that your brain is configured to make a certain number of decisions per day, according to Forbes. Once that limit is reached, it is literally impossible to make more, even if you force it.

We want your mental and physical energy to be sustainable so read on and check out some ways to ensure you are doing just that.


We all think that we can do it all, all the time. The ugly truth is that it is impossible to multitask and be productive. Krystal Covington, CEO & Founder of Women of Denver, a social enterprise association helping women earn their worth, focused on one thing for an entire day and her mind was blown. She told Thrive Global, "I realized how taxing multi-tasking really is on our minds and bodies. When burnout finally set in, it was time for me to re-evaluate what productivity really means for me and how to make the most of my limited energy."

Failing To Set Boundaries

As women, we often abandon boundaries in an effort to please others. From coworkers always stopping by your office to your supervisor asking you to review files right before you are leaving for the day, these interruptions are a result of not setting boundaries. I am definitely guilty of not setting boundaries because I want my work to be perfect while also making others happy. In doing this, I enable others to continue to deplete my time. One way to set boundaries is by utilizing your calendar and scheduling your time in a concrete way.

Poor Communication

I'm sure your mom told you that a closed mouth doesn't get fed. However, it is very common to not communicate your needs in fear of burdening others. Whether you work for a company or work for yourself, you have to be intentional with your communication. Now more than ever, with email and text messaging, it is important to be clear and direct with instructions and expectations.

Fear Of Failure

I can't tell you how many hours I have spent on pitches because I am afraid that they are unworthy. Our culture thrives on perfectionism; it inevitably leads to unattainable goals.

Tip: Try not to hyperfocus on details – the devil is in the details for a reason. Also, choose excellence over perfection.

Putting Profit Over Passion

Do what you love and love what you do. Feeling inspired and satisfied is so important to productivity. The Huffington Post even shared that 55% of Gen X and Gen Y workers believe that finding a job that's personally fulfilling is worth sacrifices in salary. Try prioritizing tasks that you enjoy to increase effectiveness.

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This article is sponsored by Hulu.

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