4 Tips For Overcoming The Fear Of Confrontation With Your Partner
Love & Relationships

4 Tips For Overcoming The Fear Of Confrontation With Your Partner

Even though I can never hide when I'm upset from my husband, I used to hate talking about it, especially if it was because something he said or did. I just couldn't do the whole confrontational thing... and still can't fully.

I literally told him I don't like talking about certain things because, "It just doesn't go over well."

But considering we promised to the rest of our lives, I had to get over this fear of confrontation and talking things out, even when it doesn't go the way I hope. And if you have those fears like me, it is important to remember, at the end of the day, you and your partner will always end up on the same page. To overcome your fear of having hard conversations with your partner, check out my tips for better communication below.

Say How You Feel, Sis

It's crazy because it really is that simple, but it's so much easier said than done. When my husband and I first started dating, it would take me daaayysss to tell him something he did that bothered me. It wouldn't be until he asked me if everything was okay that I would respond, "Well you remember the other day when…?"It was even worse when multiple things would pile up and I'd have to play catch up with a list of things he did over the course of a few days. I can only imagine how overwhelming this was for him.

If you think about it, you can't really be upset at how your guy, or anyone for that matter, is acting, or for something they're constantly doing, if you haven't told them how you really feel about it. You're just setting yourself up for failure with the risk of driving yourself crazy. Honestly, there's a very likely chance you feel like he should already know what's wrong and how to fix it in a way that pleases you. Not the case. As amazing as any man is, and as flawless as the connection and chemistry feels, we all know he's not a mind reader. So just say what's on your mind, respectfully. You'll feel so much better.

Featured image by Shutterstock




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That's where people like Lola Adewuya come in. Lola is the founder and CEO of The Brand Doula, a brand development studio with a multidisciplinary approach to branding, social media, marketing, and design.

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