
Everyone needs a little validation once in a while.

And in a world full of filters and facelifts, we sometimes have a hard time recognizing our own true beauty. Of course we should love ourselves first and foremost, but a compliment now and then doesn't hurt, either.

That's exactly what happen recently on the campus of Spelman College in Atlanta. Twitter user @onlineva uploaded a video with the caption, "Told some black girls they were beautiful today." The video featured herself going around campus asking one simple question: “Did you know you're beautiful?"

The reactions ranged from surprised and thankful, to the self-assured and confident “Yes."

The video has now gone viral, and the comments are as beautiful as the students' reactions.

Although there was one young woman featured that responded, "No" the twitterverse came together to remind her that she was gorgeous and better own it.

This video is reminiscent of a similar “social experiment" that previously went viral. The difference here is that this video is full of young, and of course beautiful, African-American, college-aged women. I remember that time of my life very well, and a simple compliment like that would have gone a long way. While I️ didn't go to an HBCU, the community itself was small with a lot of underlying competition and even more outright shade. A random act of kindness like this might have helped me along the way on my journey to self-appreciation.

This is the exact time where we are questioning ourselves, our beauty, our futures, and our worth. The transition between adolescence and adulthood can be full of self-doubt, worry, and even anxiety. That's why it is so important to recognize our own beauty and strength at this age, because without that strong sense of self, the years ahead will only continue to challenge your self-perception.

Self-love rules, but a little love from someone else can be the icing on the cake. That's why this video is so important. It shows that doing something as simple as telling another person that they too are beautiful can not only boost their mood, but can brighten the day of thousands of people around the world—especially if you make a video and upload it to Twitter. Random acts of kindness can be so simple but so fulfilling for everyone involved.

Here's a challenge that should go viral: tell someone they are beautiful today and everyday. You never know who might need your positive vibe and energy that day. Here's a quote that sums this up oh so nicely:

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Leo Buscaglia

Are you aware of how you would respond if someone told you you were beautiful?



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