
Born between February 19th and March 20th, this mutable Water sign embodies a free-flowing nature that is typically easy to get along with. Their heightened levels of sensitivity equip them to read the room. Sometimes this works to their advantage while, at other times, their ability to feel into the unseen can be extremely taxing. As one of the most empathic zodiac signs, Pisces has a tendency to absorb the emotions of others. If they're not clear in their own boundaries, they can quickly find themselves lost in the distress of other people.

Ruled by Neptune, there's no coincidence that these dreamy lovers often blur the lines between reality and fantasy. Given their idealistic approach to life they always see the best in others (even when those same people know they ain't sh*t). It is a Pisces' ministry to provide unconditional love and support—even for people undeserving of their devotion.

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces essentially embodies the essence of all of its predecessors. Often considered a Water sign, in some ideologies they're actually associated with Ether—that being the air beyond the clouds. While its sister sign Cancer rules the ocean and Scorpio governs fixed bodies of water, Pisces is the source that permeates all space much like our idea of God.

This is one of the reasons many Pisceans find themselves naturally drawn to spirituality. Given their malleable nature, they're likely to explore various spiritual paths throughout their lives. They're capable of connecting the dots between things that seem completely different. At the end of the day, Pisces' only concern is getting to the heart of the matter. Not one to get caught up in the details like their opposite sign Virgo, these intuitive individuals prefer to feel their way through life.

The Pisces Zodiac Sign: An Overview

Physiologically, Pisces governs the feet, toes, and lymphatic system. Given their emotionally-absorbent nature, it's important to not allow emotions to become stagnant which can sometimes result in illness. As an appreciator of nature's beauty, taking a relaxing stroll can be just what they need to keep their energy flowing and to keep them grounded in reality. They are notorious for having a vivid imagination and it's not uncommon for you to catch them glancing off into space with that dewey look in their eyes. Even though they are a spiritual being, they still have a physical body that needs to be treated like the temple that it is. Pisces can be extremely sensitive to certain foods which is why it's common for many of them to develop food allergies over time.

The Earthly realm can get pretty boring for Pisces which can push them to explore various forms of escapismwhether that be through music, books, and is severe cases—drugs. This indulgent zodiac sign, whose ancient ruler is Jupiter, can fall into patterns of addiction more easily than others. Their Neptunian influence lures them into a dreamworld in which everything is alright when in reality their lives may be total chaos. As innocent as they appear, Pisces does have a dark side to them.

There's a reason that their symbol is two fish (and not one). Although they can be some of the kindest people they can also hit below the belt with their self-righteousness. Known to play the victim, they have to be brutally honest with themselves (and grounded enough within reality) to recognize how they, too, play a role in the drama. Associated with the subconscious, they can fall into projecting their unhealed emotional wounds onto others. Shadow work is key for this dualistic sign to remain balanced.

Pisces Personality Traits

Best Pisces Traits:

  • Sensitive
  • Visionary
  • Empathic
  • Instinctive
  • Artistic

Worst Pisces Traits:

  • Elusive
  • Addictive
  • Paranoid

Pisces in Career

Dreamy Pisceans often have a difficulties adjusting to the norm of a 9-5. Due to their imaginative nature, they'll usually find more fulfillment in paving a path of their own that allows them to indulge their need for creative expression. With financial security not being a top priority for this free-spirited sign, it's common they bounce around from one place to the next in pursuit of an environment that can support their endeavors.

Many of them will go through a "starving artist" phase at some point before they recognize that their need for security is just as important as living out their purpose. Often born with an innate gift that cannot be taught, they just need to learn to leverage what they're naturally good at. A career in the healing and spiritual arts as well as music, acting, and writing are all paths that support what Pisces is best at. Given their compassionate nature, charity work is also suitable for them. For those that are a little more on the "secular" side of things, opening up a bar or getting into the liquor trade could be surprisingly lucrative.

Pisces in Love

As a mutable Water sign, Pisces can be a little difficult to figure out but that's also the allure about them. On one hand, they can be sympathetic and compassionate, while on the other hand they can be distrustful and wounded. Not one to dive in head first, they prefer to test the waters before taking the plunge. In the beginning, Pisces will only reveal but so much as they do possess a mystique about them.

Once you've passed the test, they'll happily reveal their innermost self to you. Given their power of subtle influence, they have the ability to get their needs met—usually without even being direct. This is a result of their mastered manipulative streak which can sabotage the growth of the authentic relationships they deeply crave. Their sacrificial nature and giant hearts make them a sucker for people who are suffering. They are weak to a good sob story and love to be the one to pick up the pieces.

It's very common for Pisceans to wind up in codependent relationships that ultimately aren't serving either party involved. Once they stop trying to save other people and save themselves, they can connect with a partner that is truly their equal. Generally, other Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) and Taurus and Capricorn are good matches for this passionate free-spirit.

Famous Pisces Celebs

Featured image by Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for Pandora Media Inc.




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