How To Keep Your Birth Control In Check When You're On The  Road
Life & Travel

How To Keep Your Birth Control In Check When You're On The Road

When I travel, it sometimes feels like it happens all at once. One minute, I'm flying from city to city from timezone to timezone, and the next thing I know, I've forgotten to take my birth control pills. If I accidentally skip pills, I don't worry about sex, but my I do worry about how that will affect my period. I was prescribed the pill by my doctor to help keep my pain and excess bleeding from fibroids in check. But taking my medicine at the wrong time or not at all means I will be battling a heavy, painful, debilitating period —so the stakes are high. Whether you're taking the pill to keep your hormones regulated, as a contraceptive, or to keep heavy bleeding at bay — here are a few tips that will help you keep yourself on track as you jet set.

Set An Alarm


One of the most confusing things for me is timezones. Traveling from Los Angeles means I'm usually two to three hours behind or ahead of where I'm going in the U.S., and who knows how many hours behind or ahead when I travel internationally. The key here is getting ahead. Setting your daily alarms before you land in your next city will keep you and your body on track.

Keep Track With Apps

Apps like myPill and Bedsider have made it easier for me to keep up with my birth control when I'm on the move. myPill is excellent for setting reminders and keeping track of how you feel throughout the month if you suffer from side effects from a new prescription. The Bedsider app is an asset if you lose your pack on the road, as it helps you find clinics in your area. It can also help you find emergency contraception if you're in need.

Know Your Options In Case Of Emergencies

Most national pharmacies like Walgreens or CVS can fill an emergency order if you transfer your prescription to their location. Things can get a little tricky overseas, but there is good news. Many countries don't require a prescription for birth control, so if you have a photo of your prescriptions, you should be able to get it filled at a local pharmacy.

Pack Backup For The Backup


Vacation for many of us means more sex, so be sure to pack or buy a backup method of contraception if you end up missing two or more days of your cycle. That will help ensure you're protected from any potential unplanned pregnancies. K-Y Extra Lubricated Condoms are a classic favorite among women, but if you're someone that cares about what goes in and out of your body even during sex, SUSTAIN's ultra-thin, non-toxic condoms might be worth a try.

Featured image by Getty Images

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