
One of the things I've always loved about being a woman is the level of exploration that comes with our bodies and discovering what feels good. When it comes to coming, many of us have found and mastered clitoral orgasms, especially ones derived from self-pleasure. And while vaginal orgasms might feel more elusive to most women (studies show only 25 percent of women experience orgasms consistently during vaginal penetration), you might be surprised to learn that orgasms don't have to be either or, they can be blended too.

Vaginal and clitoral orgasms are among the most common orgasms, but sex experts suggest that there are actually 12. A blended orgasm is exactly what it sounds like -- an orgasm that is experienced from the stimulation of two or more types of orgasms. What makes these orgasms even more sought-after is how intense they feel.

According to sex therapist Dr. Donna, LICSW, M.ED, blended orgasms can be achieved by stimulating the parts of your body that are most prone to giving you an orgasm. "The most common way to get the blended orgasm is to stimulate the g-spot and the clitoris at the same time for a blended orgasm. BUT there are all types of orgasms, including anal, nipple and cervix. Some combo examples of blended orgasms include g-spot/clit; nipple/clit; nipple/g-spot; if you are into a good eargasm, then that can be added into the nipple, clit, g-spot, anus, etc. combos," Dr. Donna explained.

"Really, the possibilities are nearly endless."

My personal favorite? A one-two combo that consists of kissing (yes, you can orgasm through kissing alone) and clitoral stimulation, but I've also been able to achieve blended orgasm from a mix of g-spot/clit (especially in the spooning position, oh my God). My most recent experience with a blended orgasm involved me on my back with my legs open and his body positioned hovered above me with an adept knee placed at my wet heat.

The experience was new to me, but I used his outer thigh to rub my clit against while we kissed. And maybe it was our mutual high from the weed we smoked minutes before, but my senses were heightened and I was on fire. He drank my moans of ecstasy as I began to fall from the edge, crashing down with electric heat. The end result is galvanizing.

When you have an orgasm, you sometimes don't believe it can get any more intense than it already is, but it does. And it can.

What Is A Blended Orgasm & How To Have One

When You’re Solo Dolo...

The perfect segue into blended orgasm territory during your self-pleasure sessions is by using a toy that can stimulate the hit the g-spot and clit all at once. To do so, Dr. Donna recommends utilizing a rabbit, or a toy like it (I recommend this one -- thank me later). "Plus, it will leave a hand free to stimulate your nipples and breasts."

As with anything pertaining to sexual pleasure, a great baseline or foundation for having orgasms is discovering the hot spots you have through masturbation. I always say that it's difficult to teach a student lessons when you haven't learned the curriculum yet yourself, and that sentiment rings so true in the bedroom. "Know your own body so that you can teach your partner(s) how to get you there. Then experiment with the other types of stimulation and see what combos you can string together."

And once you know yourself and what gets you off like the back of your hand, you're ready for our next pointers.

When You’re Coupled Up...

Of course, adding a partner (or partners) will amplify the playing field, in addition to providing more methods to meet your blended peak. Dr. Donna suggests the use of toys here too - specifically toys that stimulate your clitoris while your partner puts in the work of bringing pleasure to your g-spot, anus, nipples, lips, or anywhere else that brings you to your climax.

As for optimal sex positions, Dr. Donna notes doggy style as a real crowd-pleaser for the blended orgasm prize. "I would say doggy style gives the best g-spot access while not interfering with toy use, or your partner can reach around and stimulate the clitoris. Reverse cowgirl is also a great position for stimulating multiple areas at once," she continued.

Equipped with these tips, you'll master the art of blended orgasms in no time at all. I know I did.

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