
So you wake up and decide after much debate you are tired of your apartment and that it's time to get the packin', but your bank account is screaming, "Bish where?"

Moving is a costly process, and if you are anything like me, you are in between blessings and working towards the manifestation of your dreams on a modest budget. Nevertheless, that doesn't stop you from wanting to wake up in the luxury living spaces that you pin to your Pinterest boards and bookmark on Instagram.

The great thing is, with a lot of planning, research, and creativity, you can transform your living space into the luxurious pad of your dreams, or at least within the constraints of your budget with the following steps:

Commit To Settling Into Your Space.


We often move into our first apartments with aspirations to move into a bigger and better space in a shorter time span than the universe assigned to us, preventing us from ever truly making our living space a home.

If you have a roof over your head, with running water, heat, electricity, groceries, and are not in immediate danger, you have more to be grateful for than some others. Take a moment to sit in that gratitude and commit to settling into your home and transforming the parts of it you don't like instead of complaining about what you don't have.

Get To The Root Of The Problem(s).

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Perhaps it is the lack of space, natural light, modernization, or even the color of the walls. Whatever your pet peeves are about your space, write them down and perhaps a sentence or two about why they annoy you and read them back after some time passes.

This will confirm if these are indeed issues and not just feelings of frustration that comes from you comparing your chapter 5 to someone else's chapter 10. It is a great idea to pick two or three issues that you think your landlord can contribute a helping hand in solving or at least give you permission to do so yourself. For example, if you dislike the paint job in your apartment, propose to them that you would like a new paint job, have the hue approved, and provide the paint you would like to use in exchange for them hiring a painter.

Just be honest, sensible, and willing to contribute to the superficial renovations, and you'd be surprised how willing your landlord will be to satisfy an upstanding tenant such as yourself.

If It Doesn't Make You Happy, Let it Go.

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The first and most difficult step I find helpful in creating the new living space that you want is decluttering. Do you remember the first time you saw your space and your imagination ran wild because it was bare and full of possibilities? Do yourself a favor and simulate that experience by letting go of objects and possessions that no longer serve you or the vision that you have for your new home. A great way to get into this practice is to pick up something and ask yourself: Does it bring me joy? Have I used/worn it in the past 6 months?

Separate possessions in your home into two categories: joyfully useful, or could be of better use somewhere else. Practice the art of letting go by start small, perhaps in your pantry, and gradually after time, tackle the tougher areas like your closet.

Shop Smart.


Once you have given yourself a decluttered starting point, start investing in quality home staples. We underestimate how much quality linen, pillows, area rugs, and lamps can drastically change the appearance and feel of our home.

A new affordable kitchen table could transform your kitchen, a new headboard could completely change your bedroom, and a new shower curtain could completely change your bathroom. These are not expensive transformations thanks to stores like Homegoods, Marshalls, TJ Maxx or even websites like Wayfair or Walmart. Search for great deals, but even greater quality.

Research DIY Projects & Perform Superficial Renovations To Your Space.


You will find that Home Depot, Lowes, and Amazon will become your best friends through this process.

Shockingly, there are a number of ways to upgrade the appearance of your space without leaving a mark on your rental, such as peel and stick wallpaper, tile, countertop, wall decal, and a cabinet cover. You are not alone in your dissatisfaction with your current living space, but with a little digging, you can find a cost-effective solution to almost any problem in your apartment.

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Featured image by Shutterstock




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