
Over the past year, I have been obsessed with crystal healing. My crystals have helped me have a deeper sense of connection to myself. There was a time when I invested so much in others and less in myself. Eventually, my investment in others hit a wall. I then decided to invest more into myself, which made for a better ROI. Investing in crystal healing has given me an ROI in acceptance, self-love, forgiveness, and having faith.

The art of crystal healing has become mainstream within the last few years. We've seen crystals being talked about all over social media. These days everyone seems to have a crystal for almost every occasion: love, growth, money, better sex, bigger booty, etc. However, what about having a crystal for your zodiac sign?

In order to learn the crystal for you based on your zodiac sign, I spoke with tarot card reader Patrick Sykes and his fiance, astrologer Jack Fuller, who is an expert on crystals. Together, they discussed the perfect tarot messages and crystals they have for each zodiac sign.




Crystal: Garnet Stone

"Capricorns will be good with anything that is grounding, any crystal that is root chakra-based. Many Capricorns are good at capitalizing in the world, so they already have this connection to that root chakra energy. Garnet stone can very much help them dive deeper into the root chakra. Garnet can also help them balance because sometimes Capricorns have an overabundance of energy. Sometimes they can put so much energy into making a coin, they forget to call their momma. Garnet stone can help them balance all of that."

Tarot Message:

"Capricorn got the Four of Swords. They tend to pull into themselves, but the Four of Swords talks about pulling into your dreams. Now is the time to pull into your dreams and own them."


Crystal: Selenite

"Amethyst is our baby. Amethyst is really good for making a connection with the third-eye chakra. The third-eye chakra helps you see out into the distances, the distances of time, space, dimension, and also protects your vision in that way. Also, if an Aquarius is not drowning in selenite, then I don't know what you're doing. We need that clarity because we're so future-focused. We need that clarity, so we can come back in, and see what's right in front of us. Selenite helps us get that future information in the present context."

Tarot Message:

"The sun came up for Aquarius. The sun is a Major Arcana card. This card talks about bringing new life. Aquariuses are the water-bearer, and they really bring that excitement. The message is to focus on the sun when you need that excitement and renewal."


Crystal: Pyrite and Moonstone

"Usually, a Pisces is great with a good Moonstone. Pisces should carry pyrite (fools gold). Pyrite is really good for transmuting negative energies. Pisces tend to be in the realm of that empathic space holder. They are either controlling the emotion in the atmosphere or are absorbing it. Pisces need to be able to manage the negative effects of that because they can take hold of them. Moonstone is also great for Pisces! We are used to Moonstone aligning [those who use it] from the root chakra up, the Moonstone does it from the crown chakra down and gets you aligned with the spooky stuff. Moonstone helps you through shadow work."

Tarot Message:

"The card I got for Pisces is the Queen of Cups. Pisces is a very emotional sign, it's a water sign. The Queen of Cups isn't about not having those emotions or concealing them. The Queen of Cups is more for control of all those emotions. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by those emotions, know the power of them."




Crystal(s): Carnelian, Blood-stone, and or Red Jasper

"Aries is a real serious and fiery sign. Aries comes through with the heat! You might get burned. Carnelian would be good for Aries in managing the fiery-ness. Aries is generous, like really generous at heart. However, the generosity is on their terms and if not followed, they might not be so generous. They have to manage to give that fire to themselves and making the specificity their own. Blood-stone and Red Jasper can be good because it allows them to think before they act."

Tarot Message:

"The card for Aries is the World card, but in reverse. What this signifies is challenging how you arrive. Aries can tend to be stubborn because they are firm in their passions. For this, it's important to know how you arrive at this passion. The world card in reverse talks about circling back, like how did you get there? And making sure that is a valid place to be."


Crystal(s): Malachite and Emerald

"Malachite comes in handy for a lot of earth signs in bringing rigidity to the heart, especially for Taurians. They are similar to Aries in that they have a plan that's going to be best for YOUR life. The difference between Tauruses and Aries is Taurses are closer to right. Taurus needs the ability to have their ideas for people's lives be adaptable. Taurians require the ability to adapt in their life. They have a hard time adapting their view of others and this affects their connection with others. Taurians wanting to help comes from a nurturing space, but they have to remember to not be overbearing. Emerald is the birthstone for May. An emerald crystal is good because it helps heal those emotional wounds."

Tarot Message:

"The card that came up for Taurus is the Eight of Cups. This card talks about you feeling emotionally empty and feeling like you're missing something. The thing that is missing is knowing the truth of your own emotions. The Eight of Cups talks about going there with yourself emotionally."


Crystal: Pearl

"The Gemini birthstone is the pearl. A Gemini's sense of individualism is high, it can be good. However, it tends to be toxic more often than not. The lesson Geminis need to learn from the pearl is: 'There is not only one pearl in a clam, but a pool of twenty.' Remember, there is a pool of twenty you came here with. There is a lack of individualism and an interconnection to compartmentalize the voices they're hearing. Pearl can help Geminis deliver messages clearer than they hear it in their head."

Tarot Message:

"The card that came up for Gemini is the Princess of Wands. The Princess of Wands talks about not [taking] yourself so seriously that you forget why it was fun in the first place. Geminis are creatures of passion; they do things because they enjoy them. When the passions manifest into success and opportunity, it is because it came from a place of fun. However, they can get into their heads and get so mysterious that they forget why they started. The Princess of Wands says: 'Remember this started as something that brought you creative fulfillment and joy.'"


Crystal(s): Jade, but really Rhodonite

"Jade inspires confidence. Cancers feed and absorb all those emotions in a way that tends to be more self-deprecating. Cancers will take all those emotions and personalize them. They need a lot of self-worth help and Rhodonite is the best stone for that. Cancers need to dive into self-worth and understand that there is so much value in the ability to internalize other people's stories. They also need to realize that their own story is traumatic enough. Know your self-worth to know that you're worth not taking on other people's stuff."

Tarot Message:

"The card for Cancers is the Nine of Pentacles. This means: reaping the rewards of the seeds you planted, like seeing your garden grow. Knowing that because you put in this work (emotionally/financially, etc.), know that it's going to be beautiful when it grows. Take time to celebrate what you built."




Crystal(s): Sunstone and Tiger's eye

"Leos are missing people and places because being shiny in a cave doesn't do y'all much justice. There isn't a lack of confidence, but a lowkey fear vibration happening. Sunstone will set that fear into an intention. It's going to help decipher whether the fear is healthy or not. Fear is love in excess, so deal with it. Figure out what it is that you're loving in excess, so you can let it go, and release that fear. Giving it intent is going to give it context. Leos hate being indecisive, but love having options. There's a fear of letting go of those options because having those options brings comfort. You have to put that fear in good context so that you can let go of those options. Those options are beautiful, but they're not serving you. Tiger's eye will also give you guys the bravery that you need."

Tarot Message:

"The card for Leo is the Star. To be the Star, if you want to be at the center, also requires responsibility. You can't be at the center and not accept the responsibilities of being at the center. The Star talks about getting in tune with that. If you're going to be the boss, you're going to have to put in the work. If you want to be the center, you have to do the work that requires you to stay there."


Crystal: Lapis Lazuli and Citrine

"Virgos are outspoken and they hold that overbearing nurturer energy. However, they are not good at saying what they mean. Virgos are very good at asking, 'What's wrong? What needs to be fixed? And how to fix it?' But, when it comes to expressing the truth of how they're feeling in a moment or about a person, it sometimes gets over-intellectualized or over-contextualized. Lapis lazuli is a good throat chakra clearer and breaks up blockages in the throat chakra. I'm also sensing that Virgos need some citrine. They just need some confidence. Virgos find your confidence, so you can get back into reflecting and loving yourself."

Tarot Message:

"The card for Virgo is the Wheel of Fortune in reverse. This card talks about letting go. Virgos need to detach themselves from the work that they do, instead of digging deeper. This can only lead to confusion between your work and yourself. Remember, it's important to compartmentalize parts of yourself. Use this to reevaluate to move forward."


Crystal: Pink Tourmaline

"For Libras, I would suggest Pink Tourmaline. They (Libras) are good at finding people of interest, but not necessarily good at experiencing the love that the person has for them, and expressing the truth of the love that they feel. There's a lot of desiring that love to look a particular way. Libras tend to get into situations where they are looking for something in relationships, rather than appreciating what is there. Libras need to allow themselves to experience the love that is coming towards them so they can understand what their love means. Pink Tourmaline will be good for experiencing love in a way that is pouring into you."

Tarot Message:

"The card for Libra is the King of Swords. This card is a card that represents air but is a very stern and opinionated representation of a person. What this signifies for Libras is: 'People will respect you more if you tell them what you actually think.' Libras feel like they have to be so many things for so many people. A lot of people also respect Libras, which is why people would respect what they really have to say."


Crystal: Aquamarine

"Aquamarine would be good! Scorpios have been trying to get a specific spiritual message across for a while. The spiritual message has to do with self-care, specifically spiritual self-care. Aquamarine will help you access different levels of calm that will give you the ability to release some frustration. Scorpios need this because they don't need any more reason to be icy."

Tarot Message:

"The Nine of Swords is the card I have for Scorpios. This talks about internalizing your own life fears and those fears can manifest into reality. Try your best not to do this! Stop giving your fears so much power and manifesting them into reality."



Crystal: Turquoise

"The stone that Sagittarius needs is some turquoise, so you can be honest with yourself. You can be honest with the people around you because you have good people around you. The people around see you and love you for who you really are despite your flaws. [You need] time to get a good understanding of yourself and be honest with yourself, so you can be more honest with the people that love you. Once you're honest with the people around [you], they can be of more assistance. Your friends are sick of you needing help, yet not knowing how to ask for it."

Tarot Message:

"The Ten of Wands are what came up for Sagittarius. We can see you bearing all that weight. [The] Sagittarius should know: just because you are taking on the responsibility of something, that doesn't mean it translates to burden. Stop taking on responsibilities as burden and weight. Instead, take them on as labors of love. You need to embrace the love of this responsibility."

For more of Jack and Patrick, follow them on Instagram: @gypjaq and @mx.sykes.

Featured image by Shutterstock



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