
It's something about nearing your 30s or experiencing a traumatizing event that really makes you question your life. If you're like me, you've probably been asking yourself questions like:

  • "Sis, what are you doing with your life?"
  • "Girl, are you truly living a life of purpose?"
  • "Are you really doing the work that you were put on this earth to do?

The older we get, living a purpose-filled life is more important than ever. Life is short, so it's critical that we are using every second of our life intentionally so that we are making the best of every minute, every year.

As we've begun this new decade, I've spent a lot of time meditating, trying to figure out what my purpose is, and how I want to tackle this new year and chapter of my life. In this moment of self-reflection, a few words repeatedly came to mind in different forms and different ways, and I've taken it as a sign to continue to meditate on those words as I'm living through my purpose this year.

Those words "faith and fight" is my theme that I hope will keep me pushing and will define my 2020. For me, I know that in order to live a fruitful life with endless blessings, I need to have enough faith to believe I can do it, and then enough fight in me to get the work done.

Recently, I connected with a few boss women from a variety of industries and they shared their word/theme of the year, and why it is their theme for 2020. Keep reading to get instantly inspired!


Courtesy of Liane Membis

Liane Membis

Founder, BAUCE Magazine and Web Developer

"Many people often pick the word 'growth' but I believe it's important to be intentionally clear about what form of growth you want to see in your life. Every year we 'grow'-- not just in the physical sense but mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as well. I spent the entire last decade growing. Last year, I did things for myself and my business that I didn't imagine I could do. I tested out new products and services, I hosted a women's conference and I did a TEDx Talk. I challenged myself to show the universe that I was ready for my season of multiplication. For me, choosing the word 'multiply' is me speaking boldly and standing confidently in faith to say, 'I am ready to leap, God-willing, into this next phase of success that is destined for me.' I am ready to multiply, or as the dictionary defines it, increase greatly.

"For 2020, my goal is to multiply my income, multiply my love for my partner, and multiply the communities of people that I serve and support. In doing so, I will have to be laser-focused, create boundaries, and be relentless in achieving my goals. But I know that my years of growth have prepared me for this upcoming season of multiplication."


Courtesy of Jamelia Donaldson

Jamelia Donaldson

CEO/Founder of TreasureTress

"Success in any area of life requires a clear understanding of the end goal/milestones, and the behaviors/habits which will need to be adopted in order to reach that goal. In any area of my life where I felt as though I wasn't reaching my full potential, I realized in 2019 it was because I was not entirely clear about my current position, where I wanted to be, and what it would take to get there. Clarity requires difficult conversations to take place, deep thought, deep work, changes in habit, and intentional behaviors - all of which I know are recipes for creating the business and life I desire."


Courtesy of Brittanie Jones

Brittanie Jones

Founder/Owner of Fineapple Vegan

"Within this past year, I've learned a lot about myself. Stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing through my health issues and anxiety has been THE HARDEST thing I've ever had to do, but it was necessary! I want to continue to grow and tear down every wall designed to hinder a young woman that looks like me. I want to change lives and make a difference. I will continue to be ME and completely FEARLESS!"


Courtesy of Moriah Marie

Moriah Marie aka "Mo Classified"

Radio Personality on k104fm

"The theme that will define my 2020 is 'fully commit to your commitments'. I know you probably read that and thought, 'If it's a commitment then obviously I'm committed.' But in all actuality, not quite. Looking back on 2019 and my life in general, I noticed that I'm such a forward-thinking person that a lot of times I don't sit still long enough to fully commit to things I have considered commitments, let alone sit still long enough to bask in the accomplishments received from things I once prayed for. I'm always worried about bringing the next big idea to life, or how to accomplish something new which in return results in me not dedicating my whole being to other ideas, relationships, and moments overall.

"So to fix that -- in 2020, I'm training my mind to fully dedicate myself to the present moment. Life goes by one moment at a time and if I'm giving my best to the present moment, then it will only create a lot of great moments. If I'm fully committed to the present moment, it will be impossible for me to be distracted by this 'perfect' future that I'm trying to create.

"As far as relationships, I plan to fully commit to being selfless and supportive and ensuring people feel the love that they know I have for them. As far as opportunities, I want to fully commit to giving 100% and not ever being okay with giving any less than that. As far as life goes, I plan to fully commit by leading with integrity in everything I do which will ensure I make good decisions, communicate properly, executing at the highest level, and adopting good habits that will only leave room for prosperity. I want to look back on 2020 and know I gave it my all. I want to look back on 2020 and be able to say I wholeheartedly committed to all of my commitments and be highly pleased with the fruits of my labor."


Courtesy of Sylvia Obell

Sylvia Obell

Host of #HellaOpinions at BuzzFeed

"It's hard to look at this year numerically without 20/20 vision coming to mind. It's been my prayer that this year brings clarity to my vision as I watch the seeds planted in the last decade grow. 2020 is the start of a new personal decade for me as well, I turn 30 in February. I'm ready for the experiences and lessons from my twenties to inform better decision-making and serve my best self in my thirties. The more in tune I am with my inner voice and God, the clearer my purpose looks as I move forward in all facets of my life. Shooting shots with the precision of a sniper all decade long. Let the twenties roar on."

Queen, what is your theme or word for the year? Let us know by dropping a comment below or tweeting us and let us know! We're rooting for you!

Featured image courtesy of Jamelia Donaldson




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