Ayesha & Stephen Curry Say That Marriage Is An ‘Investment’
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Ayesha & Stephen Curry Say That Marriage Is An ‘Investment’

Ayesha and Stephen Curry are in it for the long haul. The couple has been married for 11 years and shares three beautiful children. However, they have known each other since they were teenagers. Being together for that long, there’s no surprise that they can offer meaningful marriage advice. In the latest issue of Ayesha’s magazineSweet July, the restaurateur and NBA champion shared how they continue to invest in their relationship with one deposit at a time.

“Between time, passion, love, focus, sacrifice—it’s a lot of little deposits over a long period that continue to bring back a reward,” Ayesha said. “I’m looking at it in terms of an actual venture investment: You’re going to make a huge commitment at the beginning, and you’re going to see that continue to grow over time.”

Steph agreed with his wife. “I think those moments are really important to me,” he said. “They feel like a great investment in our relationship.” Some of those investments include consistent talks to make sure they are on the same page with their goals and date nights, which the Golden State Warriors star believes are “a big way that we invest in our relationship.”

Ayesha noted that they invest in their relationship “every single day.” This beautiful look into their relationship is only one out of the many they have offered over the years.

Check out some other great things they have said about their relationship:

Falling In Love

“We were watching a movie and he turned to my ear and he said, ‘I love you.’ Mind you, my parents were sitting right there. His parents were sitting right there. Our siblings are sitting right there. I was trying to sit and watch the movie, but I was freaking out. It was so special because I knew he meant it.” - Ayesha viaPEOPLE.

How Ayesha Knew Steph was the One

“I think it’s when I realized how humble and selfless he was. And honestly, he’s so funny, I don’t think a lot of people know how funny he is. When I realized I could just let go and laugh and be myself around him, and that even with everything he had going on in his life at the time he was still this humble, kind, generous, gentle person, I knew that’s who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.” - Ayesha viaHello Giggles

It’s All About Support

"I think what we've learned most about each other is that as busy as you are and as much as we have going on career-wise, it doesn't happen without the support of each other. I try to be her biggest fan when it comes to anything that she does and vice versa. That's what makes everything special; being able to share the ups and downs of life with somebody." - Steph viaPOPSUGAR

Keeping it Spicy

“For us, it’s just not forgetting to date each other, make the time, get dressed up, and go out and do all the things. That’s what keeps it spicy.” - Ayesha

Steph gave an example of a photo taken of them at the 2021 Met Gala where he is staring at Ayesha.

“I’m just hanging out and admiring you and seeing how beautiful she looks. If you keep it spicy like that, I mean, I think that’s how we got 10 years and hopefully 10 years more.”- Steph viaAccess Hollywood

Debunking Open Marriage Rumors

“Don’t believe everything you read. Do you know how ridiculous that is? Don’t disrespect my marriage like that. Please and thank you.” - Ayesha via Instagram

Loving the Family

"When I go home, knowing I have a wife and daughter to enjoy life with…, especially with basketball and having that as my career...that used to be my world. That was it...Now obviously I get frustrated when things don't go your way [on the court], but when I go home, there's nothing more gratifying...I don't really know what I used to do with my free time." - Steph viaIn Depth with Graham Bensinger.

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Featured image by John Shearer/WireImage via Getty Images



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