4 Healthy Foods That Increase Sexual Pleasure

4 Healthy Foods That Increase Sexual Pleasure

Ladies, imagine coming home to your significant other and setting the mood instead of feeling like a slave to your spouse's needs of love and affection.

But with the demands of every day life - the kids that need to be cared for, jobs that need to be clocked into that spill into your after-hours life, and dinner that hasn't quite made it to meal prepped status - can leave you feeling the opposite of sexy. So sex slides down to the end of your to-do list, ironically enough.

Often times, when we think of adding spice to the bedroom arena to invoke that sizzle, we think a trip to the sex store is in order, or at the very least, swiping your card at VS. But let's get all the way real. Everybody isn't into toys, costumes, and playful adult gadgets to get them in the mood.

For those of you are that aren't, I've found a non-traditional way to prep for intimacy that has several health benefits.

If you find yourself running out of excuses of why you don't want to please your mate, then your sex drive is in critical need of a boost that can be fueled by integrating four healthy foods into your diet.

1. Watermelon

We all know that watermelon consists of water, (ninety-two percent to be exact) but don't discredit the power of the nutrients left in the eight percent. Watermelon is known to increase libido, a person's overall desire for sexual activity. Its sweet and tasty phytonutrient citrulline turns into an amino acid called arginine that boosts nitride oxide in the blood. As a result, your blood vessels relax in a fashion comparable to the effects of Viagara. You're no good when you're uptight, slice some juicy watermelon when you need to set the tone for an invigorating night with the one you love.

2. Figs

Figs have to be one of the most fascinating love-making foods in a class of its own. This fruit secretes pheromones, a chemical property that externally impacts the behavior of the receive counterpart distributed. It's also considered excellent stimulants of fertility at the height of sexual performance.

3. Oysters

Oysters may not be on the top of the list of your favorite shellfish to eat, but when it comes to getting in the mood, oysters are the heavyweight champ of increasing women's sexual hormones and sexuality. It is well known for its rich source of zinc, in which plays a key role in hormone productivity and sensitivity to female reproductive organs.

However, this hard shell, as well as other similar seafood, can absorb toxins and parasites from its aquatic habitat thereby overshadowing the benefits of the chemical property, zinc.

4. Spinach

Moreover, spinach is here for the win being a low-calorie, high zinc alternative option. Did I mention that it's low-cost too?

Healthy cells result in increased sensitivity, heightened senses, and blood circulation to sex organs so that they perform at its best.

Trans fat, processed fat (esp. baked pastries) decrease blood circulation and weaken our blood cells daily. Put your body in the best condition to please your mate by keeping the right foods in your diet.

Ja'Kya Sheppard is a fitness transformation coach that helps female professionals synchronize their bodies with their brands. As an award-winning women's health specialist, she has lead hundreds of ladies to achieve noticeable weight loss through reoccurring accountability, result driven training programs and guiltless food options. Ja'Kya currently works as the owner of The Fitness Empire LLC in Houston, TX, where she hosts private and group fitness classes. For more information visit her website at www.thebeastcoach.com.

Featured image by Shutterstock



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