
Venus, the planet of love, goes retrograde this summer for the first time since early 2022, and your love life may be going through a dramatic transformation over the next month. Venus is unlike Mercury in that it only goes retrograde every 18 months, whereas Mercury is retrograde a few times a year. The last time Venus was in retrograde motion was December 19, 2021, until January 29, 2022, when it was retrograde in Capricorn.

This year, Venus will go retrograde from July 22, 2023, until September 3, 2023, in the sign of Leo. Venus retrograde in Leo will enhance a clash of egos and higher expectations and will also be setting the stage for relationships to grow stronger, happiness to be fulfilled, and love to dance.

What Does Venus Represent and Venus Retrograde in Leo Mean?

Before understanding what Venus in retrograde entails, it’s best to identify what Venus herself represents. Venus is the planet of love, but she also signifies money, pleasure, sex, relationships, values, and art. With Venus in retrograde, these are the areas of life that will be the most affected. Venus, currently in Leo, will especially be bringing the dramatics over the next month or so.

Venus in Leo is a fun, playful, and passionate lover, and in retrograde motion, it can feel like love is going at a slower pace than wanted or that self-love is difficult to make sense of.

This Venus retrograde is asking you, how willing are you to grow in love, and what does that mean for the relationship you have with yourself? Venus in Leo isn’t concerned with the past, or what happened then, Venus in Leo asks us to be brave now, to show up for love today, and to be generous with how we show our love. Not only to others but to ourselves as well.

Over the next month, you will be redefining where your passions are, where love grows for you, what relationships fulfill you in life, and how to tap into more of your inner happiness.

Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Libra will feel this Venus retrograde more than most.

Venus Retrograde in Leo Horoscopes for Every Zodiac Sign

Keep reading in the slideshow down below to see how this Venus retrograde will be for you. View for your sun sign and/or Venus sign.


Kyra Jay for xoNecole
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This summer is a summer of healing for you, Virgo. With Venus retrograde at the very bottom of your chart, you need some more time away for yourself and your heart right now. Past relationships may be coming up for you more during this time. Remember that if it still doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. This is a time of accepting closure and endings and releasing yourself from the past. For love to grow and move forward, you need to address some things that have been buried down so that you can create the space needed for the love that wants to come in for you. Creatively, this is an excellent time for you, Virgo, to turn your past pain into art.

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Are You Craving A Past Sex Partner Out Of Nowhere? It Could Be Your 'Sex Clock.'

Semi-recently, while talking to a client about why they were semi-dreading the fall season, it reminded me of something that a former sex partner of mine once told me. I’ll start with what my client said first. “Shellie, I don’t know what it is about the fall, but I can go the whole year without thinking about [so-and-so], and then, suddenly, November hits and I’m horny as hell — not just for anyone but him. It’s crazy!"

Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. I say that because…peep what my ex-sex buddy used to tell me when he would find himself doing his own version of “Hey Big Head”, in text form to me, every October for about five years or so. “Everyone has a sex clock. There are some people who stand out to you sexually who you definitely find yourself craving around the same time of year that you started having sex with them. People don’t talk about it but it’s real.”