15 Self-Love Affirmations For Plus-Size Women

15 Self-Love Affirmations For Plus-Size Women

As a plus-size woman, self-love can be a complex concept to embrace. No, I didn’t grow up believing my worth was based on my size; however, society often would base a woman’s value on her appearance – “You’re too big,” “You should have an hourglass figure,” etc. Also, mainstream media perpetuated narrow beauty standards, leading many to struggle with body image and self-esteem.

Therefore, for plus-size women, embracing self-love can be particularly empowering, as it challenges societal beauty standards and promotes body positivity. Finding self-love is a journey that holds immense significance for plus-size women. It involves challenging societal norms, cultivating self-acceptance, and celebrating the beauty and worth inherent in every individual.

One way to learn self-love is by practicing daily affirmations. Affirmations are a powerful tool that can help foster self-acceptance and boost self-esteem. Here are 15 self-love affirmations you can incorporate into your daily routine, cultivate a positive mindset, and embrace your beauty, curves, and all.

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15 Self-Love Affirmations

I am worthy of love and respect, regardless of my size. In a society that often equates worth with physical appearance, it is essential to remind yourself that your size does not define your value. You deserve love, respect, and happiness just as you are.

I embrace my body and celebrate its strength and beauty. Shift your focus from perceived flaws to appreciating the strength and beauty of your body. Recognize all that your body has accomplished and the unique ways it carries you through life.

I am more than my physical appearance; my worth extends far beyond my size. Your worth as an individual goes beyond physical appearances. Emphasize your accomplishments, intelligence, kindness, and qualities that make you remarkable.

I choose to surround myself with people who uplift and support me. Surround yourself with positive influences who celebrate your body and encourage your self-love journey. Seek out friends, family, and communities embracing body diversity and encouraging self-acceptance.

I release the need for society's validation and define my own beauty standards. Challenge societal beauty standards and define beauty on your own terms. Reject that your worth depends on external validation and embrace your unique beauty.

I release the need for society's validation and define my own beauty standards. Challenge societal beauty standards and define beauty on your own terms. Reject that your worth depends on external validation and embrace your unique beauty.

I am grateful for my body, and all it does for me.Practice gratitude for your body and all the incredible things it allows you to do. Focus on your body's functionality, strength, and resilience rather than its appearance.

I am comfortable and confident in my own skin. Develop a sense of comfort and confidence in your own skin. Recognize that your worth is not contingent upon fitting into societal norms but on your ability to embrace and express yourself authentically.

I nourish my body with love and kindness. Adopt a self-care routine that emphasizes nourishing your body physically, mentally, and emotionally. Prioritize activities and practices that make you feel good, whether nourishing foods, exercise, mindfulness, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

I am an advocate for body positivity and inclusivity. Become an advocate for body positivity and inclusivity for yourself and others. Spread awareness, challenge stereotypes, and promote acceptance of all body types.

I am allowed to set boundaries and prioritize my well-being. Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. Recognize your limits and prioritize your well-being. Surround yourself with people who respect and support your boundaries.

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I am proud of my journey and the person I am becoming. Acknowledge and celebrate your journey of self-love and personal growth. Embrace the person you are becoming and take pride in your accomplishments, both big and small.

I forgive myself for opposing thoughts or judgments about my body. Release yourself from the burden of self-judgment. Forgive yourself for any negative thoughts or judgments you may have held about your body in the past. Choose to focus on self-acceptance and compassion instead.

I forgive myself for opposing thoughts or judgments about my body. Release yourself from the burden of self-judgment. Forgive yourself for any negative thoughts or judgments you may have held about your body in the past. Choose to focus on self-acceptance and compassion instead.

I am beautiful, inside and out. Recognize and affirm your own beauty, both inside and out. Remember that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes; your unique qualities make you truly beautiful.

I choose self-love over self-criticism. Make a conscious choice to replace self-criticism with self-love. Whenever negative thoughts arise, redirect your focus to affirmations that promote self-acceptance and self-care.

I am enough, exactly as I am. Embrace the powerful affirmation that you are enough, exactly as you are. Remember daily that your worth is not defined by your size or appearance but by your inherent value as a human being.

Embrace your body, celebrate your worth, and stand as a beacon of empowerment for other plus-size women on their own self-love journeys. You are beautiful, and you are deserving of love and acceptance exactly as you are.

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Feature image by Erika Dominiquini/ Getty Images



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