Your Monthly Horoscopes: November 2018

Your Monthly Horoscopes: November 2018

Scorpio season is in full effect, and with it, is a new moon in Scorpio kicking the month off on November 7.

Although new moons signify and symbolize new beginnings, the Scorpio's influence lends to this newness a state of confusion as well. Nevertheless, as we enter this new month and new season, accept that sometimes the hardest thing about beginning again is to actually start. So as you release, cultivate, and manifest, understand that a big theme of this month is the mantra "let go and let flow." Read on to learn what else November has in store for each sign.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Take a good hard look at your relationships at this time, Capricorn. Both personal and business. Have you been eyeing that promotion? You know you deserve it! Go for it! Want more equality at home? Express it! You may be a little fuzzy about what you want in your relationships...but you know you want something! Just be clear to yourself and others about what you desire. Your ruling planet of Saturn will begin his five-month retrograde cycle on the 8th of November, traversing your relationship house in full view. But what you give you also attract. Others around you will be exerting their needs as well right back at 'cha!

Jupiter will float into 10th house this month adding to your need to exceed. You may be tempted to go towards a career dream that you have been wanting for a while. Now is the time to get that promotion or raise (or both!) or to get outta Dodge and find a better work situation. Be bold, Capricorn!

All images by Laci Jordan for xoNecole



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