This Is Your Sign To Start Audio Journaling

This Is Your Sign To Start Audio Journaling

Diaries, journals, and personal notebooks have always had a way of keeping our deepest and purest insight safely protected. From a young age, many of us learn the value of having a go-to place where we can give our thoughts, dreams, heartbreaks, and goals a home to live and reflect on as time passes. But as the act of “oversharing” had crept its way into a normalized form of expression, the art of privacy and venting with discretion is in need of a makeover.

Thankfully, people are now tapping into a new way to vent without tweeting or sending subliminal messages through memes — enter audio journaling.

What Is Audio Journaling?

Audio journaling is a form of self-expression and self-reflection where individuals record their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and insights using audio recordings. This alternative to traditional written journaling allows individuals to capture the train of thought of their ideas, emotions, and experiences by simply pressing ‘record’ on their phones. And from the looks of it, the internet is catching on.

The trend itself had reached over 2.8 billion views on TikTok, making audio journaling the best — and most efficient — way to get your thoughts out of your mind and into a digital keepsake.

Is Audio Journaling Effective? 

With one benefit of voice journaling serving as therapy on the go, many audio diary keepers are finding that the flow of talking their thoughts out comes with more ease than jotting them down in a notebook. This form of verbal emoting can contribute to one’s personal growth, heightened self-awareness, and overall sense of clarity.

When we speak out loud about our inner thoughts and emotions, it can serve as a form of catharsis, helping us to release pent-up feelings, reduce stress, and provide a sense of comfort and relief.

Audio Journaling vs. Writing

Many people may find that when writing, our thoughts can move faster than our pen can keep up with, which makes these recordings a more efficient way to process your inner monologue or even prevent a downward spiral before it can take form.

Reaching for your recorder before grabbing a pen and paper also allows you to document your creative sparks and ideas before a distraction pulls you away from them. When we verbalize our thoughts, we’re helping ourselves process complex concepts and gain insights that we might not have discovered through traditional journaling. Our words allow us to connect the dots and can even lead to "a-ha" moments for expansion.

Not to mention, audio journaling encourages us to be in the present moment as we articulate our thoughts. This mindfulness can help you cultivate a greater sense of awareness and improve your ability to focus and take a moment to check in with yourself during life’s most stressful and busy moments.

If you’re looking to try audio journaling, here are a few things to consider.

How Do You Make an Audio Journal?

Say It With Your Chest:

The beauty of audio journaling is that there’s no need to filter yourself. Your tone, your emotional state, and your passion all matter when verbalizing your thoughts, so don’t hold back. This is your space to be as open and honest as you’d like to be with yourself. Speak freely, and don’t worry about saying everything perfectly. Just allow you and your thoughts to flow.

Listen, Learn, Reflect:

Remember, these recordings are there to be a source of insight into your personal thoughts and ideas. Be sure to check in to your previous recordings from time to time, as they can provide valuable insights into your thought patterns, emotional growth, and progress over time. Learn from your past and present self.

Press Record:

Sometimes, it can be intimidating to start a new self-care practice because we might feel like we need to have the “perfect” setup in order to get started. But with audio journaling, your thoughts — no matter where or how they happen — is the perfect starting place. All you have to do is hit record.

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Featured image by Adene Sanchez/Getty Images



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