Make Your Personality Type Work FOR You
Workin' Girl

Make Your Personality Type Work FOR You

This is the era of bossing up unapologetically. From being our own body goals, to having dope women in our circle, and accomplishing our work and money goals - we're all about the glow up. However, one thing we all know about the glow up journey is that there are always things and people (and if we're honest, it's our own selves too) that get in the way.

When we're trying to make shit happen at work or in our business, sometimes we find ourselves on the struggle bus. If you're like me, sometimes you find it difficult to build relationships and work with others, and even more so, you fall short of understanding who you are and who you are becoming.

As a boss woman, it's important that you understand who you are, and how your thoughts and behaviors influence how you work. One easy way you can get started with this is with the Myers-Briggs test. The Myers-Briggs personality indicator test (MBTI) is your secret weapon to finding out what makes you unique and how it influences your way of working and productivity.

The MBTI uses four sets of opposite traits to analyze how you tend to interact with people and the world around you. Each of those traits are put together to create 1 of 16 unique combinations of personality types, based on these categories:

  • Introvert (I) v. Extrovert (E)
  • Intuitive (N) v. Sensory (S)
  • Thinking (T) v. Feeling (F)
  • Judging (J) v. Perceiving (P)

To quickly figure out your personality type for free, click here. Once you're done, get into the deets below to see what your type means and how it relates to you as a working woman.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test: The 16 Personality Types

1.ISTJ - The Extra Prepared Queen

(introversion, sensing, thinking, judgment)

  • ISTJs are often in leadership roles at work. They are planners, very organized, detailed-oriented, responsible, and logical.
  • As an ISTJ, you'll thrive by finding opportunities that have structure, are stable, but still allow you to work independently.

2.ISTP - The I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T. Queen

(introversion, sensing, thinking, perceiving)

  • ISTPs love to work and think alone. They crave working at their own pace and are naturally very attentive, practical, and results-oriented. ISTPs prefer to focus on the present and often avoid making long-term commitments.
  • As an ISTP, you should seek out work and opportunities that allow you to work independently, have flexibility, and where full transparency is supported.

3.ISFJ - The Humble, Hardworking Queen

(introversion, sensing, feeling, judging)

  • ISFJs are bosses, but they make their moves in silence. They love being in small groups of people and are known to work really hard to get tasks done. People love them because they often prioritize the needs and emotions of others, and they are really considerate.
  • As an ISFJ, you do well in environments where there is structure, are given personal space to recharge and regain focus, and have the opportunity to help others around you succeed.

4.ISFP - The Creative Queen

(introversion, sensing, feeling, perceiving)

  • ISFPs are known to be very creative, spontaneous, love building relationships with other people, and still love their alone time.
  • As an ISFP, finding work environments that allow flexibility, aligns with your passion, and allows you to help others is ideal for your career.

5.INFJ - The Altruistic Queen

(introversion, intuition, feeling, judging)

  • INFJs tend to be determined, reserved, and altruistic in their behavior. They are idealists and are passionate about doing good work and making the world a better place.
  • INFJs do well in environments that align with their beliefs and values, and that allows them to bring about positive change.

6.INFP - The Adaptable Queen

(introversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving)

  • INFPs typically follow their gut instincts, are creative, and love spontaneity in their lives.
  • As an INFP, finding opportunities that allow you to be flexible, creative, and establish new relationships are ideal.

7.INTJ - The Efficient Queen

(introversion, intuition, thinking, judging)

  • INTJs are confident, analytical, and ambitious. They love to learn and handle things from a very logical perspective.
  • INTJs tend to thrive in environments where they can see the fruits of their labor and where they can implement efficiency in spaces that are lacking it.

8.INTP - The Innovative Queen

(introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving)

  • INTPs tend to be extremely analytical, objective, and logical. They love learning and making new things to improve the workplace.
  • INTPs thrive in roles where they can take as much time as wanted to produce work that's accurate and full of quality. They love solving dynamic, complex problems, and working hard.

9.ESTP - The Quick Thinking Queen

(extroversion, sensing, thinking, perceiving)

  • ESTPs are known to be full of life, energetic, and bold in their behavior. They're able to think quick on their feet and do well in intense situations.
  • ESTP thrive in positions that are high-energy and are a boss at leading teams. They can normally adapt well to any situation and are extremely detailed.

10. ESTJ - The Take Control Queen

(extroversion, sensing, thinking, judging)

  • ESTJs are naturally very loyal, organized, responsible, and don't shy away from taking charge.
  • Because they are natural-born leaders, ESTJs work best when they can lead, develop and motivate others, and can make projects more efficient.

11. ESFP - The Life of the Party Queen

(extroversion, sensing, feeling, perceiving)

  • ESFPs are very friendly, outgoing, and love spontaneity in every area of their life.
  • ESFPs work best in areas where they can entertain and motivate people. Obsessed with aesthetics, they love being in creative roles and always pay close attention to the details.

12. ESFJ - The Woo, Woo, Woo Queen

(extroversion, sensing, feeling, judging)

  • ESFJs are naturally empathetic, genuine, and very supportive leaders. They can easily make new friends because they're always able to find a way to connect with others.
  • ESFJs thrive in roles where they can help other people and build new relationships. They love working at companies that offer words of affirmation and that allow them to help improve the company culture.

13. ENFP - The Charismatic Queen

(extroversion, intuition, feeling, perceiving)

  • ENFPs are easily loved by many because of their adaptable, easy-going attitude. They are naturally creative and do well when the spotlight is on them.
  • ENFP do well in work environments where they can use their charisma and creativity to their advantage. They also do well in multitasking and facing difficult problems.

14. ENFJ - The Empathetic Queen

(extroversion, intuition, feeling, judging)

  • ENFJs are very empathetic and love to work tirelessly to help others improve their lives.
  • ENFJs work well in positions that allow them to relate and help others out. They love being in leadership roles and engage with their team.

15. ENTP - The Great Debater Queen

(extroversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving)

  • ENTPs are very curious and love to express themselves and debate with others. They love sparking interesting conversations with friends and strangers too.
  • ENTPs love being in roles where they can use their knowledge to inform and persuade others and lead. They are very hardworking and are typically really efficient at work.

16. ENTJ - The Visionary Queen

(extroversion, intuition, thinking, judging)

  • ENTJs are naturally charismatic, direct, and love taking charge. They crave doing work that inspires them and evokes innovation.
  • ENTJs are often in leadership roles, and they do well when they're able to motivate and inspire their peers. Naturally goal-getters, they independently seek out roles where they can accomplish their goals and avoid distractions.

Now that you know your personality type, what kind of boss woman are you? Tweet us and let us know!

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