Your Monthly Horoscopes: May 2019

Your Monthly Horoscopes: May 2019

The month of May brings a much welcome shift from the hustle and bustle of Aries season to a more laid back, sensual approach to life.

On May 4th, the New Moon in Taurus is the perfect opportunity to plant the seeds for what you would like to grow in your life—particularly as it's related to your finances and material wealth. This energy can also show up in the form of a new talent, skill, or idea that could make you a lot of money, given your willingness to invest the time. Mercury, planet of communication, shortly follows suit entering Taurus on the 5th making Venusian themes such as art, fashion, and music the topic of discussion.

Creative expression is favored at this time and holds the potential to be a new source of revenue for you.

On May 9th, Jupiter and Pluto's harmonious aspect can bring a lucky breakthrough or a defining moment that brings positive change into a difficult situation. Venus, planet of love and money, returns home on May 15th bringing the gift of enhanced personal magnetism and sex appeal. As one of the benevolent planets, Venus loves to bring good fortune our way through new opportunities, connections, and a boost of self-esteem. Mars settles into Cancer, slowing down the momentum and giving you time to nurture yourself before we enter into one of the busiest seasons of the year. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio invites you into a transformative experience through self-exploration, your intimate connection, or a peak spiritual experience. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st, kicking off the most sociable, adventurous time of the year.

Check out what May has in store for your zodiac sign:


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month starts off with a New Moon opening up doors for you in finance and material possessions. This is a time to think big when it comes to what you want to accomplish in the next year. Start planning for those major purchases in advance by getting your money in order. Work on a plan to pay off debt, save money, and invest to gain long-term wealth. This may also be a time to consider buying property or getting into stocks and trades. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th, bringing your conversation and attention to improving your financial literacy. Checking out a podcast or attending a conference can provide you with just the insight you need to solve any long-standing money issues.

A stroke of good luck may be headed your way on the 9th, granting you a much-needed breakthrough in career and social status. You may find yourself wielding more power than usual due to a sudden promotion or opportunity that could require you to guide, teach, and mentor others. On the 15th, Venus moves into her home sign Taurus, bringing lessons of self-worth into focus. This is usually a time of year in which you examine whether your love needs are being met and how you need to adjust to fill your cup. Keep in mind that self-love is the best love. Explore new ways that you can support yourself more fully. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, forcing you to lay low and enjoy the comforts of home and family. The Full Moon on the 18th marks a powerful time of liberation from any shame and fear that keeps you from living up to your potential. By the time we enter Gemini season at the end of the month, you may be in a position to share your transformative experience through written or spoken word. Giving a voice to your shadow is where the healing begins.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Happy birthday to youuuu! It's your season, baby! The New Moon on the 4th is a powerful new beginning for you so make the most of this. You only get one new moon every year, making this a good time to map out what you'd like to accomplish in your next year around the Sun. Mercury moves into your sign on the 6th, blessing you with the gift of gab. Keep in mind that you'll catch more flies with honey. On the 9th, a peak intimate experience can unlock your coochie chakras giving you a completely new outlook on life. On the 15th, your ruling planet returns to her home sign. Use this extra attention you're receiving to attract all of the right elements that you need to experience the most spectacular year yet.

Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, making you even more lazy -- I mean "laid back" -- than usual. This energy can be a little passive-aggressive and sibling rivalries are likely to come to the surface at this time. You can be direct without being an asshole. Embrace healthy conflict-resolution. The Full Moon on the 18th highlights your relationships, particularly marriage or business partnerships. You may decide to leave a situation that isn't working for you or you may finally experience the breakthrough you need to bring a relationship back into harmony. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini, encouraging you to get out there and connect. You may just be one social networking mixer away from meeting your new investor or business partner.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

May is typically a more lowkey month for you, Gemmie. There's a ton of action going on in Taurus, which brings your focus to your inner-world for the first couple weeks. The New Moon on the 4th enhances your dream world. Pay attention to any messages that you're receiving around this time as they contain key information helping you tap into past-life gifts and talents. Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into Taurus on the 6th, making you more curious about Venusian themes like art, music, and fashion. This is a good time to watch a documentary about your fav musician or pick up a new hobby that you can enjoy in your solitude. On the 9th, good luck comes your way through a key relationship that provides you with a lighter approach to releasing a heavy emotional burden.

On the 15th, Venus moves into Taurus and love matters take on a more private approach with you preferring to spend time at home and in the bedroom. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, encouraging you to see the value in your talents by actually doing something with them. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th illuminates your daily routines, health, and work. You may receive some news around this time that motivates you to make some changes in one of these areas of your life. Work-life imbalances will likely come to a head, encouraging you to make some changes in the way you manage your time. The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury moving into your sign, giving you a much-needed boost of energy that you'll need for your birthday season.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month begins with a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, bringing your focus to your social network and big hopes and dreams. This is a favorable time to collaborate with the right people that can help turn your vision into reality. On the 6th, Mercury moves into materially-driven Taurus, making this the perfect energy for strategizing about how you and your tribe will make your mark on the world. When it comes to these money moves, Jupiter and Pluto favor you around the 9th in regards to a business partnership or work connection that may offer the breakthrough you've been banking on.

Venus moves into Taurus on the 15th, which could surprisingly have you crushing on someone in your circle of friends. If you're open to love, going to a networking event or joining a charitable organization can be a great way to meet someone who shares common interests. Mars moves into your sign on the same day, giving you a much-needed boost of energy and confidence. Your temper may be running short during this transit so find healthy ways to release your anger. The Full Moon in your sister sign, Scorpio, heightens romance and fertility, making the 18th the perfect sultry date night. Healing through creative expression is also favored during this time. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st, inviting you to rest, reflect and close out cycles before your solar return.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Career and social status are highlighted for the first few weeks of May with the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th bringing in an opportunity that could benefit you in the long run. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th and there could be an important conversation with higher-ups around this time. If you've been proving yourself as an asset on the job, you may finally be receiving the recognition that you've been waiting for. A stroke of good luck can spice up your love life around the 9th and you may find yourself under the spell of a workplace romance. Venus, planet of love and money, moves into a favorable position for you on the 15th that will help you attract all types of good fortune and opportunities when it comes to your career advancement. You could even be attracting someone in a position of authority.

Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, heating things up behind the scenes. Your bedroom will be getting a lot of attention over the next month, whether you're enjoying the company of your lover or just catching up on some sleep. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th illuminates themes of home and family. This can be a powerful time of releasing ancestral karma particularly related to the mother and maternal figures. This time can also indicate you relocating from one place to another. The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury, moving into sociable Gemini making you the center of attention amongst all of your friends.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month starts off with an exciting New Moon in your sister sign, Taurus, taking place on the 4th in a part of your chart that has to do with higher learning and travel. You may consider going to school or simply indulging in your own personal research about a topic of interest. Mercury moves into this same part of your sky around the 6th and you are itching to soak up as much knowledge as you can. An interest in foreign cultures and different spiritual practices is common around this time. If you're traveling, you could meet an interesting companion that opens your mind to a different way of life. On the 9th, Jupiter and Pluto support positive breakthrough in areas related to family and your childhood. Around this time, you'll find it easier to embrace personal self-expression and you may feel like you have a voice after years of being silenced throughout your youth.

On the 15th, Venus moves into Taurus and you're more inclined to connect with people that stimulate you intellectually and even spiritually. If you're looking for a new money opportunity, consider what knowledge you have that others don't. Others may be seeking you out for guidance more than usual during this transit. Mars moves into Cancer the same day, bringing your focus to nurturing your social life and your big aspirations that could use a little more team effort. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio encourages you to be mindful of your projections and journal it out instead! The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini bringing your focus to the career moves you plan on making over the next few weeks.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

A lot of the action this month takes place in a part of your sky that has to do with intimacy, healing, and deep transformation. The New Moon in Taurus on the 4th represents the beginning of this metamorphosis that you're undergoing. On the 6th, Mercury moves into Taurus, making you even more open to this period of soul-searching that you're in. An interest in psychology, the occult, and shadow work is likely around this time. You may even consider committing to therapy if you need some support working through a complex issue. On the 9th, an opportunity to express your truth can help you release any long-standing mommy issues. Love and romance gets deep this month with Venus attracting people and experiences to you that either trigger the hell out of you or help you heal some of your lingering emotional wounds.

Mars moves into Cancer on the 15th, making you a force to be reckoned with when it comes to your career aspirations. It's important to show people that you're in control but avoid being overly aggressive. A more gentle approach can be just as impactful for your reputation and advancement. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th can illuminate a money drain, making this a good time to review your bank statement. This energy is also powerful for helping you release stagnant emotions related to an experience that damaged your self-esteem. The month closes off on a lighter note with your sister sign, Gemini, moving into a part of your chart that will bring about travel and learning opportunities.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month begins with a New Moon in your opposite sign on the 4th, bringing your focus to relationships. This energy supports any long-term commitment or business partnership that you're beginning. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th and the conversations over the next month will revolve around your key partnerships. You may be taking things to the next level with your significant other or even signing a contract with a new employer. A lucky financial break may come your way around the 9th so make sure you're staying on top of your emails and communication around this time.

On the 15th, Venus returns home and love takes center stage for you. When the planet of love is in this part of your sky, you'll appear even more attractive than usual. Expect to receive tons of attention from people interested in you romantically and even professionally. The cosmos is extremely supportive of bringing you together with someone special during this transit. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day and the wanderlust kicks in. Traveling home or to a place that brings you comfort can be just what your heart needs right now. On the 18th, the Full Moon in your sign is a powerful catalyst for releasing residual pain and trauma that inhibits you from being more real with yourself and with others. It's time to take off the mask and reveal who you are underneath your perpetual state of being unbothered. The month winds down with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini as you continue unraveling the complexities of how your experiences have shaped you into the person you are today.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

This month brings most of your focus to improving your health with the New Moon on the 4th encouraging you to start a new habit or routine that can benefit your physical well-being. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th, motivating you to learn about new approaches to improving your health. Explore different forms of exercise and approaches to your nutrition that can help you live a better lifestyle. On the 9th, a financial stroke of good luck may come your way. If you've dealt with long-standing issues about your self-esteem or money mindset, this energy can provide a positive breakthrough that sets you on a path of deeper self-love and a greater abundance.

On the 15th, Venus moves into her home sign, Taurus, which is helping you attract opportunities and connections that actually benefit the lifestyle changes you're making throughout the month. Making sound choices about the energy you want to engage with can benefit your overall health and well-being. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, motivating you to work through your mommy issues and intimacy blockages. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio enhances your psychic abilities and dream world. Pay attention to the messages you receive around this time, which may actually be prophetic. The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury moving into your opposite sign, making the next few weeks all about your key relationships and the important connections you'll be making during the most sociable season of the year.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

This month brings most of your focus to romance, creativity, and self-expression. It's time to let your hair down and have some fun. As one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac, you have a tendency to neglect your inner child the most. The New Moon in Taurus on the 4th invites you to play with this forgotten aspect of yourself. What new (or old) hobby can you partake in that brings you joy? On the 6th, Mercury moves into the same part of your sky and your mind is overflowing with creative inspiration. During this transit you may create one of your greatest masterpieces to date. Positive breakthrough takes place around the 9th, providing a sense of relief when it comes to a tough habit or lesson you've been trying to come to terms with.

On the 15th, Venus returns home to Taurus making you super sexy and alluring. If you've been experiencing a love drought, get out there! This is one of the most favorable times of year for you to enjoy the adventure of romance. Mars moves into your opposite sign on the same day, which can make you a little aggressive when it comes to love. Try not to be too pushy with your crush or significant other. You'll catch more flies with honey, Cappie. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates some weird stuff that's been going down in your friendships. This energy can help you address the issue head on to find a compromise or you may decide the connection isn't worth the energy. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st making the next few weeks at work one of the busiest seasons of the year.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Home and family takes front and center stage during this time of the year. You may be planning a move or a trip to your hometown around the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th. This part of your chart is also associated with motherhood so don't be surprised if your baby fever is through the roof this month. If you're in the space for it, there can be talks about starting or expanding your family as Mercury, planet of communication, moves into Taurus on the 6th. Babies may be the last thing on your mind, and in that case, you may be more interested in expanding your knowledge about real estate or even your family ancestry. Around the 9th, you can experience a mental breakthrough that helps you reunite with your divinity and connection to God.

Venus returns home on the 15th and love matters are nurtured behind the scenes in your home. You and a significant other may decide to move in together to establish the beginning stages of your family. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day. Over the coming weeks, you'll be motivated to nurture you health and well-being by creating more balance in your daily routines. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th brings recognition in career and social status. Avoid gossip and romance on the job as things have the potential to be exposed at this time. The month ends on a high note with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini, boosting your romance and creativity over the weeks to come.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month begins with a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, encouraging you to activate your throat chakra. In what new way can you share your thoughts with the world? On the 6th, Mercury moves into Taurus, which is great energy for learning about a new topic of interest or communicating your ideas. Starting up a vlog or podcast is favorable right now. You've got something to say and the world needs to hear it. Positive breakthrough can take place around the 9th when it comes to any power struggles you've experienced in your friendships. Any subconscious programming that has your social life running amuck can be dissolved around this time.

On the 15th, Venus returns home to Taurus and your conversations get a little sweeter during this transit. You are very persuasive given this energy so use it to your advantage. If you're open to meeting someone new, you may actually get lucky with online dating. Even if you're taken or not interested in love, your IG will be getting plenty of attention from potential suitors. Mars moves into your sister sign, Cancer, on the same day heating things up when it comes to dating, fertility, and creativity. This is the perfect time to seal the deal if you and your partner want to start a family. Depending on your priorities, a creative project may be getting all of your focus during this transit. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio enhances your connection between you and your Higher Self, offering you a life-changing encounter that reminds you of just how powerful you truly are. May wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st, making the next month all about home and family matters.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Happy birthday to youuuu! It's your season, baby! The New Moon on the 4th is a powerful new beginning for you so make the most of this. You only get one new moon every year, making this a good time to map out what you'd like to accomplish in your next year around the Sun. Mercury moves into your sign on the 6th, blessing you with the gift of gab. Keep in mind that you'll catch more flies with honey. On the 9th, a peak intimate experience can unlock your coochie chakras giving you a completely new outlook on life. On the 15th, your ruling planet returns to her home sign. Use this extra attention you're receiving to attract all of the right elements that you need to experience the most spectacular year yet.

Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, making you even more lazy -- I mean "laid back" -- than usual. This energy can be a little passive-aggressive and sibling rivalries are likely to come to the surface at this time. You can be direct without being an asshole. Embrace healthy conflict-resolution. The Full Moon on the 18th highlights your relationships, particularly marriage or business partnerships. You may decide to leave a situation that isn't working for you or you may finally experience the breakthrough you need to bring a relationship back into harmony. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini, encouraging you to get out there and connect. You may just be one social networking mixer away from meeting your new investor or business partner.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

May is typically a more lowkey month for you, Gemmie. There's a ton of action going on in Taurus, which brings your focus to your inner-world for the first couple weeks. The New Moon on the 4th enhances your dream world. Pay attention to any messages that you're receiving around this time as they contain key information helping you tap into past-life gifts and talents. Mercury, your ruling planet, moves into Taurus on the 6th, making you more curious about Venusian themes like art, music, and fashion. This is a good time to watch a documentary about your fav musician or pick up a new hobby that you can enjoy in your solitude. On the 9th, good luck comes your way through a key relationship that provides you with a lighter approach to releasing a heavy emotional burden.

On the 15th, Venus moves into Taurus and love matters take on a more private approach with you preferring to spend time at home and in the bedroom. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, encouraging you to see the value in your talents by actually doing something with them. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th illuminates your daily routines, health, and work. You may receive some news around this time that motivates you to make some changes in one of these areas of your life. Work-life imbalances will likely come to a head, encouraging you to make some changes in the way you manage your time. The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury moving into your sign, giving you a much-needed boost of energy that you'll need for your birthday season.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month begins with a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, bringing your focus to your social network and big hopes and dreams. This is a favorable time to collaborate with the right people that can help turn your vision into reality. On the 6th, Mercury moves into materially-driven Taurus, making this the perfect energy for strategizing about how you and your tribe will make your mark on the world. When it comes to these money moves, Jupiter and Pluto favor you around the 9th in regards to a business partnership or work connection that may offer the breakthrough you've been banking on.

Venus moves into Taurus on the 15th, which could surprisingly have you crushing on someone in your circle of friends. If you're open to love, going to a networking event or joining a charitable organization can be a great way to meet someone who shares common interests. Mars moves into your sign on the same day, giving you a much-needed boost of energy and confidence. Your temper may be running short during this transit so find healthy ways to release your anger. The Full Moon in your sister sign, Scorpio, heightens romance and fertility, making the 18th the perfect sultry date night. Healing through creative expression is also favored during this time. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st, inviting you to rest, reflect and close out cycles before your solar return.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Career and social status are highlighted for the first few weeks of May with the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th bringing in an opportunity that could benefit you in the long run. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th and there could be an important conversation with higher-ups around this time. If you've been proving yourself as an asset on the job, you may finally be receiving the recognition that you've been waiting for. A stroke of good luck can spice up your love life around the 9th and you may find yourself under the spell of a workplace romance. Venus, planet of love and money, moves into a favorable position for you on the 15th that will help you attract all types of good fortune and opportunities when it comes to your career advancement. You could even be attracting someone in a position of authority.

Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, heating things up behind the scenes. Your bedroom will be getting a lot of attention over the next month, whether you're enjoying the company of your lover or just catching up on some sleep. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th illuminates themes of home and family. This can be a powerful time of releasing ancestral karma particularly related to the mother and maternal figures. This time can also indicate you relocating from one place to another. The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury, moving into sociable Gemini making you the center of attention amongst all of your friends.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month starts off with an exciting New Moon in your sister sign, Taurus, taking place on the 4th in a part of your chart that has to do with higher learning and travel. You may consider going to school or simply indulging in your own personal research about a topic of interest. Mercury moves into this same part of your sky around the 6th and you are itching to soak up as much knowledge as you can. An interest in foreign cultures and different spiritual practices is common around this time. If you're traveling, you could meet an interesting companion that opens your mind to a different way of life. On the 9th, Jupiter and Pluto support positive breakthrough in areas related to family and your childhood. Around this time, you'll find it easier to embrace personal self-expression and you may feel like you have a voice after years of being silenced throughout your youth.

On the 15th, Venus moves into Taurus and you're more inclined to connect with people that stimulate you intellectually and even spiritually. If you're looking for a new money opportunity, consider what knowledge you have that others don't. Others may be seeking you out for guidance more than usual during this transit. Mars moves into Cancer the same day, bringing your focus to nurturing your social life and your big aspirations that could use a little more team effort. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio encourages you to be mindful of your projections and journal it out instead! The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini bringing your focus to the career moves you plan on making over the next few weeks.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

A lot of the action this month takes place in a part of your sky that has to do with intimacy, healing, and deep transformation. The New Moon in Taurus on the 4th represents the beginning of this metamorphosis that you're undergoing. On the 6th, Mercury moves into Taurus, making you even more open to this period of soul-searching that you're in. An interest in psychology, the occult, and shadow work is likely around this time. You may even consider committing to therapy if you need some support working through a complex issue. On the 9th, an opportunity to express your truth can help you release any long-standing mommy issues. Love and romance gets deep this month with Venus attracting people and experiences to you that either trigger the hell out of you or help you heal some of your lingering emotional wounds.

Mars moves into Cancer on the 15th, making you a force to be reckoned with when it comes to your career aspirations. It's important to show people that you're in control but avoid being overly aggressive. A more gentle approach can be just as impactful for your reputation and advancement. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th can illuminate a money drain, making this a good time to review your bank statement. This energy is also powerful for helping you release stagnant emotions related to an experience that damaged your self-esteem. The month closes off on a lighter note with your sister sign, Gemini, moving into a part of your chart that will bring about travel and learning opportunities.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month begins with a New Moon in your opposite sign on the 4th, bringing your focus to relationships. This energy supports any long-term commitment or business partnership that you're beginning. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th and the conversations over the next month will revolve around your key partnerships. You may be taking things to the next level with your significant other or even signing a contract with a new employer. A lucky financial break may come your way around the 9th so make sure you're staying on top of your emails and communication around this time.

On the 15th, Venus returns home and love takes center stage for you. When the planet of love is in this part of your sky, you'll appear even more attractive than usual. Expect to receive tons of attention from people interested in you romantically and even professionally. The cosmos is extremely supportive of bringing you together with someone special during this transit. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day and the wanderlust kicks in. Traveling home or to a place that brings you comfort can be just what your heart needs right now. On the 18th, the Full Moon in your sign is a powerful catalyst for releasing residual pain and trauma that inhibits you from being more real with yourself and with others. It's time to take off the mask and reveal who you are underneath your perpetual state of being unbothered. The month winds down with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini as you continue unraveling the complexities of how your experiences have shaped you into the person you are today.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

This month brings most of your focus to improving your health with the New Moon on the 4th encouraging you to start a new habit or routine that can benefit your physical well-being. Mercury moves into Taurus on the 6th, motivating you to learn about new approaches to improving your health. Explore different forms of exercise and approaches to your nutrition that can help you live a better lifestyle. On the 9th, a financial stroke of good luck may come your way. If you've dealt with long-standing issues about your self-esteem or money mindset, this energy can provide a positive breakthrough that sets you on a path of deeper self-love and a greater abundance.

On the 15th, Venus moves into her home sign, Taurus, which is helping you attract opportunities and connections that actually benefit the lifestyle changes you're making throughout the month. Making sound choices about the energy you want to engage with can benefit your overall health and well-being. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day, motivating you to work through your mommy issues and intimacy blockages. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio enhances your psychic abilities and dream world. Pay attention to the messages you receive around this time, which may actually be prophetic. The month closes out with the Sun and Mercury moving into your opposite sign, making the next few weeks all about your key relationships and the important connections you'll be making during the most sociable season of the year.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

This month brings most of your focus to romance, creativity, and self-expression. It's time to let your hair down and have some fun. As one of the hardest working signs of the zodiac, you have a tendency to neglect your inner child the most. The New Moon in Taurus on the 4th invites you to play with this forgotten aspect of yourself. What new (or old) hobby can you partake in that brings you joy? On the 6th, Mercury moves into the same part of your sky and your mind is overflowing with creative inspiration. During this transit you may create one of your greatest masterpieces to date. Positive breakthrough takes place around the 9th, providing a sense of relief when it comes to a tough habit or lesson you've been trying to come to terms with.

On the 15th, Venus returns home to Taurus making you super sexy and alluring. If you've been experiencing a love drought, get out there! This is one of the most favorable times of year for you to enjoy the adventure of romance. Mars moves into your opposite sign on the same day, which can make you a little aggressive when it comes to love. Try not to be too pushy with your crush or significant other. You'll catch more flies with honey, Cappie. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates some weird stuff that's been going down in your friendships. This energy can help you address the issue head on to find a compromise or you may decide the connection isn't worth the energy. The month wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st making the next few weeks at work one of the busiest seasons of the year.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Home and family takes front and center stage during this time of the year. You may be planning a move or a trip to your hometown around the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th. This part of your chart is also associated with motherhood so don't be surprised if your baby fever is through the roof this month. If you're in the space for it, there can be talks about starting or expanding your family as Mercury, planet of communication, moves into Taurus on the 6th. Babies may be the last thing on your mind, and in that case, you may be more interested in expanding your knowledge about real estate or even your family ancestry. Around the 9th, you can experience a mental breakthrough that helps you reunite with your divinity and connection to God.

Venus returns home on the 15th and love matters are nurtured behind the scenes in your home. You and a significant other may decide to move in together to establish the beginning stages of your family. Mars moves into Cancer on the same day. Over the coming weeks, you'll be motivated to nurture you health and well-being by creating more balance in your daily routines. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th brings recognition in career and social status. Avoid gossip and romance on the job as things have the potential to be exposed at this time. The month ends on a high note with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini, boosting your romance and creativity over the weeks to come.


Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The month begins with a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th, encouraging you to activate your throat chakra. In what new way can you share your thoughts with the world? On the 6th, Mercury moves into Taurus, which is great energy for learning about a new topic of interest or communicating your ideas. Starting up a vlog or podcast is favorable right now. You've got something to say and the world needs to hear it. Positive breakthrough can take place around the 9th when it comes to any power struggles you've experienced in your friendships. Any subconscious programming that has your social life running amuck can be dissolved around this time.

On the 15th, Venus returns home to Taurus and your conversations get a little sweeter during this transit. You are very persuasive given this energy so use it to your advantage. If you're open to meeting someone new, you may actually get lucky with online dating. Even if you're taken or not interested in love, your IG will be getting plenty of attention from potential suitors. Mars moves into your sister sign, Cancer, on the same day heating things up when it comes to dating, fertility, and creativity. This is the perfect time to seal the deal if you and your partner want to start a family. Depending on your priorities, a creative project may be getting all of your focus during this transit. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio enhances your connection between you and your Higher Self, offering you a life-changing encounter that reminds you of just how powerful you truly are. May wraps up with the Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini on the 21st, making the next month all about home and family matters.

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Originally published on May 1, 2019.



These Newlyweds Found Love Thanks To A Friend Playing Matchmaker

How We Met is a series where xoNecole talks love and relationships with real-life couples. We learn how they met, how like turned into love, and how they make their love work.

Jason and Elise Robinson’s union is a reminder that kind people still get their happily ever after. The pair had their first date in October of 2021 and tied the knot on June 15, 2024. Both of them have dedicated their lives to celebrating and supporting Black culture so it was only fitting they get married in what's considered the Black Hollywood of America during the Juneteenth celebration weekend. From the florists to Elise and Jason's gown and suit designers to the table signage and so much more, everything was Black-owned. It's no wonder their love for Black culture was the jumping-off point for their love story.


If you have acne-prone skin, you know the struggle of unpredictable breakouts. During the summer, when you want to wear less makeup and show off your natural, glowy skin, nothing makes you want to let out a deep sigh more than seeing a pimple pop up uninvited. With breakouts being caused by a combination of factors like excess oil production, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation, you need a skincare product that’s going to keep your blemishes at bay.