12 Ways To Keep Your Fitness Goals When You're Unmotivated AF

12 Ways To Keep Your Fitness Goals When You're Unmotivated AF

When it comes to personal development and goal-setting, there are very few undertakings that are more challenging than maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the years, especially after the initial motivation of New Year's resolutions wears off.

We've all been there: we've started a plan, we've felt excited, and we've dove in with extreme gusto. Then, by week four--who am I kidding week two--we've suddenly lost motivation, and everything seems like it is too much.

Going to the gym is harder than passing it. Eating healthy is stressful and who has time to cook, again? Your diet is too restrictive and that exercise routine that you perfected while in your prime is hard as hell now.

And eventually, and inevitably, you quit.

Because the truth is, staying motivated every day to exercise and eat clean can be tough, and sometimes you just don't feel like it. Which is normal. But, each day that goes by with you stuck in this rut is another day missed and you go further and further from your fitness goal.

So, without further ado, and seeing how you've already wasted enough time, I present to you to the 12 tricks to keep your fitness fever--and mine--elevated at the highest degree.

Put Money (or Something Else) on the Line

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I know, I know, and before you ignore this option completely, hear me out. Money is a great incentivizer. Why? Well, because none of us like to lose it. So, make a bet with your friend about how much weight you plan to lose by the end of three months. Or make a bet about both of you reaching your goals by the end of the year. If you both win, use the money to treat yourselves. If you don't, give them--or yourselves--a chance to get your money back by creating a new, more realistic goal.

And for those who are still not sold on putting your money where your exercise machine is, try putting something else, like babysitting, movie tickets, dinner, or more on the line.

Featured image by Getty Images

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