Your Monthly Horoscopes: July 2018

Your Monthly Horoscopes: July 2018

July! The month we've all been waiting for as we prepare once again to enter the wild wild west of the Eclipse Season.

Once again, we get to take a look at the concepts of fate, destiny, and karma as we all decide whether we want to move up or down on the karmic scale. The beginning of the month kicks off crankily with Mercury in Leo arguing with Mars and Jupiter, making him irritable, quick-tempered, verbose, and loud as hell, as leonine Mercury roars out rallying cries that inspire others around him to act. We all receive an opportunity to speak with pride and passion on the topics and projects that we're deeply invested in as well as using our creative and collective minds to come up with solutions for the difficulties in our personal and shared worlds. It's important to remember that it's not always the loudest voice in the room that has the answers but the voice that is willing to listen and collaborate in order to be effective.

On July 10, Jupiter leaves his retrograde journey to station direct at 13 degrees of Scorpio, bringing our attention all the way back to his retrograde story. (December 12th through March 8th) Jupiter's been working to show us how we've been expanding and relating to the world. Have you been openly passionate about how you meet new experiences? Or have you been running away in fear when opportunities for growth and abundance come your way? During his third and final pass see what's changed about how you open up and have faith or belief in yourself and the world.

July ends with a big bang with a strong, highly martial and potentially violent Lunar eclipse on July 27 at 4 degrees of Aquarius. Remember Mars is retrograde until August 26, so his energy can be both explosive, sudden, and unusual. People will be acting "strangely" so don't be too alarmed. It's a busy, busy month so click through the slideshow below to learn what July has in store for your sign!



You may be a bit of a homebody for the first part of the month, Aries, so chill out for a couple of days. Your focus is more serious with Venus in your house of Daily Routines and Health putting you in a perfectionist mood where you'll be wanting things to go certain ways especially in regards to your relationships with others. If you're currently single, you could very well meet a potential love on-the-job or find yourself interviewing potential suitors like they're trying out for the job of being your boo. It's not that you're uncaring, or unsympathetic to their obvious interest in you, but you want to be logical about how you express your love and affection to new mate(s).


To be perfectly honest, it could be that your work and career is just more satisfying than spending a lot of time on romance that could fizzle out before summer is finished. That's fine, because Jupiter's forward movement will help you realize that you have the power to take control of your life when you do the dirty business of facing fears and being brutally honest about your underlying desires as motivation. Basically, you're in no mood for weak sauce from anyone right now.


The Solar Eclipse on the 12th will be energizing your House of Home and inviting you to make it more comfortable and less cluttered with mental-emotional baggage, so that it's easier for you to rest and function within that that sacred space. The Sun's movement into Leo will give you a burst of energy to go out and play while Mercury does his retrograde dance in the same house. The two of them will encourage you to tap back into your creativity and rediscover your sense of humor if it's gone missing over the past few weeks. Just stay true to yourself, Aries, it's good for your health.

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