Viral Debate: Erica Campbell Asks, Do You Teach Your Sons The Same Lessons As Your Daughters?
Culture & Entertainment

Viral Debate: Erica Campbell Asks, Do You Teach Your Sons The Same Lessons As Your Daughters?

Men and women have been butting heads with each other since the beginning of time. I mean this fight has literally dated all the way back to when Eve ate that got damn apple. Not very often are the two sexes on the same accord, especially when it comes to societal norms--all rooted in reasons that attribute to the other, of course. And what's wild to me, is that both men and women often raise the opposite sex to be exactly what they despise.

For example, women are usually lenient with their sons and often raise them to be "mama's boys", but yet they hate grown men who are used to being coddled and that expect women to pick up behind them all day. And men are often tough on young girls and encourage them to never date, when meanwhile, they're out here slinging D from LA to New York City.

Make it make sense!

With social media becoming a major part of our lives, these norms are becoming challenged in a way that many aren't used to (I'm talking to you, Clifford Harris). And that's why when Erica Campbell, who is half of popular gospel group, Mary Mary, questioned her followers about the basis of how we raise our sons and daughters, it immeeeediately caught my attention.

Erica Campbell took to her morning show, 'Get Up Erica' to ask:

Captioning the photo:

"The poll question on @getuperica #getupmorningswithericacampbell today was: do you teach your sons what you teach your daughters? We should prepare both our sons and daughters for real life!"

Whew, a word.

Needless to say, after she posed the question to her social media, her comment section went up in flames.

Some felt the convo was long overdue:


Immediately, the ladies weighed in:


And so did the fellas:


Sis, hit the nail on the head:


While others admitted to working on it:


Grandma was present in a few responses:


And so were future wives:



Since posting, this debate has taken to other social media sites, proving that this conversation is one that needs to be had. So, we have to ask:

Do you teach your sons the same lessons that you teach your daughters?

Featured image by Erica Campbell/Instagram



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