
December is a powerful month for the world and a month where love, power, and connection are all coming together as one. With the Astrological transits that are happening this month, true gifts are appearing to tap in to, and the possibilities are truly endless right now. Sagittarius Season is always a time when there is more hope and excitement in the air, and December is no different. There are a lot of opportunities this month if you open your heart to receiving them.

The month starts with Neptune in Pisces moving out of retrograde and going direct on December 3rd. What this means is clarity, hope, and dreams coming to fruition. Neptune retrograde made rose-colored glasses seem like the right idea, and with the blinders off now, you are better able to grasp love and turn your vision into reality. On December 6th, Mercury moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn, and this move is all about taking a grounded approach to your thoughts and ideas, and about creating concrete results in your world.

On December 7th, the Cold Moon of the year arrives, and this Full Moon will be occurring in Gemini. With Mars currently retrograde in Gemini, this Full Moon is aligning with passion but is also a reminder that without being in the right headspace, things don’t come together as smoothly. The Moon in Gemini can get a little chaotic, and this Full Moon is an opportunity to let go of what knocks you off your ground and to align with inspiration powerfully and purposefully. Venus enters earth sign Capricorn a few days later, helping us ground the lessons we have learned in love over the past year. Venus in Capricorn’s love language is gift giving and with the holidays prevailing during this time of the year, the mood is right to give love and receive it.

Jupiter makes a powerful move into Aries on December 20th, where it will be until May 16, 2023. Jupiter in Aries is an especially magical time for fire signs and cardinal signs. Jupiter in Aries rewards independence and empowerment and is a time to pave your own path in life. The Sun moves into Capricorn the next day on December 21st, and Capricorn Season is here to replenish, ground, and bring things full circle. Before the month comes to a close and 2022 to an end, there is a New Moon in Capricorn and Chiron goes direct on December 23rd, and Mercury goes retrograde on December 29th until January 18, 2023.

With the year ending with a Mercury retrograde, there is a need to do more reflection than pushing forward, and the closer you are to the heart, the closer you are to your true power in life.

Aries Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

AriesKyra Jay for xoNecole

This is a month of empowerment for you, Aries. As the year comes to a close, you are taking a look at your resources, your wins, and your self-empowerment, and are moving forward with this type of vigor and confidence. December is a time of action for you, and a time of focusing on your personal goals in life and going after them. You hold the power in your hands, remember that.

Some important transits are happening for you for December, and that is Jupiter moving back into your sign on December 20th, where it will finish its lucky transit until May 16, 2023. Jupiter in your sign is a time of blessings, and you are moving into a once-every-decade type of luck right now. A few days later Chiron moves out of retrograde and goes direct in Aries on December 23rd, and you are seeing the positive outcomes of the personal healing you have been through this year.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

TaurusKyra Jay for xoNecole

December is all about trusting your intuition, and focusing on where you are headed right now, Taurus. This year you have been learning a lot about your inner guidance system, what manifestation means for you, and how to tap more into this powerful energy. This month you are envisioning your future with optimism, and seeing glimpses of a new day. December is an inspiring time for you, and a time when the vision is clear.

Venus, your ruling planet, moves into Capricorn on December 9th and into your house of adventure. With this transition, you are looking to have more fun as the year ends and your love life is getting a boost of excitement as well. With a New Moon in this area of your chart also on December 23rd, you are moving out of the year with faith, joy, and opportunity. This month overall is a time for you to get the full picture and decide what intentions you want to set forth in your life now.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

GeminiKyra Jay for xoNecole

December for you is all about love and balance, and balance and love, Gemini. You are ready to close one chapter in your life and tap into a new one. You are seeing some closures in your life this month, and are moving more into love. With the Sun in your 7th house of romance for most of the month, new developments are taking place in your life regarding relationships and you are getting the opportunity to experience a coming together and deeper connections in love.

The Full Moon of December is in your sign on December 7th. This Full Moon is the Cold Moon of the year, and you are letting go of anything that keeps you away from who you are and who you want to be. You are experiencing emotional renewal, growth, and divine clarity during this time. Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde before the year ends on December 29th, and you are leaving the year reflecting on what has been, your belief systems today, and what matters to you most.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

CancerKyra Jay for xoNecole

This is a month of becoming for you, Cancer. You are experiencing an inner awakening in December, and are overcoming some previous challenges. Over the past few months, you have been taking a step back, focusing on your health and your peace of mind, and have been protecting your energy. Before the year ends, you are ready for your big debut, and you are putting yourself out there and letting your divine light shine.

Love is a powerful force in your life this month, as the energy moves into your house of love and commitment. Venus will be highlighting your love zones for most of the month, and you are feeling the unconditional love that you so often give. Jupiter moves into Aries on December 20th and into your 10th house of career, and you are seeing some projects come to fruition and your hard work is being recognized. While Jupiter is in Aries until May 2023, you will be moving through a powerful and fortunate time regarding your reputation, professional life, and career.

Leo Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

LeoKyra Jay for xoNecole

December is a coming together of love and harmony, Leo. This is a month where you get to take a deep breath and relax into the peace and beauty that your life has come to. This month is all about giving and receiving love, taking out moments for gratitude, and enjoying what is. Compassion is filling your world, and there are a lot of pleasant experiences in store for you as the year comes to a close.

Some important transits that are happening for you in December are that Jupiter moves into Aries on December 20th and into your 9th house of travel, spirituality, and adventure; and Chiron moves out of retrograde and goes direct in this same area of your chart on December 23rd. What’s happening now is that your eyes are opening to the possibilities, the gifts, and the love in your life and your future. You are moving into a special time in your life where you are exploring the world around you, meeting new and inspiring people, and seeing firsthand, your power as a divine creator of your life.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

VirgoKyra Jay for xoNecole

December is all about finding your balance, letting go of the baggage, and focusing on your personal truths in life, Virgo. This month is reminding you that sometimes when you can’t find the light, you have to become it and light your own way forward. Not everyone is going to understand you in life or get where you are going, but you must be the one to stand in your gifts, your empowerment, and your authenticity.

Your passion is being highlighted this month as you walk into your purpose and let go of the doubts or restrictions of others. With Neptune going direct in your 7th house of love on December 3rd, you are gaining clarity regarding your relationships in life and things are less cloudy here. Venus enters your 5th house of happiness and romance on December 9th, and the space you have created in your life up until now is ready to be filled with more love, light, and hope. By the end of the year, your heart is having its say and you are feeling empowered by what is coming to fruition for you in life.

Libra Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

LibraKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is all about healing, renewal, and gaining some clarity on your personal belief systems in life and if they have been hindering or empowering you, Libra. In December you are finding your balance between acknowledging and processing what has been, but also turning a new page in your life and not getting too caught up in the past. Your guidance for the month is to take what you know now and to focus on taking one step forward each day.

With Jupiter moving into your opposite sign Aries and into your 7th house of partnership, you are walking into a powerful and blessed time in your love life. While Jupiter is roaming through your love zone until May 2023, you are ready to experience the gifts of connection and commitment and are experiencing a level-up in love. Before the year ends Mercury goes retrograde in your 4th house and you are getting back to the basics, connecting with family, and redefining your safe spaces.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

ScorpioKyra Jay for xoNecole

December is a time of rejuvenation and opportunity, Scorpio. You are lifting yourself up from the past, and are walking into your new day. This month is all about getting creative with where your life is and where it’s headed, and about taking a more active approach to your life. Believe in your power as a creator and put some of your inspirations and skills to use this month, Scorpio. You will be surprised by what you can create and manifest for yourself with the right mindset and confidence.

On December 7th, there is a Full Moon in your 8th house of intimacy and rebirth, and you are going through an emotional transformation during this time. The end of the year is about ego death and about gaining your true power from within. Jupiter moves into your house of health and work before the year ends on December 20th, and you are overcoming the past health challenges you have faced this year and have more time and energy on your hands to live free, healthy, and grounded.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

SagittariusKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is all about aligning with your divine purpose in life, Sagittarius. With Sagittarius Season underway and your eternal flame beaming, you are experiencing true joy and accomplishment this month. December is a time of past, present, and future all coming together as one, and you are living in your divine alchemy. The universe is helping you tap into your personal truths and power this month and you are inspiring those around you.

With the Sun in your 1st house for most of December, this time is all about putting yourself first more, and about living your full potential. The Full Moon on December 7th is activating the power within your relationships and is a time to flow rather than force. The New Moon on December 23rd before the month ends is occurring in your income zone, and this is a good time to set your intentions for your finances for the rest of the year and the year ahead. December is here to remind you that you are worth everything you are currently asking for in life.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

CapricornKyra Jay for xoNecole

As the year comes to a close, you are assessing your wins and your losses of the year. This is a month of finding your inner balance, and about giving yourself more grace and compassion through what you have experienced. Your guidance for the month is to not be afraid to be vulnerable with others or ask for help and advice when needed. There is true power in vulnerability, and life is cracking some things open for you this month, Capricorn.

A lot of the energy is in your sign this month with Mercury moving into Capricorn on December 6th, Venus on December 9th, the Sun on the 21st, a New Moon on December 23rd, and Mercury going retrograde in your sign on December 23rd. The year is ending on a Capricorn tone and who better than you to move through this time? What’s happening as the month ends is positive self-recognition and realizing that the vision you have of yourself is a direct correlation to the vision you think others have of you. Align with your truths, and put your happiness first.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

AquariusKyra Jay for xoNecole

December is a time of summoning your inner power, Aquarius. You are feeling confident in the tools you have and the people that are by your side right now, and are leaving the year with more gained in your life than you began the year. This year has shown you how strong your determination in life is, and it is commendable how you have had your back through every step of the way this year.

As chapters come to a close and you walk into a new day, you have love surrounding you and greater opportunities to speak up and share your voice. Jupiter moving into Aries on December 20th is a powerful move for communication in your life, and you are moving into a time of self-expression, connection, and movement. The New Moon on December 23rd is moving through your 12th house of closure, and you are ending the year ready to say goodbye to the past, heal, and accept. This year has been a big year for gaining new foundations in life.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for December 2022

PiscesKyra Jay for xoNecole

This month is all about opening up to receive, Pisces. December is a time of allowing, taking a receptive approach, and letting go of the need to push rather than flow. This month is allowing you to attract some good fortune and love into your life, and you are a powerful force of attraction in December. You have been finding your balance this year, and as the year comes to an end you are ready to receive your blessings that are coming through from the grace you have upheld.

Jupiter moves out of your sign on December 20th, and although Jupiter always feels a little brighter in your sign, you are still going to be in a space to receive good fortune with Jupiter now moving into your house of finances and self-value for the next five months. Income streams are developing and you are being valued for who you are and what you bring to the table. The New Moon on the 23rd before the month ends is a time of friendship and hope, and a time where your manifestation potential is enhanced.

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Featured image by Kyra Jay for xoNecole




There’s just something about HBCU Homecoming that just hits different. Whether it’s your first time stepping onto the yard since graduation or you’re a regular at every Homecoming tailgate, HBCU pride is undeniable. It’s a vibrant celebration that unites the legacy of excellence and tradition with the energy and resilience of Black culture.


Okay, so when you hear the term “mental health,” what immediately comes to your mind? As a marriage life coach, for me, it’s oftentimes articles that have to do with some sort of mental health-related crisis or, even when it comes to many of my clients, trying to help a relationship when it’s on the brink of total and utter despair. That’s really unfortunate too because, in my opinion, if more focus was placed on signs that we are in a great mental space and more tips were provided on how to either get or remain there, I think a lot of us would find ourselves in far more positive space — a lot more of the time.