How To Rebuild Your Credit Score In 2019

How To Rebuild Your Credit Score In 2019

Our credit scores are one of those things that can be out of sight out of mind, and yet impact our entire lives. Whether we check our scores as much as we check our text messages or happily turn a blind eye, they are still impacted because of our spending habits and the way we view money. If you've been thinking about getting serious about money goals and getting your funds together, your credit score is a key place to start.

Now, I know that looking at it can be intimidating, and that's probably why it gets this out of sight out of mind reputation. But with these small and simple steps, you can help rebuild and improve your score to get it to where you truly want it to be.

7 Steps To Rebuild & Improve Your Credit Score

1.Knowledge Is Power

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For starters, what is your credit score? While it's none of my business, it's certainly all of yours. Those little three (seemingly petty) numbers have the power to determine some of life's most major moments we hope to experience. But if it is worthy of a side eye, then that can definitely be a downer.

The first step in building or improving your credit is actually knowing your score. Sites like Credit Karma do an amazing job of not only giving you your score and entire credit report history as many times as you want it for free (without making your score go down), it also alerts you of any changes that are made. They allow you to learn more about your credit habits and why your score might not be as high as you like. While they offer tips for improvement, the most important factor is that you have to know what your score is to begin with. After that, you can get to work.

Feature image by Getty Images.

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