
You ever get that feeling you're supposed to do something or be somewhere? Some people call it their gut, I called it God.

My husband and I are proud planners and I like to think we're pretty responsible people. But we're relocating and this new journey had both of us trembling at one point. No consistent job lined up, no home of our own, and no idea what's next. Still, we both agree this is exactly where we should be.

It's a little difficult to explain but God spoke to us separately and showed us it was just time to go. We had reached our maximum potential in our current city, and as comfortable as we were, staying too much longer could put a ceiling on fulfilling our purpose dreams. We felt a combination of peace and urgency that we couldn't put aside for much longer.

Now, we're in the thick of it and have been in our new city for less than a week and while there are still things left uncertain, I wouldn't trade this journey for anything in the world.

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The Decision: Ain't Nothin To It But To Do It

Once we resolved within ourselves to embark on this major transition, we knew we had to go for it. Of course, those are the times when all of these inconveniences conveniently pop up. Your car breaks down, an unexpected bill comes in the mail, the list is literally endless. But nothing could get in the way of our decision. We just had to stick to our decision when the inconveniences came.

Like I said, my husband and I are planners, so deciding to move halfway across the country without a plan was shocking to a lot of people. We got the side eye a few times but thankfully we had even more reassurance and support. Either way, we knew this was happening, and there was no turning back as we realized the season in our previous city was simply over.

Once we sat down and made our plan, we broke our lease (which was a journey in itself considering we had just renewed a few months before) and had 60 days to move out and start the biggest faith journey of our lives so far. We started to save like crazy, resigned from our jobs, sold and gave away nearly everything before we packed up the rest, and made the big move.

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Thankfully, we already have a support system in our new city and made plans to move in with his parents. Keep in mind we're newlyweds, so this was a difficult decision to make too.

Be Prepared For The Excitement To Go Away…

Because trust me, ish gets real.

When we first decided to relocate, we were super enthusiastic. We literally could not get out of our previous city fast enough as we thought about the seemingly unlimited possibilities that awaited our arrival. At the same time, it was so easy to get discouraged when the excitement wore off. It seemed unrealistic to ignore the weight of our uncertain future. We went from dreaming big to pinching pennies as our moving date got closer and closer. Yes, we were doing what we felt we were supposed to and were both here for a new journey, but at times, there were agonizing feelings of fear and doubt of what life would be like on the other side. And I couldn't shake it.

…But Don't Let Fear Get The Best Of You

I have to admit, reality truly hit the day we packed up and moved to our new city. But there's something about the power of recognizing fear and being able to pursue your dreams in spite of it. I've always admired the phrase that being brave doesn't mean you're not afraid, it just means you don't let it stop you, so I confronted my fear head-on when I asked my husband one night if he was scared about our move.

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I waited weeks before I asked him because I didn't want to plant any seeds of fear that weren't already there. It took him a few seconds to answer before he said, "I'm shaking in my boots."

We then channeled our inner Beth and Randall of NBC's This Is Us and played Worst Case Scenario where we dished out our biggest fears. It came down to the concern of not being able to find jobs. (Keep in mind our plan was to start trying to have children later this year. And insurance is a mother, no pun intended.) Going from just being afraid to addressing and confronting our fears head-on made a monumental difference for both of us. We couldn't help but laugh and realize even if our worst fears happened, it still wouldn't be that bad.

Enjoy The Ride

Once you get over the fear and worry of your big move or transition, it makes the journey so much more fun. Sure, making a big change in life without knowing the result of it is undeniably terrifying. Whether it's going back to school, leaving your job to start a business, or embarking on or ending a new relationship, change is scary. But it can also be exciting.

Going through this major transition taught me so much about myself that I never even knew was there. I would have never had these experiences had I stayed in my comfort zone and been complacent but not really content. I had to realize I didn't want to miss out on the person I was becoming because I was so focused on and worried about everything that could go wrong. I learned that being able to literally take it one step at a time and watch God do his thing is nothing short of mindblowing.

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I'll be sure to update you all on how things go! I can't wait to share with you the greatness that is bound to happen and cheer you on as you go through transitions of your own.

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