
The Full Moon in Sagittarius taking place on May 26th is not your average full moon! This Full Moon also marks a lunar eclipse - a highly significant occurrence in astrological and spiritual circles. In terms of spiritual significance, according to Explore Deeply, "Eclipses are harbingers of change — they usher in evolution."

In Astrology, the Full Moon is a period of reckoning, manifestation, and culmination. You are likely to find yourself on a fast track to resolution or closure when it comes to the people, relationships, and situations that haven't been serving any real or beneficial purpose in your life.

With this Full Moon taking place in Sagittarius - the sign that symbolizes discovery and freedom - you will likely receive a major revelation or make a significant discovery that will ultimately lead to your freedom. The energies of this moon will be felt most strongly by those with strong Sagittarius placements and those with strong placements in other mutable signs (like Virgo, Gemini, and Pisces).

You can expect that whatever news you receive during this time is meant to cut you loose. It is intended to set you on a path that is better aligned with who you are and your true purpose. Whatever has remained stagnant in your life or that was inevitably going to end will now come to a conclusion.

The life-changing energy of this moon phase is most suitable for any introspective work that involves grounding and cleansing - not necessarily for manifesting blessings.

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According to astrologer Chani Nicholas, "Eclipse energy isn't energy you want to bathe in, soak up, or retain. When the light of the sun or moon is obscured it's not 'good'. It's revealing. Eclipses reveal our personal and collective shadow, all that we hide from, ignore, and brush under the rug."

Here are 10 ways to navigate the shocking and powerful energy of the Full Moon In Sagittarius:


  1. Walk barefoot on the ground.
  2. Carry Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian or any other dark, grounding crystals.
  3. Take a quiet, technology-free walk in nature. Take in the sounds and the beauty around you.
  4. Meditate while sitting on the ground for at least 30 minutes every day.


  1. Sweat out your toxins at a sauna.
  2. Smudge yourself and your space with sage or palo santo.
  3. Work with Selenite crystals.
  4. Rid yourself of people, places and situations that no longer serve you.
  5. Cry.
  6. Pour out your emotions in your journal or to a trusted friend

Bonus:Take a salt bath - not with an eye to manifesting anything, but to take a moment to cleanse your aura and to heal from the powerful and shocking energy that the Full Moon in Sagittarius will inevitably bring.

The primary theme of the Full Moon In Sagittarius is that of sudden revelations leading you to your true path. This is a period of acceptance, of grounding, of cleansing and of letting go of things, people, things and situations that are no longer relevant in your life.

Make the most out of this energy now so that you can enter your next cycle healed, refreshed and empowered.

Featured image by svetikd/Getty Images




If someone had told me I’d be working toward my third fibroid surgery in less than six years, I would have had a hard time believing them. First, because obviously, no one wants to ever hear the word "surgery" (unless it’s cosmetic surgery you’re opting for). But the more significant reason is I’d never heard any of the women in my life talk about fibroids, so the idea of having all of the complex issues because of them, on top of surgeries, was truly a foreign concept.

Are You Craving A Past Sex Partner Out Of Nowhere? It Could Be Your 'Sex Clock.'

Semi-recently, while talking to a client about why they were semi-dreading the fall season, it reminded me of something that a former sex partner of mine once told me. I’ll start with what my client said first. “Shellie, I don’t know what it is about the fall, but I can go the whole year without thinking about [so-and-so], and then, suddenly, November hits and I’m horny as hell — not just for anyone but him. It’s crazy!"

Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. I say that because…peep what my ex-sex buddy used to tell me when he would find himself doing his own version of “Hey Big Head”, in text form to me, every October for about five years or so. “Everyone has a sex clock. There are some people who stand out to you sexually who you definitely find yourself craving around the same time of year that you started having sex with them. People don’t talk about it but it’s real.”