
Tonight marks the second night of the July debates among Democratic candidates with last night's kicking off the second overall debates of familiar candidates like Bernie Sanders and Beto O' Rourke, as well as slightly less familiar candidates like Marianne Williamson. With candidates like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden leading the Democratic conversation, it's easy to forget that there are more people vying for the nomination alongside the 2020 Republican nominee.

To prep you for night 2, we've compiled a second list of Democratic candidates that features all of the candidates that will be debating tonight for your viewing pleasure. Similar to yesterday's list, here you will learn the names of the candidates, what they stand for, if they have a chance at the nomination, and ultimately whether or not they deserve your black vote*. Enjoy.

*Detailed explanations of "do they deserve your black vote" only goes towards candidates polling more than 5 percent from the Black Democratic Primary voter's poll.

July 31 Debate (Night 2)

Bill de Blasio, Mayor Of New York City (58)

What He Said:

"As president, I will take on the wealthy. I will take on the big corporations. I will not rest until this government serves working people."

The Rundown:

  • Could credibly make the case that he has fused liberal policy feats like universal prekindergarten with falling crime and a sturdy economy.
  • Past forays into national politics, like a progressive nonprofit and a halting endorsement of Hillary Clinton, have ended in disaster.
  • Significant Issues: Is likely to run on his signature prekindergarten program and the city's low crime rate.

Can he win the nomination? Nope.

Does He Deserve Your Black Vote?

*De Blasio has 1 percent of black Democratic primary voters, according to the latest Morning Consult weekly tracking poll.

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