5 Empowering Mantras That Will Help Shift Your Mindset

5 Empowering Mantras That Will Help Shift Your Mindset

One lesson that I've learned over the years is that more important than how you talk to others, is the way you talk to yourself.

I am guilty of being one of those people whose compassion makes leaps and bounds for others, so much so that when it is my turn to receive love--to be told good things and to play the “treat yo' self" role--the tank is often on E. As a woman I think we all collectively say that we've been there and done that. Work gets attention friends get attention,children – multitasking is a skill like no other, yet we often leave ourselves with the crumbs while everyone else gets a full meal.

Self-love is not about being selfish, it is about going inward and putting in the work so that you are able to give the love that you have found and cultivated within yourself to others.

Let's say you don't have the energy to exercise a few times a week, do yoga, or write an entry in your journal before you lay your head to sleep – how do you make time for yourself if the classic self care practices are not readily accessible for you? One way to assure that the self gets some sort of love through your day to day is by indulging in the practice of daily mantras, or affirmations.

I have five that have helped me shift my mindset during some of my most trying times.

I ask that while reciting these mantras, you look yourself in the eyes meaningfully in the mirror.


"My thoughts and words create my reality."

A lot of times in life it feels like your world is out of your control. This may be true, however, a determining and detrimental factor are the thoughts you allow to invade your mind and the words you use to talk about yourself and your life. The more negative they are, the more negative your outlook on your external world. Like attracts like, thus positivity attracts positivity. It is important to train your thoughts and words to echo the kind of life you hope to lead. Your life will flourish if you let it flourish.

"I am worthy."

It is easy to internalize bad things that happen to you, bad things that people say to you, and bad things that people do to you and believe them to be true. It is easy to believe that you are deserving of what people outside of you present to you. Do not believe them. Believe you. You are worthy of peace, of love without condition, of happiness over contentment, of passion, of pleasure, of this life, of what you desire. You are worthy of it all. Your worth is limitless; do not ever sell yourself short of that.

"I am here."

Be happy with where you are in the present by acknowledging that you are here, alive, well, and for those reasons, the present state matters as well as yourself. By merely existing you matter, so being mindful of what your presence does for the world and those around you can help keep things in perspective. Focus on the here and don't think too far ahead. We often get into trouble when we allow worry and stress to pollute our minds and spirits. Instead of putting so much power into what could happen, focus on what is. The key to happiness is not allowing the bullshit to bother you--let go and let God. Realize that we you are right now as you breathe this mantra into existence is where you belong.

"I am enough."

So often feelings of insecurity or unworthiness stem from experiences of unworthiness. I didn't get the job because I wasn't good enough. I don't have a man because I'm not good enough. I didn't make the grade because I'm not good enough. Self loathing can become commonplace with the thoughts we allow to enter our psyche. We don't even notice how much power we have over what we say about ourselves to ourselves. “I am enough" is a start to eliminating feelings of self doubt and increasing feelings of self confidence in oneself and capabilities. You are enough, a “no," or a closed door doesn't change just how enough you are. Never forget that.

"Life is beautiful."

It is easy to take life for granted, especially when dark days trump the light ones or the downs outweigh the ups, but it is important to note that throughout its complications and lows, life is a beautiful, magnificent, immaculate existence, and by extension, so are you. Look at life. Look at God and rejoice in the beauty of all that you have instead of all that you do not. See the good and keep your line of thinking there aligned with gratitude.

What are some mantras or affirmations you repeat to yourself daily? Share with me below!

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