Meet Channing Dungey: The Woman Who Canceled 'Roseanne' With The Quickness
Celebrity News

Meet Channing Dungey: The Woman Who Canceled 'Roseanne' With The Quickness

"Don't come for me unless I send for you."

An ancient African proverb that Roseanne Barr had to learn the hard way after making a distasteful comment and subsequently getting her life gathered by the entire internet community.

Racism happens. We get it. But in 2018, women of color understand that the only way to resolve it is to confront it. Yesterday, in a social media rant, Roseanne tweeted that former White House aid Valerie Jarrett was a product of the Muslim brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.


The President of ABC, who just so happens to be a black woman, proceeded to get Roseanne all the way together by releasing this statement in response:

"Roseanne's Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show."

Yes, you read that correctly. Roseanne thought it necessary to make disparaging and racist remarks about a black woman, and was consequently fired by a black woman. 2018 just got real.


To anyone else, this may not seem like a big deal, but black women can see the value in Roseanne's unfortunate debacle. There was no discussion, nothing needed further review, or investigation. Rosie's fate was sealed after one tweet, the poor thing.

I'm not one to relish in anyone else's misery, but doesn't it make you feel good to see a woman of color in a position of power that can incite real change? Not just "we'll take your advice under consideration" change but one creating a true evolution of societal views.


So often are we used as props or inspiration, but they had to know they f*cked up when they let us in the boardroom. Channing Dungey is proof of how important it is to have women of color in decision-making positions.

Dungey's decision was backed by a number of industry leaders including Kerry Washington, Viola Davis, Shonda Rhimes, and Ava DuVernay who tweeted in support of the show's cancelling and now reruns of the show are reportedly being pulled from other networks.

Shonda said that although it's sad that that talented actors lost their jobs, Channing made the only decision there was:

"But honestly she got what she deserved. As I tell my 4 year old, one makes a choice with one's actions. Roseanne made a choice. A racist one. ABC made a choice. A human one."

Amanda Seales even got in the mix and took to Instagram to say what we were all thinking:

I have an open mind, but I would hope we could all agree that there are some things that are not debatable, including white supremacy, systemic racism, and hate speech. But for some reason, we continue to see people of color disproportionately disadvantaged by these same issues.

This incident proves how much power there is in numbers.

Previously, black women have been silenced by their societal disadvantages and lacked a platform that reflected their realities. Women like Channing Dungey and Debra Lee fought to the top to change that, and now, we're not letting anything slide.

Featured image by ABC



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