Her Weekend, Her Way: Meet Ashley Rouse Of Trade St. Jam Co.

Her Weekend, Her Way: Meet Ashley Rouse Of Trade St. Jam Co.

As a part of our Friday Nights, Saturday Mornings feature, we're talking to some of our favorite boss ladies about their weekends, their way. How do they relax, recharge and refuel? As we all know, life shouldn't be all about work. It's what we do beyond business and career that help keep us motivated and able to dominate for the week ahead.

Meet Ashley Rouse - a chef and founder of Trade St. Jam Co., a small batch jam company that offer fruit forward and clean tasting vegan jams that are low in sugar and high in flavor. She was recently featured on VICELAND's new show Hustle and now she's chatting with us about managing her work life with much-needed R&R.

How she spends her Friday nights:

Courtesy of Ashley Rouse

"My perfect Friday night includes spending time with my husband. We'll make craft cocktails while listening to music (anything from Solange to Migos). We'll grab Hennessy donuts from Cuzin's Duzins and we'll stay up late watching The Walking Dead. Most importantly, talking about work is off limits! Being an entrepreneur is a 24/7 job, but it's important to just spend some time soaking up each other and not the business."

How she powers up on Saturday mornings: 

"Rule #1 for Saturday morning: Sleep in as long as possible. I feel so accomplished when I look at the clock and it's 10 am. God, what a great feeling! Hubby and I cuddle in bed for as long as possible. Then, a good workout. Last weekend, we finished a workout and then scurried off to Sisters BK for brunch right before they closed. Bellinis can make a Saturday feel perfect. I'll usually work later in the day, but it's crucial for me to spend at least half of the day on myself!"

Courtesy of Ashley Rouse

Her ideal Girls’ Night:

"I love drinks and juicy conversation. I can sit at a bar for hours with my girls just gushing about life. I spend so much time with my husband that I sometimes don't realize that I'm missing out on precious girl time. Women need to talk to other women--it's a connection that is indescribable."

On why finding balance is important:

Courtesy of Ashley Rouse

"Well, God has blessed me in this life with things that are far more important than my business, and it's my job to nurture and to steward over those things. Business comes and goes, but love and happiness is eternal. That concept helps me stay grounded, and not let business struggles reign over everything."

To learn more about Ashley and the steps she took to leave her corporate job so that she she could work on Trade St. Jam Co full-time., check out our feature with her here. And purchase one (or more) of her delicious jams here.

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This article is sponsored by Hulu.

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