20+ Black-Owned Businesses That Are Rooted In Self-Care & Wellness

20+ Black-Owned Businesses That Are Rooted In Self-Care & Wellness

Sistas, how you feelin'? Brothas, you feel alright? Admittedly, if I had to title this period of my life with a word, I'd use two: "Still processing." When I think of the events that we've endured collectively as a community in these past several weeks, I can only imagine how weary a lot of us must feel - mind, body, and spirit. In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, as well as our brothers and sisters taken from us before him at the hands of police brutality, we are tired. As Black people living in America, it's hard not to be in a constant state of being woke. Tired can sometimes feel like the understatement of a century.

This past weekend, news of protests spread like wildfire on our timelines and feeds as protestors gathered to stand in the frontlines and use their voices to roar so mightily it shook the earth to its core. However, everyone isn't built to show support for the cause by being on the frontlines in the action of furthering Black interests. Thankfully, there are still powerful ways to show up and show out, well beyond protesting. Some of those ways include donating to organizations (The Bail Project, Reclaim the Block, and the Atlanta Solidarity Project are a few), using your platform to spread awareness and resources, and using your dollar to help fuel Black communities by buying black.

We here at xoNecole are firm believers in showing support to Black businesses and Black women and will continue to do so. In honor of self-care and needing to use this time to pour a little more into ourselves, we've compiled a directory of 20+ black-owned businesses to show love to that are rooted in self-care and positive well-being. This is by no means an exhaustive list and we will continue to update it as time goes on. Check out them out below.

Mental Health

Green Goddess Glow


Koils by Nature




Fit Queen

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Featured image by Shutterstock

Originally published on June 3, 2020



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