
Despite all that's going in the world, it's still that time of year again. Bright nail color shades, bright makeup trends, and everyone's favorite —spring cleaning. Now, more than ever, it can prove to be beneficial to keep yourself busy while being productive and busying yourself with decluttering and detoxing your space can offer a reset you didn't know you needed. It can also prove to be deeply therapeutic.

Now, before you start thinking about the drawer full of hair products or the clothes in your closet you've been meaning to give away, we want to give you some tips on how to spruce up and declutter without feeling overwhelmed.

Make A To-Do List


I am a firm believer in writing it down and making it plain. A to-do list is a must-have tool because it keeps you focused on what you need to get done and it's gratifying to see your progress as you check tasks off. If you're planning on doing a full home cleaning, make a detailed list for each room.

Tackle One Room (Project) At A Time

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A few years ago, I read a blog on how to keep a space organized that really stuck with me: Every day, set a timer for twenty minutes and focus on the spot in your home that needs the most attention. I'd like to think the same rule of thumb could apply here. Instead of looking at your house as a whole, dedicate a specific amount of time (no more than an hour) to each space you'd like to whip into shape.

Is the pantry just a hot mess that you can no longer stand to look at? Are you tired of not being able to find things in the junk drawer you store stuff in? Are pots and pans falling out on you when you open your cabinets? Make those areas your focus. If you're a person that is going to get caught up watching the new season of Queer Eye (be sure to watch episode 5) or chatting with your best girlfriend, set a time limit you feel comfortable with, turn off the television, silence your phone, and knock that thing on out.

Donate It or Throw It Away


So you've decided to clean out that junk drawer full of stuff. The first thing you should do is empty it entirely. It's difficult to sift through things if you're trying to decide what you don't need while it's still piled on top of each other in a drawer. Lay everything out and make a keep, donate, or throw out pile. The key here is to be real with yourself. Have you used that hair product that has sat unopened over the last six months? Are you really going to use that thing you picked up in the $3 section at Target? If the answer is no, it's time to let go and give it to someone that would make use of it or throw it out if it's expired.

This practice is one that can also be applied to your kitchen, specifically the pantry or the kitchen cabinets and drawers filled with canned goods you haven't thought about since last spring, not to mention all of those cute kitchen accessories you've picked up on HomeGoods runs. Donating canned food to your local food bank is a way to clear your pantry and help feed your community. If you're unsure of how to connect with your local food bank, Feeding America is an excellent resource.

Oh, and I haven't forgotten about all of those dishes and kitchen accessories you aren't using — you can donate those to a charity of your choice. If you don't have one you love just yet, Habitat For Humanity's ReStore's is a personal favorite.

Organize By Season

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I know it's not quite time to pack up our winter coats just yet since there could be what my mom calls an "Easter snap," which is the cold weather that comes along just when you thought you were going to pull out your favorite sundress from last season. But, when it's finally time to start packing that winter gear away, be sure to pack it up and store it. If you live in a small space and don't have room in an additional closet, under the bed storage containers make great options for storing items you aren't using without taking up useful space.

If You Haven't Worn It In A Year, Bid It Adieu


Speaking of clothes and closets— spring offers an opportunity to get rid off things that no longer fit, you haven't worn in years, or items you don't like anymore. If you're in need of some extra cash for your next trip or are looking to pay down some debt, consigning clothes is a solid option.

If there are charities or causes you enjoy donating to, here's a chance to bless someone on your quest to organize your home. I enjoy giving my gently used clothes to domestic violence organizations so that women who are in need of clothing for job interviews have options. If you don't know where to start, a quick Google search can offer up many charitable causes — but be sure to vet the organization to verify who they serve and who receives what you donate.

Make It Look Good


One of my pet peeves are wire or mismatched hangers. Yoil (my mom) instilled that in me. That may seem like a weird flex, but I enjoy looking at an organized closet when I got dressed each day, especially since I am working with a small space (thanks LA). I love a good velvet hanger, which I usually pick up from TJ Maxx. They're thin, so they save space, typically keep my clothes from slipping off the hanger onto the floor, and look nice. What's not to love?

Get Those Dust Bunnies

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Last but not least, it's time to clean that carpet and wipe down every nook and cranny in your home, again make sure you're taking it step-by-step. The key to getting the dust that made itself at home during the winter is to start at the top of each room and work your way to the bottom. That means wiping down the ceiling, light fixtures, the walls, and baseboards. Next up is all of the furniture and appliances in each room. If you're someone with allergies, be sure to change your air filters. Your sinuses will thank you!

Spring cleaning doesn't mean turning your house upside down. It should be a time to show your home some love while prepping you for a productive rest of the year. So make that to-do list, get that playlist going, and make your space shine.

Featured image by Getty Images.

Related Articles:

Why Now Is The Perfect Time To Declutter - Read More

How Spring Cleaning Became An Act Of Self-Love For Me - Read More

How I Make My Home A Sacred Space For Productivity - Read More

Originally published on March 23, 2019




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