
Lately, I’ve been thinking about dropping 10 pounds. And you know what — I know immediately what I can do to make it happen, damn near immediately: cut out fruit juice. Listen, even though there are benefits to fruit juice consumption (otherwise, there would be no need to write this article), I’d be totally irresponsible if I didn’t also put on record that the sugar in fruit juice can definitely help you to pack on the calories if you’re not careful.

Just think about it — if you purchase a carton of juice that says each serving is 120 calories per eight-ounce glass, and you have three or four of those bad boys over the course of one day, you’ve just downed 360-480 calories alone. So yeah, if anything needs to be consumed in moderation, fruit juice would be it (although, for the record, some of the juices that contain the least amount of sugar include cranberry, papaya, orange, pomegranate, and tart cherry juice, and, by far, 100 percent fruit concentrate is best because it’s commercial brand juice in its purest form).

However, let’s also keep in mind that 1) not all juices are created equal (for instance, using a juicer to make your own is going to be better for you, for sure; 2) fruit juice can help to hydrate, detoxify and energize you, and 3) there are nutrients in fruit juice that can do your body some real good…so long as you don’t overdo it. And today, we’re going to tackle 10 that are good for your vagina, especially so.

Are you ready to learn about which juices (and smoothies) will bless your va-jay-jay in a mighty way?


1. Apple Juice

When it comes to juices that also don’t contain a ton of sugar, it might surprise you that apple makes the list when you stop to think about how sweet it actually is. And whether it’s the high amount of fiber that apples contain, the pectin that’s in it that will help to keep your gut healthy, the fact that apples are easily made up of at least 80 percent water, or the fact that this is a fruit that has properties in it that help to reduce inflammation, apple juice can benefit your vagina on a few different levels. The more healthy bacteria that are in your gut, the greater your chances are of avoiding a yeast infection, and the more hydrated your system is, the more natural lubrication your vagina will have.

2. Avocado Smoothie

Whenever you decide to puree fresh fruits and/or veggies in a blender, what you typically end up with is a smoothie. Smoothies can be good for you because they can be a quick and easy way to pack a lot of nutrients in one serving. That said, another way to boost your vaginal health is to treat yourself to an avocado smoothie (and yes, avocados are a fruit).

One of the best things about avocados is the fact that they are basically a superfood thanks to the impressive amount of nutrients that are in them, including protein, fiber, vitamins B, C, E, K, folate, copper, magnesium, and potassium. Avocados are also another fruit that is good at maintaining gut health, and they’re packed with antioxidants, too.

Vitamin B is helpful if you’re looking for an all-natural way to combat vaginal dryness (so is vitamin E). Copper can help to reduce the appearance of premature gray pubic hairs. Magnesium is awesome because it helps to reduce symptoms that are associated with PMS, menopause, and even PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Antioxidants are what help to keep (vaginal) infections at bay.


3. Cranberry Juice

A ton of water and fiber are in cranberries. Not only that, but they have some vitamin A, vitamin E, and copper in them as well. The reasons why (pure) cranberry juice is top-notch in the vaginal health department is because it contains chemical compounds known as polyphenols that help to fight off UTIs (urinary tract infections), they can keep your blood vessels healthy (which helps to improve and intensify orgasms), and the vitamin C that’s also in it can help your body to produce more collagen which can keep your vagina youthful for a longer period of time (check out “Keep Your Vagina Like A (Literal) Fountain Of Youth”).

4. Mango Juice

If, like me, you enjoy a good mango sans all of the stringiness — a great alternative is mango juice. Every time you enjoy a glass, you can feel good about the fact that you are getting quite a bit of fiber, vitamin C, copper, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin E into your system. Vitamin A is cool because it will help to boost your immunity (which means fewer vaginal infections), and the folate can help to reduce your chances of being diagnosed with HPV (human papillomavirus).

Something else to keep in mind about mangoes is they can help to keep your skin and hair healthy — which is also relevant when it comes to maintaining vaginal health (check out “Vaginas Age Just Like Everything Else. You Can Slow It Down, Though.”).

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5. Pineapple Juice

If the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of pineapples and what they can do for your vagina is they make it taste better, I actually touch on that in the article, “10 Ways To Have An 'Extra Sweet' Vagina.” The reality is nothing can make your vagina taste like a fruit smoothie (because it wasn’t designed to); however, there are certain foods that can cause your secretions to be more…pleasant to the palate than others — and yes, pineapples are one of them.

Some other reasons why your vagina will appreciate you consuming pineapple juice is because an enzyme in it known as bromelain helps to promote tissue healing (including vaginal tissue that may be irritated). Plus, there are nutrients in pineapple that also reduce inflammation, and the off-the-charts amount of vitamin C that is in it will reduce your chances of experiencing recurring BV (bacterial vaginosis) while also helping to keep your pH levels and vaginal odor in check.

6. Lemonade

At the end of the day, lemonade is simply a mixture of lemons, water, and whatever sweetener you choose to use — and that’s why it also makes this list. You already know that the water in lemonade will help to keep your vagina nice and hydrated, so let’s focus on the lemons for a moment.

Without question, lemons are packed with vitamin C, which helps to synthesize sexual hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Something else that’s dope about lemons is they can help your body absorb iron better.

Vaginally, this is relevant because there is a direct link between iron deficiency and bacterial vaginosis.

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7. Banana Smoothie

Let’s tackle another smoothie. Fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants are all found in bananas, and all of these nutrients work together in order to improve your blood sugar levels, keep your digestive system in good shape, and give you energy. Potassium is great for your vagina because it helps to keep your vaginal muscles (i.e., your pelvic floor) from weakening, and the energy boost can definitely help your libido if your mind is in the mood more than your body may be after being completely worn out from the demands of the day.

8. Peach Juice

As far as taste goes, peaches are one of my all-time favorite fruits, so it’s really just a bonus that they are really good for my (and your) health and well-being. Aside from being a pretty good source of vitamins A and C, peaches also help to reduce allergy-related symptoms (which, yes, can sometimes lead to vaginal inflammation), can help to boost your immune system (so that you experience less vaginal infections), and they can keep your blood sugar at reasonable levels so that you end up with fewer yeast infections.


9. Grapefruit Juice

Now, before I get into this one, I do think that I should give you a heads-up that if you are taking a form of birth control that has estrogen in it, ask your doctor if you should drink grapefruit juice. The reason why I say that is science has proven that sometimes grapefruit juice can impact the levels of estrogen in the body (the more you know). Beyond that, though, grapefruit juice can be good for your vagina because it boosts immunity, is great for your skin’s health and well-being, can help to reduce inflammation, and will also deeply hydrate your system.

10. Berry Smoothie

Berry smoothies are delicious, and so it’s simply the icing on the cake that your vagina will benefit from them. Aside from the vitamin C and fiber that is also in them, it’s important to take note of the plant compounds that raspberries, blueberries, and raspberries have because many of them mimic estrogen, which can be helpful if you’re someone who is in the latter stage of perimenopause and you’re looking for an all-natural form of relief. Another dope thing about berries is the antioxidants in them can help to decrease oxidative stress, which ultimately reduces your chances of having a vaginal infection.


I don’t know about you, but I’m always interested in finding out things that will help to keep my vagina in optimal condition. So, if juice is one of your favorite life pleasures, again, so long as you don’t drink an entire carton (or bottle) in one sitting, know that your vagina will enjoy a glass of these 10 options just as much as you will. And isn’t that a delicious thing to know? Absolutely.

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