There’s Still Time To Cross Off Some 2018 Goals

There’s Still Time To Cross Off Some 2018 Goals

I recently read a quote from Sarah Jakes Roberts that says, "We don't need a fresh start, we can finish strong."

It resonated so strongly with me because this season is always an interesting one. A lot of us are getting ready for the hustle and bustle of Christmas but at the same time trying to achieve this weird balance of preparing for all that 2019 will offer and making sure we reflect on 2018 and all that it was… or I guess I should say, still is.

I think that's part of the conflict. 2018 is still here and most of us have already said "thank u, next" and are thinking about all of the amazing things we'll do in 2019 that we didn't get to check off this year. It's like we're over the things we didn't accomplish or things that didn't go the way we expected, so we can't wait for 2019 to get here so we can show out the way we always knew we could. My question is, why wait?

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You Don’t Have To Wait To Pick Yourself Up Again

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for forward thinking and anticipating what's to come. But this year doesn't have to be a complete wash… at least not yet. Most of the time, it's so easy to beat ourselves up if we had an "off year." I mean, time goes by so fast these days that it feels like we go from January to July to December without getting a chance to catch our breath and recover from any unexpected punches this year came with.

I went through a major transition this year, so I can definitely understand that this year wasn't the best year like you thought it would be this time last year. But who says it's too late for that to still happen? I guess the mentality of waiting until the New Year to accomplish something bugs me because it's as if we're putting our lives on pause in hopes that we'll feel different about accomplishing that task in 2019, when in reality, it could just serve as another day. We might not feel any different. And after a couple of weeks, the momentum could have already died down. But as long as we're writing 2018 at the end of the date, there's still time to get in some of those goals you had for this year.

On the flip side, as long as we're waiting for something new (like a new year to arrive before we get started), will we ever really get to the finish line?

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You Don’t Have To Wait Until 2019 To Press Go

It literally just hit me that this time last year, we were doing the same thing for 2018 and that we're now doing for 2019. It's a never-ending cycle. So who says we have to wait until 2019 makes its highly-anticipated arrival to start on those goals? Of course, time is definitely ticking and waits for no one. Most of us have realized that time is going by faster and faster as we get older, so the realist in me knows that at this point in 2018 might not be the year to lose all the weight I wanted or start that business. But it can definitely be the year you start. And how you start is just as important as how you finish.

You can intentionally embrace a healthier lifestyle that has the potential and power (if you let it) to jump start you with even more motivation when the clock strikes 12 AM on January 1. If you had a dream of starting a business, you can at least develop a plan and start getting your contacts together. Whatever it is, I would bet that there's something no matter how small, that you can do toward the goals you had for this year, and the ones you've set for 2019.

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You Can Stop Taking That Ish Now.

This is typically the time of year we see viral memes and messages that say we won't take the same crap we did the year before. You know homegirl with the high bun that's stepping on all things she had to go through the year before as she walks into the door of a new year? It reminds me of this post I saw on Facebook that said 2019 is going to be the year they get everything back that the devil took from them. But again, why wait?

There's no reason the things you want to do next year can't be done now. I'm not trying to be super serious or even a Debbie Downer 'cause I hate that, but I just never realized how our culture can sometimes make us subconsciously feel like we have to wait until a new year before we start on our goals or to take on a new mindset; like standing up for ourselves or being confident. I've had to learn that I don't need the excuse or justification of a new year to live my best life and be my best self.

I get that 2019 is an exciting thought because it feels like a fresh start; just like a new month or a birthday typically does. You might not believe it after this post but I'm actually one of those people who loves a new season, new month, or new birthday because it just feels like I get to press start again and forget about the past. Still, I've embraced this new thought that we don't need a fresh start sis, we can finish this year strong right where we are.

It might be almost over, but it's not completely over, which means it's not too late to go after what we really want this year.

Featured image by Getty Images.



5 Things To Tap Into For 'UnPrisoned' Season 2

This article is sponsored by Hulu.

UnPrisonedhas returned for its highly anticipated second season, delving deeper into the complex dynamics of the Alexander family.

The series premiere comes a year after its debut season garnered rave reviews from fans and critics and earned record-breaking ratings for Hulu's Onyx Collective brand. UnPrisoned's success can be attributed to its raw, relatable themes and comedic appeal.

Here's What To Watch On Tubi

Tubi has been gaining popularity due to its free sign-up and a vast selection of series and films. According to Deadline, the FAST (free ad-streaming television) service has seen a 14.7% growth from May and now has similar numbers to Disney+. So while many people have joked about Tubi having low-budget movies, the numbers don't lie.

In fact, I was one of those people who didn't get the appeal of Tubi, but the more I watched it, the more I enjoyed the content. They have some of our favorite TV series, such as Scandal and Star, as well as big films like the Fast and Furious franchise and cult classic Love & Basketball.