
There's a trend that has declared the bush is back. But for some of us, it never left.

Growing hair down there is really more of a personal preference than a fashion statement. And if we're honest, women have been doing it since the beginning of time. While I have yet to embrace this movement that still has dozens of ladies tossing their razor and ghosting the woman who does her Brazilian (I personally like a clean cut down there), if you're Team Bush, there are a few things you should consider making sure it's good to go… or, I guess grow.

Keep It Soft

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Just like going natural, deciding to grow out your pubic hair is a lot easier said than done. While we like to think it's as simple as not shaving, there's a lot more to think about, sis. For starters, do you really want it to be rockin rough and tough? Just because you have a bush doesn't mean it can't be soft. Thankfully, there are actually products out there like Fur Oil that keep it silky and smooth. You can also take on regular routines like using hair conditioner (that doesn't have any flavor, alcohol, or fragrance), and of course staying hydrated.

Get That Shape Up

Okay, so it's not as critical as getting a shape up as if you were rocking a fade, but if you do want to keep your bush looking nice and neat, it might be a good idea to at least trim it every once in a while. No, it won't ever be stuntin' Rapunzel status, and it's definitely all about your preference. If you decide to shape it, you can go to a pro or save your coins and take care of it right in your bathroom. Feel free to use a trimmer, a pubic hair clipper, or even shears for your hair. Whatever you decide, we can all agree that down there is your sanctuary, so be sure to sanitize and clean everything before and after your grooming session.

Easy On The Products, Boo

Let's not throw off that pH balance. While it might be fun to test out new products and see how your hair down there responds, keep in mind it's not the hair on your head. It's much more fragile and attached to an even more fragile part of your body. I think it's a great idea to determine what works best for you and your body. And sometimes that can only be done through trial and error. But once you find a handful of your go-tos, use them wisely and try not to go all willy nilly. Be smart in your discovery of what works best for you and what you do and don't like, eliminating any products as needed.

Give It Some Room, Y’all 

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Another tip in keeping your pubic hair maintained is being sure to give it breathing room often. And it goes beyond that liberating moment when you take off your pants as soon as you get home from work. (But don't that feel good, though?) I know you got it and you want to flaunt it but wearing looser clothes every once in a while is actually a great way to let your pubic hair get some much needed breathing space. As much as we love sexy underwear, thongs (are we still blaming Sisqo?), and whatnot, the healthiest underwear for your pubic hair are the cotton ones as they don't sport synthetic fabrics.

Prevent That Itch 

Since you have more hair down there, your vagina could be prone to more itching. But of course there's a fix for that too. Using anti-fungal creams like Gold Bond, specialty vaginal creams such as Vagisil, and anti-itch and burn products like Cortizone (I think most of us can attest to spotting at least one of these tubes in our home at all times) regularly can help prevent any excessive and uncomfortable itching and even chafing, which none of us are fans of. If these basics don't do the trick, you don't have to take on the big chop and shave it all off. There are more intense options out there for you like CeraVe's Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch cream.

Exfoliation Is The Key

We've all not only experienced ingrown hairs but have given in to the temptation to pick them. If you say you've never done that, you're lying (just kidding). But on a serious note, while we've always heard that it's vital to exfoliate our face, it's also vital to keep our area down there exfoliated as well. This can help prevent or at least reduce ingrown hairs that might try to fight their way through. Instead of using tweezers to show them who's the boss, try a sugar scrub, toner, or even an exfoliating pad. This will get rid of all that dead skin that's trying to stop your vagina from being great. It also strips out any unhealthy bacteria from your hair follicles, which is clearly a major win.

Related Articles:

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Featured image by Getty Images




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