
The big news in February is Chiron's move into Aries at the end of the month.

Chiron, known as the "wounded healer" in astrology, signals how we integrate ourselves on this Earthly realm. Chiron tells us that, yes, being human is hard, but now let's see why it's hard and how you can integrate it. Chiron moving into Aries is the awakening of how we can see the things we have been in denial about and how we as individuals can project and insert our energies that allows for the adjustment of the changes happening in the world. In other words: life is damn hard sometimes, but we need to see it head on before we can move on!

Aries and Aries Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

There will be an intense focus on the self for Aries and Aries Rising for the first half of the month and a heightened sense of energy and potency is sure to amp up your personality. But as with anything, moderation is key.

As Mars moves towards the 2nd house at the end of the month, you will be feeling more moderation and a slowing down. After the 14th of the month, there will be an emphasis on finances. With Mars transiting the second house, you'll want to be careful with where your finances go. Whatever your financial focus has been on in the last month, it will be heightened during the end of February. Try to exercise great caution with your money during this time.

Saturn conjunct Venus in your 10th house of career may represent some kind of alleviation of your career woes that have been happening over the last year or so. Saturn, the great moderator, may seem harsh in telling you "no, you can't", but Venus working with Saturn during the month will allow for a new opening through a feminine figure, such as a mentor or mother type, who shows you that whenever a door closes, another will open. There is always another path forward. February is a time for you to pay attention to what that means for you! This is an excellent time for your reputation.

Featured image by Laci Jordan for xoNecole



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