How To Deal With Third Trimester Baby Blues

How To Deal With Third Trimester Baby Blues

As I enter my last trimester, and if I'm being transparent and real, gone are the days of glowing skin and holding my cute little belly. This last trimester was no joke. I'm not rushing my daughter, I want her to come when she's ready but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I want her here sooner rather than later. On top of insomnia, chronic back pain, and shortness of breath, I've been really down. I wouldn't call it depressed but just down. My moods change often and I am irritable and sensitive. Don't feel bad if this is you! If you're like me and due any day, you might have a lot of anxiety, feelings of anxiousness, and you're probably just downright tired and over it. Acknowledge this, because you are not alone.

Sometimes you may know why you feel down during your pregnancy, other times you may not. Sometimes little things accumulate. Taking the time to take in my feelings and not pretend I was okay was the best thing I could have done. After taking the time I needed, I knew I had to make the effort to get out of my funk - not only for my baby, but for myself as well.

Here are some things I did to help me get over the my funk:

1.Journal writing

Sometimes when you aren't ready to physically talk to anyone about your feelings, journal writing can be a lifesaver. Not only is it a safe outlet, it also helps you to make sense of your feelings and get everything out. I often like looking back on the things I've written just to see my growth and how far I've come from a particular time.

Featured image by Ella Jardim on Unsplash




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